Year's past

In the past year's a lot happened like I became a popular song artist, not that I'm not pupolar already, it's just that I'm so happy and proud of my self, that I became a celebrity with my own efforts.

And one more thing big brother Liam and I became close, super close and year's and year's of hoping and wishing finally my dreamy came true.

Big brother Liam will become my fiance not that he proposed to me or anything it's our family decision and tonight we will announce it in the world.

Miracle look at the person in the stage and the person beside her with happiness, admiration, and love in her eye's.

Liam feel someone staring at him he look at miracle and he only give her his stoic look face.

As the person called the two of them to go to the stage, Liam stand up and walk in the stage leaving miracle behind chasing after him, "Liam wait" just for his reaction miracle can tell that Liam is not happy of their family decisions.

And she also new that Liam only treat her as a sister not a lover.

But she won't mind she will do anything to make her big brother saw her as a lover not a sister.

"We have an important announcement to make, You are all wondering what this big celebration all about" Mr. Mo paused do a second.

" Well ladies and Gentlemen, My Son liam And Miss Meracle finally tie the knot ... Soon i will see my Grandchildren" Mr. Mo laugh at his last statement but i know he was not joking.

And because of that Statement i was tease by the guest, they make a round of applause and congratulations, its the only sound that you can be heard from the guest and media

Since Liam and miracle was just a child they where labeled by the people as a couple so the media is not that shocked when they heard that they where engaged.