Aries part two

Distracted with his burned and disfigured face Aries wizen raise to the point where he couldn't fight anymore he had to go and face at least as it is a monster nothing more nothing less. But he ended up having to deal with that last more ways than one no address with an ugly face. At least to say he was gonna see if you more lava honour him destroying his beautiful complexion on his body he screamed even more in pain and in fear that women will not except them. This was the weakness of Aries that he was in love with himself and women and he wanted to be attractive as well as feared. But feared he was no longer he was in our shell of the god or man he used to be.

Atlas took the first swing with the sphere earth and the heavens and swine him across his already disfigured face burn 3° and then he ended up Attacking the weekend ugly mystery friend Aries who is no longer beautiful he was now going to die. It took a few swings with the heavens and the earth to go and kill Aries but soon Ares regain his strength that was one thing he never lost he was just distracted at the time. He try to fight off the swatch and the hearing was June was bludgeoned. It was said that he was bludgeoned to death with a sphere like object said one of the physicians at the time who was lucky enough to autopsy a God. He said that there is no way ambrosia or Palencia would help him. The damage was to go ahead and to grade this had to be the work of a titan. Titans were known for their Strank's and there for ocity and there evilness they were not well known for being nice and compassionate. That's why they were cast away from the gods.

With that being said atlas decided he was at risk too much at risk of being found out by the physician who is autopsying Aries..... that when the physician laughed to go to get food he was attacked by none other than atlas atlas came took him by the scruffy of his neck bashed him with his hammer and decided he was going to strangle the physician to death by which what is a very painful way to go it was like a very gas grab because of the atlas is gargantuan strands. One of the physician went Lamb of gas he ended up being tossed aside like a piece of meat. No one saw this and this was at the middle of the night. Disregard for doctors were to begin who is going to be next on atlases hit last we will never know......

What is that at least decided he was going to come online more into the phone off Olympus and he was going to fight more God she was going to take who's ever live came before him and got in his way

-the end