Act 1 - Chapter 6

Chapter 11: Alexander; Shauran 20th, 344SR; 8:20

The sky was a gentle blue, clouds were scattered loosely in the air. The green grass swayed in the wind. Alexander felt nostalgic as he approached Logos for the first time in a year, leading a party of Hirian's and platoon of angels on horseback. Behind Alexander, Lector continuously tried to make small talk with Freiya, but she didn't seem interested. Avery Sun, the leader of the monks of Welis, sprawled herself out on the back of the muscular horse as she stretched.

"Riva... Why'd we agree to this..." Avery groaned as she lazily slipped off the horse, dangling from her mount with one foot. "Ah..."

"You're the one who said it would be fun..." Rolo shook his head.

"Not only is there a decrease in the logorite supply... Look at the size of these crops... What is that incompetent brat doing?" Alexander murmured.

They approached the small town of Logos, the center directly in sight. Up ahead, an angel with a white vest made his way down the path in the opposite direction. He had a jolly spring in his step, while resting a pickaxe on his shoulder. 'Where is that angel's outfit... His mask? Why is he carrying a pickaxe? What is that brat Arthur doing... The slaves won't respect our authority with idiots like this walking around...'

"Oh no..." Freiya kissed her teeth. "Please give me a moment, I am very sorry!" she shook her head as her smaller brown horse cantered past the group toward the short angel walking down the path.

The angel was a little over five feet tall, quite muscular for his frame and height. But his outfit was one scouts would usually wear. 'A scout? Why is a scout working in Logos?' The angel bounced with each step. He hummed down the path, completely unaware of the group on horseback he was approaching.

"Eos! I told you to stop going to the mines!" Freiya impatiently scolded the white-haired scout.

"Huh?! Oh- Uh... Hey Freiya!" Eos stammered.

"Don't even say it!"

Alexander's horse trotted forward.

"But I get stronger in the mines?" the angel named Eos replied with a puzzled look.

"I don't care! The nobles were upset with me, because of you!" she roared.

"What house do you answer to?" Alexander suddenly asked as he approached, looking down at Eos.

"Uh.. House-" Eos murmured.

"Speak up!" Alexander shouted suddenly.

"Pendragon!" Eos yelled in fear, his body shaking in the presence of the eight-foot man.

Alexander looked down at the angel with disappointment as he heard that. 'This is why you don't give Arthur my-' A large crash echoed through the sky, cutting off Alexander's thought. The clan leaders turned toward the mountain. The horses all trembled, some whinnied in fear. Alexander squinted at the ground. 'An earthquake?'

"What was that?" said Eos.

The trees around the mountain all seemed to shake, and a cloud of smoke rose from the other side. Alexander got off his horse and looked at the mountain. There was a massive cloud of smoke on the side closer to Logos as well. The two thick grey pillars of smoke flowed with the wind, joining together and drifting up to the clouds.

"Eos was your name, correct? You said you wanted to go to the mountain, go investigate that disturbance, and report back to us immediately," Alexander gave the order, but instead, Eos stared at him for a moment. "Do I need to repeat myself?"

"No-no..." Eos replied nervously. "I feel like I've seen you before... Who are you?"

Alexander felt an unspeakable rage. It was like his rage toward Arthur, driven by nothing but anger and contempt for his existence and being.

"Are you dense! That's House Rael's noble! I'm so sorry Sir Alexander... Eos! Get to work and stop slacking off!" Freiya scolded.

Freiya groaned as she smacked her forehead out of frustration. Eos stepped back frantically, then ran off in a hurry toward where the noise had come from. Lector's horse trotted forward.

"Who are you again?" Lector giggled with a smug grin.

"Do you want to die?" Alexander asked Lector calmly.

"Hah, that kid is weird, I think I saw him get into a scuffle with a guard from our house the other day. Too bad, he reminds me of Yami..."

"Where is Yami, I thought I asked you to wake him up..." Alexander asked as he turned to Lector who didn't return eye contact.

"He... He didn't wake up," Lector replied hesitantly.

"Tell me what really happened," Alexander pressed for the truth.

"I'm serious he didn't wake up!"

"Your first and second vacations are going to Vivian and Bruno-"

"Huh- Wait- Okay, I didn't even try," Lector quickly admitted.

"I wanted the both of you to visit a certain house, oh well... Go on your own... You know which, search it, if you find Jack, tell me," Alexander ordered.

"Yeah, yeah," Lector understood.

As they entered the town, guttural roar reached their ears. A black snake-like dragon slithered into the sky. 'Balakin...' Its maw glowed as it spat a red ball of energy straight down. An explosion rippled through the air, and a pillar of smoke rose out of the center of Logos. Rolo and Riva jumped off their horses, landing and entering a full sprint towards the center of the town.

