Still Alive.

[ Its so warm.. well, even with all that power I still stood no chance against her. but this feeling, i didnt know death felt so warm and soft to my head.. Wait, how can i even feel things and that too around my head ] Haruka thought to himself and opened his eyes slowly seeing the cherry blossoms bloom around him as he was fast-sleeping on the bench and his head facing upwards

"How am I not dead yet..?"

Haruka tilted his head to the other side and saw Tsuki asleep on the bench as Haruka was sleeping on her lap "OH GOD THE DEMON IS HERE!" Haruka got up and ran away as fast as he could as he couldn't use his elemental energy due to his skull not being with him

"Where do you think your going?" Tsuki yawned and stopped Haruka as she teleported right above him and dropped down on him, pinning him down on the ground

"What do you want from me?" Haruka questioned her as she stretched her arms tiringly while sitting on top of him

"You sure fought well, I got worried you had ascended a rank already but looks like you unfortunately didn't and I remember saying 'a quick match' if i didn't stop you, you'd probably had continued that match for 2 more days." Tsuki stared dead onto Haruka as she was mad about the fact that he lost control of himself again over anger

"Anyways.. Can I know what type of form was that please?" Tsuki asked Haruka out of curiosity

"Uh, only if i'd get to know what it was first myself." Haruka shrugged as he himself didn't know what type of form that even was

Tsuki got up and let me go, I stood up on my legs and shaked off the dirt on my pants and shirt "So, where are we going now?" Haruka asked Tsuki as she just stood there 'menacingly' staring at me pointing behind me


Tsuki's brother, Cosmos was walking towards our direction with his eyes filled with anger looking as if hes about to end me the second i blink and his aura overclouding everything around him as the cherry blossoms in his direction started withering slowly too


Haruka hid behind Tsuki's back as Cosmos stared down onto Tsuki and she looked up and stared back

"What is it this time." Tsuki questioned him while maintaining eye contact

Cosmos held onto her shoulder with one of his hand and looked behind her with a evil smile "I want to plan someones funeral this time.."

"HEY HEY WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS, WHATS WRONG?!" Haruka nervously chuckled as he hid behind Tsuki not letting her go like a kid scared to get seperated from their mom again after losing them once in the mall

"You dare try fighting my sister?? How dare you even touch her, you imbecile! Next time I see you doing this again I'll end you myself.. wait why am i even waiting. I will end you right here.." Cosmos glared down at me with a evil grin while i kept my grip tight onto Tsuki and she kept telling him to stop scaring me

"Dont worry, hes not done anything to me. You can just go do whatever you were going now."

"Yeah Yeah Whatever, but if I see you even touch my sister again after this.. it will be my face you'll be seeing before your last breath."

Cosmos proclaimed and went on his way down the path slowly

"Yes Sir! I wont!" Haruka nodded his head repeatedly as Tsuki stood there yawning

"Wait! Where even are you going?" Haruka asked as Cosmos stopped and looked behind

"Oh, me? Im just heading to the council to do some work, mortal scum." Cosmos cracked his knuckles

"Wait, didn't you plan to go train right now?" Tsuki questioned as she grabbed Haruka's hand and placed it over her waist

"YOU! REMOVE THAT HAND AT ONCE BEFORE I GET THERE AND FUCKING DESTROY YOUR MORTAL ASS!" Cosmos shouted loudly as Haruka got scared and tried removing his hand from her waist but Tsuki held onto his hand forcibly

"TRUST ME, IT WONT COME OFF MAN!!!" Haruka yelled back at Cosmos as both of them started shouting at eachother while Tsuki started smiling and laughed as everyone got quiet

"What.. Why did you both stop?" Tsuki asked the both as they stared at her and began laughing seeing her laugh

"This has to be a dream.. did she just smile and laugh aswell, ive never seen her?? You saw that right?" Haruka chuckled to Cosmos while Cosmos started to tear up

"Aw.. You smiled for your brother after so long.. im moved into tears...." Cosmos wiped his tears with a napkin

"Definitly not." Tsuki grabbed onto Haruka's hand and insisted on going the other path as Cosmos stood there as his jawdropped

"Um.. Im not a child for you to be holding onto my hand and escorting me, I wont get lost im an adult now!" Haruka proclaimed as Tsuki got shocked as she forgot where Haruka trained had a different timeline and started checking his face thoroughly like a mom meeting her son after years of seperation "I didnt even notice you grew so taller!" Tsuki got excited knowing she nurtured Haruka till he was a kid to an adult

"I didnt grew that much, you know.." Haruka got flattered and looked back slowly to Cosmos staring into his soul

"Oh god.."