I Won't Forgive You!

I glared at the creature afront me with shock as it had razor shape teeth with four eyes and had broken long legs and a missing arm with a tongue that could stretch out to the size of a bus feeding on a dead rotten corpse

"What the f*ck is that."

the creature snapped its neck towards me in an instance and gave out a scream, running towards me on all fours with its tongue out

I immediately recall my skull back onto myself and try to run as fast as I can away from the creature "THIS ISNT ENOUGH! WHAT TO DO?! OH RIGHT!"

I halted my breath and relaxed down my body and focused on channeling my feet with elemental energy slowly as the creature got even closer towards me ready to snap me into half

"See ya!"

I smiled mockingly as I ran away from the creature in minutes at an unbelievable speed

I stopped right away when I saw the creature out of my reach and not visible to me anymore and my legs start trembling and shaking "Well, elemental energy sure costs alot.. I'll have to get used to it." I set off looking for a place to stay as dead trees surround me

"Man this planet is cursed.. but what Clawz said, he's probably stuck in that universe at this moment too. I wonder what he's doing right now. Also, Tsuki must be still in the council right now and will definitely come get us both out of here."

I keep wandering around and decide to dig a hole and fit myself inside it "Perfect." I thought to myself as I was proud by my new place to sleep while still wearing the skull for protection near my head and to make other creatures assume it's just a decaying skull

I closed my eyes wondering what everyone must be doing right now and fell asleep quietly without any problem

I woke up immediately as I heard loud screams around me and got myself out of the ground quickly. "CAN YOU ALL SHUT THE F*CK UP WHILE IM TRYING TO SLEEP, YOU MORONS!"

I opened my eyes and saw all the weird looking creatures that were fighting eachother staring at me "Ofcourse this had to happen." I said in a sweat and brought elemental energy around my feet and started running away instantly as they charged towards me

"Why does everything here want to kill me!"

I look behind and notice the piece of cloth Tsuki's brother attached to my arm slipped off and got left amidst the direction where the creatures were running towards

"You've got to be kidding me.."

I took a halt immediately and ran towards the place where the cloth was dropped and saw the creatures attention go towards the yellow cloth for being eye catching to them due to it being yellow in a dull and colorless world

one of the creatures lifted its leg up high and quickly launched its leg down to trample the cloth, I instantly kicked its leg away and grabbed its leg throwing him back away while keeping my breath steady and staying focused to channel my energy towards my palms

the creatures start screaming as even more of them start popping out of the ground and some gather up from the commosion "Looks like its finally time for some real combat training.."

I held onto the cloth from the ground and knotted it around my arm again

"Bring it on!"

the creatures screamed louder and surrounded me in a circle, rushing towards me with full force I smirked and channeled down all the energy onto my fists and rocketed barrages over barrages to every single one of them as they got disintegrated into pieces

"Man, you guys sure do look scary but looks like you have someone else to fear here now."

all of the creatures got furious and rushed towards me all at once, I took the opportunity and blitz out of the center "?!" the creatures crashed onto eachother "Looks like I'm getting used to this pretty early."

"Wait.. all of these powers I'm using were the same ones Clawz and Tsuki use... I have to make one of my own."

I smirked as a idea sparkled my mind and held my fist facing the sky while channeling the aura from the surroundings onto my palms forming a clear orb "This planet truly is merciless."

the creatures try to escape but get trapped between eachother due to the trap and I continued forming the orb out of the souls of the dead creatures that were killed for fun and not survival by the other merciless creatures that made the planet look this dull

"SOUL PUNISHER!" I wrapped the orb inside my palm and threw it towards the creatures piled on top of eachother, they blew up into bits and the ground shattered, turning the whole ground into hot magma "Thanks, Tsuki for Awakening me that day. Okay it's getting really hot now."

I heard a really loud scream come from under the magma and a huge creature seeming as the king arose from the ground

"Lets get this started then."