"Of course... The brat is already up to something," Alexander commented as Balakin dived toward the ground.

"Well... Looks like we shouldn't be here for too long," Avery yawned.

Avery put her hands on the back of the horse, pulling her feet up while crouching on its back. As the horse approached the roof she stood and grasped it, effortlessly pulling herself up with one arm. The brown-haired woman flipped onto the roof made of logs. With a hop in her step she leaped across the street and grasped the roof of another building, then climbed on top and looked over.

"Look's like Arthur got here before us," Avery observed the center of the town.

Alexander nodded at Lector, his horse turned and started galloping towards Jack's house. Alexander followed the hybrids into the center of Logos. He took a deep breath, remembering the filthy stench that permeated the air. 'It's been a while...' As Alexander saw the plain of grass in the center of Logos, he immediately noticed Arthur chasing two people who looked like slaves, and a third person wearing a black outfit. 'A member of the resistance? They still exist?' Balakin slithered low to the ground, cutting off the resistance member from escape. He tried to run parallel to Balakin, but saw the angels approaching and grimaced. Alexander stopped his horse in front of him.

"Enough!" Arthur shouted in frustration as he chased after the man with short black hair.

"Shit..." the resistance member uttered as he looked up.

Alexander got off his horse and walked forward, the man put his fists up to retaliate. A grin spread across the Alexander's face. The man ran forward, shouting to motivate himself through the fear. Alexander closed the distance in a second and kneed him in the stomach. The man coughed as Alexander slammed the back of his steel gauntlet into the man's face and he fell on his back.

"Ahagh!" the resistance member wailed in pain.

"Tell me where the others are already... I don't enjoy interrogation," Arthur asked as he caught up.

"Go to hell!" the man on the ground cursed as he gritted his teeth, and blood ran down his nose.

Alexander didn't recognize him, he wasn't a slave from Logos. He had short black hair, a well-defined face, and a scar under his left eye. He looked up at the two nobles with nothing but contempt.

"Yeah, go to hell Arthur," said Alexander.

"You're here earlier than expected," Arthur responded, he pushed his thumb against a bruise on his cheek.

"You allowed yourself to be hit by such weaklings... Don't ever call yourself a noble. Ever again," said Alexander.

Across the field, Riva had her knee on a dark-skinned slave's back and a sheathed blade at his throat. In the other direction, Rolo had his foot down on the other individual who ran. Rolo rested his greatsword on his shoulder as he glanced around at the ruined patches of grass.

"So... Have you gotten Jack out of Logos yet, runt," Alexander asked.

"Huh?" Arthur responded in confusion, "What are you talking about-"

"It's beyond obvious you're up to something, don't even try to lie," Alexander grasped Arthur's collar. "I'll make sure your status as a noble is dragged through the mud as soon as I prove you're full of your own dragon's shit!"

Arthur looked Alexander right in the eyes as he shoved Alexander's hand to the side. The young noble walked past Alexander toward the clan leaders.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Arthur replied.

"Tsk..." Alexander turned as well, infuriated by his lack of care or even acknowledgment

"I located these members of the resistance hiding in Logos during the night. These three may not be alone," Arthur informed them as he grabbed the man's collar and dragged him over.

'Never mind running his name through the mud, I want to kill him myself...' Alexander reached into his pocket and pulled out a stone with a golden circle on it.

"Lector, did you find him?" Alexander spoke into the stone.

"No. He isn't here," Lector's voice came through the stone.

"Arthur was in Logos before us, look around, there's a chance Jack is already gone," Alexander ordered.

Alexander put the stone back in his pocket. He turned and looked to the center of the town where the three non-unified were taken. Riva, Avery, Rolo, and Arthur surrounded them.

"Sir Arthur, who are they... Why were you pursuing them?" Riva asked.

"I investigated the area surrounding Logos as I noticed a suspicious group hiding in the farms late at night. One of the people within the party entered the town last night, I tailed him until he met with these two to exchange information. I don't know exactly how many there are, but those two are slaves who've been communicating with the resistance, and this one looks to be higher up in the resistance's current ranks," Arthur pointed to the man with short black hair.

"Try not to be upset about that punch kid. You deserve it after all," the man on his knees joked despite his situation.

Arthur looked down on the man whose eyes were wide with intent and rage. His mad grin told the members of the hybrid alliance how much he hated each of them. Alexander glanced at the other two, he recognized them. A slave named Ben, and another named Franklin.

