Journey's Beginning

"This sucks."

I opened the door with a sigh after being told that I had depleted all of my Suiryū and couldn't utilize my power anymore until it all eventually returns. I presume it would take around months to finally gain back all of the lost Suiryū which I managed to use up during the fight with that sketchy guy, I shouldn't have gone Beserk after all.


Why is it so bright outside, wait what's that

"Hey! Can I have that flower on your head, please?" a little girl with a pony tail and eyes shining as bright as stars glaring onto me says with a soothing smile

I was too focused to look at the little girl as my eyes went to a peculiar guy sitting down on the roadside afront of my doorsteps, the aura being excreted by the man felt unusual : "What the hell is that."

The man looks behind at me within seconds and starts staring daggers at me, I suddenly feel as if worthless in this world as the man with the black hood, wearing a weird ring on his left ear which glistened like the lone star in dark clouds and cursing eyes filled with rage and contempt towards everyone keep staring onto me, when I knew it the man got up and walked up to me with a fierce look in his eyes

"Stop, he didn't do anything to me! I asked him for the flower on his head first!" The girl with the ponytail yelled out and the man stopped unexpectedly as I started thinking of the consequences of what would've happened to me if the girl didn't interfere. The man quickly disappeared in thin air as I felt a swift gaze of air go by me, the man returned in the same spot within 2 seconds, giving the girl the flower she wanted and started walking away

a bright ray of light appeared from the left side coming directly towards us as the man began walking away slowly "Die." Tsuki immediately said as she comes out in a blitz towards the man

The man instantly pulls out a sword kept stored on his waist in seconds, aligning it towards Tsuki's incoming attack as she blitzes right besides him and instantly teleports behind him right when the man alings his sword to her direction

I went rushing into their fight as Tsuki was about to kick the man's head "Hey, Stop!"

Tsuki immediately halts mid-air right before hitting the kick. A huge crowd gathered up around the commosion caused by the both filled with curiousity on what will happen next "Sector-38th's Warden Clawz, how dare you try to initiate attack towards a person whom has no Suiryū left" Tsuki stated to the person with a angry look in her eyes

The man dropped his sword with a unconcerned face as he gives off a sigh "I apologize, I only wished to grab the flower that man was wearing on his head and decided to grab it at my will due to the person not knowing they even had it on by the look in their eye."

"Yeah! I asked the mister for the flower, it wasn't his fault." the girl said with a pout

I had a flower on? That stupid Tensén guy.. must've been him when delivering the flower bouquet, How fast can he even be at this point? Well none of my concern.

I quickly walked towards the man as he continued walking away from the scene

"You there, I don't sense any Suiryū leaking out from you. What are you using?" I asked due to curiosity in knowing what new types of energy forms I can cultivate inside me while not having to depend on a singular one and wait for eternity for it to refill

The man looks behind with a sigh "Elemental Energy. By the looks of you, you seem to already have a energy source. You do know that you can't use multiple forms at the same time, right?"

"Can you teach me anyways?" I smiled at him with a no concern while Tsuki and the crowd look at me with a hopeless glare.

"Um.. Haruka, I can teach that to you too. it's just that your rank is too low to be using multiple energy sources this early." Tsuki said with a unpleasant look

I grinned with a skeptical face as I continue to debate about it "Fine by me, nothing wrong in trying."

Tsuki gave off a cold sigh with a facepalm "Well before that, we should be getting ready to depart to Universe 400."

The man's eyes suddenly open wide after hearing what Tsuki says "Universe 400? Isn't your job to control over this part of the Galaxy first??"

"Wanna come with us then too?" I said in confidence and a smile running along my face. Tsuki gets concerned about my decision and starts telling me to not make decisions in a hurry being the Leader of the told commission assigned by Tensén, the Man starts laughing in a pleased tone

"You want to recruit me in?" The man said while laughing with a nervous smile

"Do you want to join or not." I questioned the Man without knowing his background nor details

The Man chuckled with a smile "Its been long since someone looked into my eyes this long and decided to trust me, you can call me Clawz." Clawz pulled out his hand to shake hands with me and right when I brought my hand closer. My heart started beating harder and harder, forcing me to stare daggers onto him as he smiled doing the same.

I suddenly gain back consciousness on myself "That was a test, wasn't it?" I said as I thanked the Pillar for making me aware of his Ocular Prowess

Clawz smiled and shaked hands with him as he agrees to Haruka to be on his team, as someone finally gave him a chance to work along with them without being scared of them

"Nice to have you with us, Clawz." I said and moved towards the direction of the bright star in my right.

"The exit's on this side." Tsuki facepalmed as she points towards the left side of the road, Clawz pats the little girl as he chuckles "So, let's get going then."

"Yeah! I was just inspecting the star, let's go!" I said without any concern of being in a new surrounding knowing that I should be adapting to my surroundings as I continue my journey.

I start moving towards the gates to the exit of the gigantic city and suddenly freeze in shock on the sight of the unknown entity sitting outside staring at me

"Not this again.."