Chapter 6

Grim spent his days levelling and enchanting arrows and the daggers, two days before the weekend.

"Whats on the agender to today"

"We have 6 booked appointments last one being 1pm, after that time you can head home"

"6 thats low"

"Most of the customers are going to the store in the mall and shop around whilst waiting"

"Thats a shame"

Camron spent the first half of the day cleaning the store and organising the inventory and sorting out the orders to collect.


"Hi Camron"

Even though he was looking down at some boxes he know the voice and could instantly recognise the person.

"Shin Soo how can i help"

"Im just looking round, and no need to be so distant we've been in the same class for nearly a year. You werent here the other day i cam"

" busy"

Shin Soo spent some time going up and down the shelves every now then picking something um mumbling to her self and putting it down. Eventually she brought over a circular neckless, the circle had strips coming out before coming into nots in the middle, at first glance it looked like a mess but each strand could be perfectly traced and enticed the eye the more you looked like it.

"That will be XXXXX, cash or card?"



Shin Soo entered her card and typed her pin, as soon as the receipt printed Camron started working on the boxes below the counters again and Shin Soo headed to the door before pausing.

"How come you dont like me, i get at school where you think it will cause you less issues. But here you act so cold"

"Why does it matter, weve only been in the same class for...."

"8 months i guess if you cant even keep track of that then there no chance"

Shin Soo turned and left attempting to slam the before the anti-slam bar kicked in causing her arm to jolt. Camron went on with his day and Shin Soo went to meet with her friend's.

"Oh nice neckless"

"Thanks', ive just brought it"

"Where from, i want one" One of Shin Soo's friends called out

"Its from Camrons family shop and there isnt one like this left"

"Ive not been there, is it good"

"Its rather small but its full of interesting items"

The girls stopped talking whilst order some lunch one at a time.

"Hows your Olympus characters going"

"Ive just passed level 150"

"Ive passed 160"

"Im still at 110"

"Thats what you get for being 5 months late to join"

"What about you Soo"

"Im in the High 260"

"Whats Osmium's level at the moment"


"Have you seen his new sword's"

"Not yet"

One of the girls handed Shin Soo her phone showing two sword slowly spinning in a X. The sword where a damascus Khopesh with no information about them.

"How come the name is Greek, theres ties to Greek mythology in the game, the companies have named themselves from Greek gods and the highest levelled character is holding an Egyptian sword" Shin Soo chuckled

"How did you know its Egyptian right away, it took us a search to find out"

"Camrons shop had am interesting sword there the other day and when i got home i searched it up, i ended up going down the rabbit hole of looking at swords"

"Thats...not concerning at all"

"Why have you been there twice?"

"I found it interesting that hes been in our class for 8 months and hasnt really spoken to anyone"

"8 months?"

"Yeah when some of the classes merged for the last year"

"Hes been in our class for years, it was only this year that he had semi new clothes and had new hair cut"

"Wait did you think he's only been in the class for a year"

"No wonder he hates me"

"Why does it matter, you've never talked to him before"

"Well, yeah"

Camron had just finished his last scheduled order before his Dad throw him out the shop and told him to go home, running back as fast a he could he logged in.

"So the guide I read said that for multi enhanced items you need to put the enhancements so they dont overlap " Grim thought as he took apart one of the two remaining dagger. Laying down all the individual parts in the order that they will be reconstructed, then using the horn he started the strength enchantment and put them back together.

[Multi strength enhancement succeeded]

[Multi strengthened dagger

A common dagger that has each individual part strengthened resulting in an overall durability increase by 13%]

"It looks good… but that can't be all"

Grim started turning the dagger over in his hand and observing the enchanted areas.

"What if it's layered like the ones that explode but it forms an extra layer" he thought

Grim took out 5 bits of paper and wrote the strengthen enchantment on them in such a way that when they where overlapped it made a 6th.

"This should work but do I risk it on the dagger ahh it's only a game"

Grim took apart the last dagger and started looking at how to enchant them to form an extra level, resorting to using the paper as a visual. After spending an hour just moving paper Grim had the perfect layout for the enchantments to be traced on.

[Multi strength enhancement succeeded]

[Strengthen Enchantment levelled up]

"Ahhhhhhhh, 2 hours and its now complete"

[Multi strengthened dagger

A common dagger that has been enhanced to the human limit increasing the overall durability by 15%]

[Strengthen Enchantment level 2

Enhance the targets durability to 15%]

"So after all that work, i can now do it in a fraction of the time"

Grim fell back on the grass watching the stars wondering when it turned night.

"Soon i can sell the other dagger and get some gold for something else" Grim said to himself before logging out and looking at some websites before dinner.

[Highest valued armour in the game has its details released.

Armour of darkness

*Durability: 2,000

*Defence: 1,000

When the full set is worn the user can melt into the shadowns at will and see perfectly within them

* 300% increase to all darkness spells

* 50% Reduction in damage from physical attacks

* 40% Reduction in damage from physical attacks

* 100 HP increase per armour that is worn

- Enchantments are hidden and will need a legendary level or higher to view or add any -

()This armour was purchased by the strongest dark user for 10,000,000 Gold, and when converting that to USD it would be around $1,000,000. This brings two main points that sparked a heated debate.

1) Being there doesnt seem to be any enchantments on the item as that text normally appears when there are spaces to add some, so the value can be much much higher. Our analysis of it would place it 10x higher, which begs the question why the owner sold it for that value.

2) With the message saying a Legendary level or higher, does this mean the first Legendary class has now been claimed? As most people are aware Osmium's failed to grab the job class whilst completing the Hydra raid and it literally slipped through his hands.]

Grim went and read some more articles before having dinner. Getting ready for the next days game he logged in and moved his character to outside the Grey village before jumping of and heading to bed.