Ben's eyes were wide with fear despite his muscular appearance. He grimaced at the resistance member, as if silently telling him not to provoke anyone. 'These two... They look similar...' Ben wore the typical clothing given to slaves. While he looked strong, he couldn't calm shaking breath. The short dark-skinned slave had a messy head of curly hair. He also wore slaves clothing. Franklins eyes were wide open from how afraid he was.

"I remember this one," Alexander knelt and looked the dark-skinned teenager in the eyes. "You were the one who told me where Jack was before, why don't you tell me once more? Go on," Alexander asked with fake kindness.

The child looked at the other two non-unified.

"Don't look at them, they didn't ask the question," Alexander's eyes twitched and the boy started to breathe heavily.

"I... I don't know?" Franklin uttered.

"Is that so?" Alexander stood up and adjusted his gauntlets, the slave gulped. "What's your name boy."

"F...Franklin... Franklin Huvic..." he stuttered.

"Franklin don't say shit to that ty- Agh!" Alexander quickly planted his boot in the resistance members face, knocking him onto his back as he groaned in pain.

"Adam!" Ben shouted in fear.

"Huvic? Huvic... Huvic... Huvic..." Alexander repeated as he turned and walked off slowly.

Riva tilted her head, confused as to what the noble was doing. Alexander paced back and forth before he raised his finger.

"Huvic!" Alexander shouted gleefully. "I remember now, I tried to make your parents fight each other to the death! Ha-hahaha! That day was amusing."

Alexander looked around and saw the non-unified awoken by the commotion. They stood a safe distance away. Although concerned about what was happening, when they realized who had returned to Logos, they stepped back further with worried looks on their faces. It made Alexander even giddier.

"Oh perfect, this is just perfect!" Alexander cheered.

Arthur cringed in disgust, Rolo's eyes looked disappointed as he watched Alexander make a scene. Riva's hand shook as she held her blade. Avery didn't reply, her expression blank.

"They were quite admirable as they didn't oblige... Until I mentioned that I'd drag you... Their precious, yet useless son... Into this town to be killed in their stead!" Alexander explained.

Franklin's horrified face turned to shock. He blinked repeatedly, his throat cracked slightly as he sobbed while looking directly at the noble. He went completely still.

"Mom, and dad... Fought... For?" Franklin stuttered.

"Franklin don't listen to that piece of shit!" Adam uttered weakly, he rolled onto his front, his face against the dirt.

"You... Made- them fight each other?" Franklin uttered in despair.

"Well... Made is probably the wrong word, I tried to make them fight. They must've loved you, your mother demanded your father kill her to save you... Of course, he couldn't do it, so do you know what I did after?"

Franklin couldn't take his eyes off Alexander.

"I sliced your father limb from limb, starting at the feet, right in front of her so she could hear him suffer the whole time! Then... The best part... I killed her anyway, the same way!" Alexander laughed maniacally, no one else laughed.

Franklin grimaced, his fists clenched. Tears streamed out of his eyes.

"This is good, this is very good... I want you all to watch!" Alexander shouted. "It's about time Logos had its warden back in power!" he cheered with open arms to the sky, laughing away as if his life never had another worry.

"Jack..." Franklin uttered.

Alexander whipped his head around to the boy. 'Yes... The only way for these rats to cooperate is for them to understand their place.'

"Jack is-" Franklin sobbed.

Franklin's head rose as he wiped the tears out of his eyes.

"Go on, tell me where Jack is," Alexander knelt.

"Jack kicked your ass! You're just a pathetic piece of shit!" Franklin hissed in rage as his hands clenched.

Alexander looked forward and breathed out. He pursed his lips, gritting his teeth behind them. 'Jack... Did what now?' Alexander laughed slightly, he almost couldn't believe someone had said that to him.

"Sir Alexander," Riva spoke up, she looked upset. "This isn't what we're here for..."

"Is that so, Franklin?" Alexander stood and looked down with a blank stare.

Alexander suddenly grasped his hair and dragged him forward. Franklin cried in pain and fear. He desperately held onto the hand of the noble to stop him from pulling his hair out.

"Hey! Stop-" Ben hesitantly tried to say something.

"Let go of him you bastard!" Adam spat.

Alexander lifted Franklin effortlessly and threw him by the hair. The slave spun like a ragdoll toward the non-unified who watched nearby. They weren't expecting the boy to whipped so far, and at such a speed. Franklin crashed into them, knocking several people down. Alexander looked at his palm and shook some of the hair that he had torn off. Franklin tumbled against the ground to a stop. His face was horrified as he quickly grasped his head.

"Aah!" Franklin wailed.

"Arthur, the one thing you've done right and wrong, is not shaving them. Good job," Alexander said with a smile.

"Enough! You have Logos back, and you're already working to lose it again?" Arthur glared at him.

"You are why the logorite supply fell though..." Alexander pointed at him. "I'm back because you're a failure, Arthur."

The boy grasped his head and tried to stand. Alexander stomped his foot down on his back and Franklin cried out in pain.

"You forgot how important fear was!" he stomped on Franklin's back again.

"Ah!" Franklin cried.

Before he could stomp one more time he noticed the edge of light blue blade at the side of his head. Alexander glanced at Riva.

"Stop!" Riva seethed with grit teeth, rage spilling from her eyes.

"You're just the second in command for the royal guard... Who are you to tell me to stop?" Alexander took his foot off Franklin and faced the woman with the blue robe.

"Why is someone as twisted as you a noble?!" Riva hissed.

"I'm good at what I do," Alexander answered as his greatsword appeared in hand.

A hand fell upon Riva's shoulder. Arthur grasped Alexander's wrist.

"Let's not start any infighting," Avery tried to calm the situation. "Riva, sheathe your blade."

Riva lowered the sword, then she sheathed the long blade. Her blue eyes were locked on Alexander's the whole time. Arthur backed away, letting out a sigh as he shook his head. Alexander was focused on the katana at Riva's waist.

It was a long blade, silver with a blue glint that reflected off the light. The guard of the sword was silver, its handle wrapped tightly in a white fabric. At the back of the handle, a red string was tied to it.

"One of the two sabers of Ginpa, not just a fang. Vala must think highly of you," Alexander observed.

Riva didn't reply, her eyes still conveyed nothing but rage. 'She might be a formidable fighter, it's a shame... I wouldn't mind seeing her strength.' Alexander heard several flaps grow louder. 'Huh?' He looked up to see Vivian soar through the air and land on her feet. She stumbled and fell onto all fours, breathing heavily with a terrified look in her eyes.

"Vivian?" Alexander tilted his head.

"Captain... There's... Bruno is... " Vivian stuttered.

"You and Bruno had orders to watch the outpost-"

"There's- there's a demon! A demon attacked us!" she cut him off.

"Demon?" Avery stuttered.

"A demon? Are you certain!" Alexander asked, his attention now focused on his lieutenant.

"He... He... Bruno was... I had to leave Bruno behind... Or else I wouldn't have escaped, I, I-" Vivian huffed, however, Alexander put his hand on her shoulder.

"Calm down Vivian, take a minute to catch your breath... It's alright..."

Alexander remembered the massive sound earlier, he looked toward the mountain. 'The outpost... That's also where the smoke rose from earlier...'

"You think it has to do with that noise we heard earlier?" Avery mentioned.

"It could be what we're looking for... We should stop wasting time here!" Riva added as she glanced at Alexander, her eyes were still sharp.

"Vivian, can you lead us there," Avery asked.

"I'll help Arthur here and join you," Rolo told them as he knelt next to Franklin. "Get up, you aren't through yet, I want intel on the resistance, inside and outside of the non-unified," Rolo asked calmly.

Alexander heard a muffled voice come from his pocket. He reached for it and pulled out the stone, then put it to his ear.

"Sir... He's here," Lector confirmed.

"Where!" Alexander's tone became serious, immediately dismissing the current matter.

"In front of the house," Lector responded.

"The Eldritch house?"

"Yeah... You're not gonna believe this," Lector added but Alexander had put the stone in his pocket and started toward Jack's house.

"Hey! Alexander! Where are you going?!" Arthur shouted.

"Shut your mouth, runt. I'll rejoin you all in a moment..." said Alexander.

'Jack... Jack...' Alexander repeated the name in his head, 'Why Jack... The dream... The son of the one responsible for the mines closing... And now even Geral Murdok utters your name... That dream was not some coincidence... I know it...'

* * *

Alexander walked through the south east side of Logos. He ignored the violent gusts of wind and massive impacts from the east. He was speechless as he saw the scene in front of him. He turned to the right, looking at the ruined Endoran's house, the same house that was destroyed a year ago.

"There are a lot of things I don't believe here," Alexander whispered to himself with wide eyes as he arrived at the scene.

Lector was unconscious on the ground. A wooden supply wagon with children from the east outpost was in the middle of the road. A gust of wind from the west pushed Alexander's cape back. He watched from a distance as Jack and someone else ran frantically in and out of his house. 'The children from the outpost... Demons... Jack...' Alexander reaffirmed his prior suspicions about the slave in front of him.

Alexander stepped forward, his presence still unknown as his metal boots pressed into the dirt. The rotten smell of slaves stung his nose as he twitched. His cape whished and flapped from another sudden gust of strong wind. The clanks and clicks of his armor gave away his presence as Jack turned his head. The slave's expression immediately turned to shock as he locked eyes with Alexander.

"Unfortunately, that brat Arthur is busy, there's no one to save you this time..." Alexander declared.

Jack shivered in fear, his legs rattled as he held a child in his arms. 'He looks more like his mother...' Alexander hadn't realized it, but this was the first time he'd ever seen Jack clearly. 'You may not look like the pale monster from my dream, but I know it was you...' Jack stepped backward, he looked down at the child in his arms then back up at Alexander. Jack breathed rapidly as his eyes darted back and forth between the wagon, Alexander, and the child.

"Hey, Jack what's- oh shit..." A different person Alexander didn't recognize walked out of Jack's house.

He was a young adult with brown hair past his eyes and a light skin tone. The defining feature of his appearance was the clothing, he wore a similar uniform to the resistance member. 'How did they defeat Lector? I know he doesn't fight, but he isn't defenseless...' Similar to Arthur, Lector had a bruise on his face as he lay on the ground unconscious.

"So I wasn't wrong," Alexander reassured himself once again.

'What is this... It's not the same... It's not like the other slaves...' Alexander lifted his arm and the blade appeared once more. 'I don't feel joy in this... I feel fear... You have to die, right now!' Jack put the child back in the wagon, turned, and ran as fast as he could in the opposite direction.

"I should've killed you then Jack, but I'll certainly kill you now!" Alexander declared as he jumped with his sword raised high.

Jack turned, his expression filled with horror as he ducked and rolled to the right. The edge of Alexander's blade buried itself in the ground as the force of the strike knocked dirt in all directions. Jack's body lifted off the ground and his body spun directly into a house on the left of the street. His back hit the wall and he fell to the ground.

"Jack run!" the other yelled as he charged forward at Alexander.

"Do you really think you stand a chance..." Alexander shook his head, letting his guard down on purpose as the man clenched his fist.

"Take this!" he yelled as he punched Alexander's chest plate.

A force pushed Alexander, it was enough to make him step back. 'What the...' Alexander looked at his chest and saw an imprint of the man's fist, 'What was that... It felt different from a regular punch...'

"You... What was that... What did you do!" Alexander asked in confusion. 'A non-unified shouldn't have a gift?'

The resistance member charged forward once more and braced for another punch. He swung, but Alexander saw it coming and caught his wrist. The resistance member was lifted by the arm, kicking, grunting, and struggling as much as he could to get free. His arm was a twig compared to Alexanders, confusing him even more. 'Where did that power come from?'

"What'd you do? Answer me!" Alexander demanded as he grabbed the young resistance member's throat.

"Ack!" the young man struggled.

Alexander suddenly heard steps in the dirt approach from the right. Jack charged forward and braced his fist as well. 'Don't tell me-' Jack jumped and pressed his fist into Alexander's jaw. 'Ah!' Alexander let go of the man's neck as he stumbled to the left. His cheek felt numb, it rattled slightly from the impact. Jack tried to get the other man to his feet. 'Him too?!'

"Get up! We can't beat him without Ajal!" Jack warned as they ran in the opposite direction.

Alexander touched his cheek. 'What the hell?' Alexander crouched down, then jumped into the sky.

"You're not getting away!" Alexander roared.

They turned to see Alexander descend towards them with his greatsword pointed down. John pushed Jack out of the way. Alexander stabbed his blade into the ground between them, forcing both of them off their feet like before. John flew into a wooden pillar, and Jack tumbled against the dirt.

"What was that! What did you do?! That couldn't have been a gift! Answer me! Where did you acquire that power!" Alexander demanded as he approached Jack, blade in hand.

"You killed my parents!" Jack screamed. "You killed Carol!"

Alexander hesitated as the slave planted his fist into the armor.

"You bastard!" Jack readied for another punch and pressed his fist into Alexander's armor again making another dent. "Why aren't you dead!"

Alexander watched the slave pathetically swing a bloodied fist into his silver breastplate once more. His hand bounced off and they both heard an audible crack. 'He isn't afraid of me?' Alexander watched Jack drop to the ground on his knees as he gripped his hand.

"Ah!" Jack winced in pain as he grasped his bloodied fist. "Dammit!"

"Just disappear once and for all, right now!" Alexander swung the blade down, and Jack covered his head out of fear.

To Alexander's increasing surprise, something heavy smashed into his right shoulder. He stumbled to the left as the greatsword was knocked out of his hand. 'Huh-' Alexander lost balance and fell over, rolling onto his front. He turned and looked down to see the white haired angel from earlier unconscious on the ground.

"You, why are-"

Heavy steps on the dry dirt caught Alexander's attention. A tall man with black hair walked down the path. The sun was directly behind him, casting a shadow over his face and the ground between Alexander and Jack. His red eyes glowed. Alexander stood up, keeping his eyes on him. He felt threatened by his gaze, like he was being challenged. He wore a large coat over a simple shirt and beige pants, similar clothes to the rest of the slaves, but something was different. 'Are his clothes too small... No... I've never seen a slave as tall as myself...'

"Ajal! This guy is Alexander Rael! He's bad news!" John yelled.

"Ajal?" Alexander repeated.

'I've never heard that name before... And he looks too old to have come to Logos while I was gone...'At that moment, Alexander remembered his mission. 'The trail ended in Logos...' He took his eyes off the tall man and then down at Jack.

"I was right, I was always right all along! I am chosen by the Celestial!" Alexander hollered.

Alexander raised his foot to stomp on Jack's head, but didn't expect to see a hand press against his chest plate and push him back lightly. 'Huh...' The black-haired man was suddenly in front of him, his red eyes still locked on Alexander. He made a fist with his right hand. 'When did he get in front of me...'

"So this is Alexander Rael," Ajal said before he swung his fist.

* * *

The warm orange light shone through Alexander's eyelids. A piece of wood chipped off and swayed back and forth, the orange light flickered. He opened his eyes and squinted at the light. The piece of wood dangled. It was still attached by a single loose nail, but then broke off. He felt his nose crackle slightly. He blinked repeatedly, his neck ached, and his head was pounding.

"Ah..." Alexander whimpered in pain.

He tried to reach for his face but his arms were under something. 'What happened?' He struggled to open his eyes, every time he tried his eyelids would quiver from the pain. Alexander gasped as he grit his teeth. With some effort, Alexander pulled his hand from the rubble and reached for his face. 'Light?' Alexander noticed a large hole in front of him, made from the broken planks and the wood of a house, Alexander touched his face and felt a warm liquid slide down the tips of his fingers. 'Blood?' There was dust in his eyes and mouth, his back ached, his face hurt even more. 'That guy... Did he punch me? Did I get knocked out?'

"Rgh!" Alexander writhed in pain.

It felt like something was moving under his face, his nose suddenly cracked back into place on its own. Alexander's strength slowly returned. He put his hand against the ground and felt pricks from shards of glass and jagged wood. 'This is a filthy slave house... He sent me flying? Me?' Alexander huffed in and out as he felt his blood boil.

"I thought you weren't trying to kill people? Not that I'm complaining though!" Alexander heard a distant voice outside.

Alexander pushed himself upright and pulled his legs out from the rubble. He looked out of the hole and saw the man named Ajal.

"Jack, John, take those kids and run... Get as far as you can!" Ajal ordered with a serious tone.

'You dare punch me! Who the hell do you think you are!' Alexander threw a part of the broken floor off his body, then started to run forward.

"Huh? Why? You just wasted Alexander Rael?" John babbled.

"That guy's strong so I didn't hold back... But he isn't down- Go... Now!" Ajal commanded fiercely.

Alexander lunged out of the ruined house. Ajal took a stance and raised arms to defend, quickly catching Alexander's fist. Alexander was caught off guard as he didn't budge, in fact, he seemed to him hold back without much effort. 'Huh-' Ajal shoved him back, then jumped and spun as he raised his leg to kick Alexander in the face.

'Block!' Alexander raised his gauntlet and just barely blocked the kick. His foot smashed through the armor. Alexander grunted as his feet dragged against the dirt, before lifting off it all together. 'What?!' Shards of his armor chipped off as he flipped through the air. Alexander was launched toward the roof of another house, crashing straight through it.

'Where is this force coming from?! It can't be raw strength? Who is this guy?!' Alexander winced as he felt the bones in his forearm rattle. He descended into a field of crops and collided with the plants. The impact launched chunks of dirt and corn in all directions as Alexander rolled to a stop.

The movement under his skin returned. It felt like his bones moved back into place. 'Ah, and this?! What is-' Alexander had no time to think as he looked up and saw Ajal on the roof. A purple light gleamed off his forehead. 'He has a gift?!' Alexander got to his feet, conjured his greatsword, and held it ready. The purple light condensed into a single point on his forehead, before releasing a massive purple beam.

'What-' Alexander put his blade in front of him to block the beam. It crashed into the surface of the greatsword, ricocheting in multiple directions. Several rows of crops were vaporized by the stray beams. He held the green blade up as the focused blast pushed him back, Alexander felt the dirt pile up behind his dragging feet as he was forced backward through the crops. 'He has a gift! There's no way he's a slave!' Alexander felt the beam pushing through his defense. 'Rgh!' He slammed his palm the surface of the blade and held his ground. The heat seared his hand. Sweat dripped down his head. The vicious heat of the beam reminded him of the purple flame he witnessed a year ago. The beam dissipated. Alexander stumbled forward and fell to his knee's, his blade steaming from the dangerous attack.

Alexander panted on the ground, he squinted at Ajal's forehead. 'An.. Eye... A third eye?' A black shadow spilled out of Ajal's hand. 'Huh...' The viscous shadows shaped into a weapon, forming a sickle shaped blade on the end. 'Is that... That's a scythe... Where did that come from... Did he conjure that?' Alexander lowered his blade and shook his hand, it still burned from the heat. He clenched his fists, picking up his greatsword and charging forward.

"You think you can defeat me!" Alexander shouted.

He grabbed his blade with both hands, green flames wildly spewed out of his palms and engulfed his blade. Ajal jumped off the house, landed on the ground, and sprinted at Alexander with his scythe in hand.

"Burn!" Alexander roared, as a huge ball of flame enveloped his sword. "Jealous flame!"

Alexander swung his sword down. Ajal quickly stopped and jumped back out of range. As the ball of green flames hit the ground, it exploded outwards violently. The green flames spread over the crops and grass, setting the farm ablaze. Alexander didn't feel any pain from the flames, he cracked his neck as he looked through the crops burning before him.

However, a wave suddenly spread out from Ajal's third eye, the world was suddenly sapped of all color. 'What the!' Alexander's greatsword and armor disappeared, revealing his black pants and white shirt. The green flames were all extinguished.

"What'd you-" Alexander tried to ask before color was restored to everything.

Ajal's arms were burned from the blast. Alexander looked at his own arms, they were still numb from the kick earlier. 'He extinguished my flames? No, its like he erased my entire gift. But... I did damage him...'

"Damn demon... The scouts reported that they've been stopped each time they tried to reach the continent of Pandora... Where is the demon king?! Why are you helping Jack!" Alexander demanded an answer.

Ajal stared at him, all three of his eyes wide with confusion.

"I don't know what you're rambling about, but I am not a demon... At least not the ones people on this world seem to speak of... I am the divine being of the planet Imperion. You punks trashed my ship... Now I can't go home until I find someone who can fix it... And on top of that, I hear you're the bastard responsible for this shit hole called Logos," Ajal pointed at him.

"Shit hole..." Alexander felt a sudden rush of anger at that last comment. "You heathen... Who are you to insult my work here in Logos?! I'm essential to the economy of the entire alliance. And you call it a shit hole? This is a masterpiece! A perfect factory of profit! You don't even belong here... Why are you helping Jack!"

Ajal reared his head back, surprised as he put his thumb on his chin.

"Damn... Jack's right, you are an asshole... But, speaking of Jack... I've been wondering, ever since I got here... Who is he?" Ajal asked nonchalantly.

"What?" Alexander was confused, the sudden shift from a fight to a conversation was strange. "What do you mean whose Jack?"

"I'm not sure myself, I just thought he was some kid, he found me when I crashed here and kept me hidden," Ajal said as he walked to the left.

Alexander squinted as he walked to the left as well, the two of them stayed an equal distance apart.

"He asked me was whether or not I could kill all of the angels," said Ajal.

"As if you could..." Alexander replied with a cold stare.

"I thought it was odd to ask that of someone he just met. Then I met some of those... Resistance members. They go wild when they see Jack, claiming he defeated the infamous Alexander Rael, sparking a new hope in the resistance."

"He did not defeat me. I'll make you wish you were dead if you say that again."

"Whatever..." Ajal sighed. "You said you were right all along. Right about what?"

"Jack will bring about the end of the Celestial, I've been warned."

"Warned by who?"


Ajal stopped and tilted his head, his back pointed away from Logos as he stood in front of Alexander.

"You know judging from the fact you think this place is a masterpiece, and what you just said, you're a psychotic dumbass," Ajal laughed.

"You know nothing of this world! I don't expect you to understand the measures we take against the demons!" Alexander shouted angrily.

"Condemning a race of people to slavery is a measure?"

"It's all their pathetic lives could amount to, they weren't chosen by the Celestial. They lack the faith to inherit its power."

"Lack the faith? I don't think that's how that works..."

"Their faith must only belong to the Celestial. To us. The ones who keep the continents of Hiria and Kamino safe from the demon king!"

"Yeah, no. I'm not following, you're full of crap and bat shit insane, do you even hear yourself right now?" Ajal asked earnestly.

"They are a wretched race! They should feel honor we even allow them to live!" Alexander charged forward.

Ajal suddenly raised his leg straight up, a black and white flame ignited on his heel. Alexander hesitated as Ajal slammed his foot down against the ground. An explosion of force bellowed outward, Alexander shielded his eyes as dirt and crops flew high into the air. 'What?! How many different abilities does his gift give him!?' Alexander kept an eye on his opponent as thick chunks of dirt crashed down around him. The debris had wisps of the black and white flame on it.

"Damn-" Alexander grunted.

He kept his eye on Ajal, but he suddenly vanished into thin air. 'What?! Where did he go!' Alexander looked around frantically, he couldn't find him. But suddenly, out of nowhere, Ajal appeared in front of him at an unreal speed. He slammed his foot into Alexander's chest, cracking several ribs at the same time. Alexander grunted as he was launched off his feet yet again, crashing through the house behind him.

"Agh!" Alexander flew through the wall, bouncing against the wooden floor and flying through the other side of the house.

Alexander tried to stop himself, his feet barely touching the ground. But before he could, he crashed straight through another house. His back was the first to touch the ground, sliding to a stop over a patch of green grass.

"Agh!" Alexander grunted.

'What kind of power?! How much is he still holding back?!' Alexander grasped his side as it felt like his bones cracked back into place. The pain suddenly left, he gasped for air.

"Alexander? Where were you-"

"Rah!" An aggressive voice yelled over Arthur.

Arthur blocked the punch of a large red-haired man, the man wore clothing like the resistance member from earlier. Alexander turned to see patches of grass torn up and ruined. 'What happened?' Logos appeared to be in utter chaos now. Arthur kicked the red-haired man in the chest before he spun his staff around and slammed it into his jaw. The resistance member fell to the floor, grasping his face as he grunted.

"Alexander... Where were you!" Arthur shouted.

Alexander stared at Arthur with a confused look on his face. He pushed his fist against the ground, and slowly stood up. He could barely muster the anger toward Arthur, he turned and raised his greatsword to fight.

"We were attacked by more resistance members and you suddenly disappeared! What the hell were you-" Arthur stopped talking as he noticed the state Alexander was in.

Rapid steps on wood approached from the hole in the house, Ajal charged out of the smoke holding two scythes. With the flick of his wrist, he threw one scythe with an underhand grip. The scythe spun along the ground like a wheel. Alexander raised his greatsword and blocked it, the scythe ricocheted straight upwards into the air. However, another scythe was already spinning toward Alexander.

Alexander jumped back, the scythe landed where he stood. Ajal charged forward while he couldn't dodge, jumping directly into him and pressing his knee into the nobles stomach. Ajal raised his other foot, and kicked off him. 'Rgh!' Alexander stumbled backward as he felt the wind knocked out of him.

Ajal flipped backward, grasping his scythe in the ground and catching the one falling from the sky with graceful skill. As he landed, black and white flames engulfed Ajal's right hand, spreading through the scythe in his right hand, and shrouding the blade. He raised the scythe imbued with flame overhead, and threw it directly at Alexander. 'He's relentless!'

Alexander deflected the scythe with his greatsword, knocking it into the air. But hesitated as Ajal was suddenly in front of him on all fours. 'How did-' Ajal pushed off the ground and pressed his heel into the bottom of Alexander's chin, launching him into the air. 'Agh!' Ajal pressed off the ground, spun and landed another kick on Alexander, sending him even higher.

"Damn it-" Alexander grunted in pain.

Ajal crouched, then jumped up to Alexander, kicking off of him while still holding the other scythe in his left hand. Ajal reached the peak of his jump and flipped in mid-air, angling himself toward the noble as he reared his weapon back with both hands. Alexander's eyes widened as Ajal kicked off the air itself, flying straight toward him. 'Shit!'

Alexander shielded his face, Ajal passed right by him like a blur, but he felt no pain. The weight of Alexander's sword became lighter, almost like it had disappeared entirely. Alexander's back hit the ground as Ajal landed in a crouched stance. He stood up and whipped his scythe, splattering blood onto the grass. 'Huh... He cut me?' Alexander was puzzled as his sword pierced the grass in front of him. His severed limb still grasping the handle. The other hand fell a second later, hitting the ground with a thud. Alexander started to breathe heavily, a look of terror on his face. He tried to consciously move his fingers, but he felt nothing. A river of blood spewed out of his arms.

"My- my hands!" Alexander panicked as he raised his severed arms.

"You deserve a lot worse than that..." Ajal spoke down to the noble.

Ajal looked down on Alexander with a cold stare, only to walk right past him like he was nothing. Ajal struck him in the head with the back of his scythe. The strike caused his vision to blur, his conscious quickly fading. The last thing he could feel as Ajal walked away, was the shifting in his severed arms, humiliation, and rage. 'Damn... You...'