Chapter 9

[Level up]

Grim had just made it to level 10 still getting used for the trident. After collecting the remains he logged out for the day.

"I need to change the staff in the shop to a more trident style thing" Cameron said putting the gear away before going to help cook dinner then doing school work and heading to bed.

"We are doing an experience day Friday due to this being your last year of school. We know some will head to collage and some will get a job, to help pick this we are allowing students to spend the day going to a company, that has given permission, or one of these collages and see what life there is life". Camrons teacher announced causing a few students to talk in groups about what they want to do. "But… before you can go there is a test" everyone stopped talking.

"Just like how you need certain qualifications to get a job or go to collage, you will have to pass these tests. Maths, English and a quiz covering items you would have learnt" the teacher handed out papers before returning to the front. "Does anyone need that toilet, if so please go now" 5 students got up and left leaving everyone in silence.

"Begin with Math, you have 1 hour and 30 minutes, at the end I will call out and you change to English then to the quiz"

"I need to do well" Camron thought turning the page of the maths test. His plan was to go to the closest university on a scholarship, he know what he needed to be considered. "90% or above... lets start"

The time ticket by the only noise was the scribbling of pens and the ticking of the clock, almost hypnotic the rhythm between the two.

"10 minutes" the teacher called from the front of his desk. At that the speed of the pens picked up but the ticking of the clock stayed the same until the last second.

"Stop, if anyone adds anything else there score will be 0" The teacher made there way up collecting the papers before they started the next test and the same happened until the end of the tests.

"Okay, you can now go for your lunch. At the end of it when you come back you will be meted with some professors from the university's near by telling you about the requirements to get in. Well have the papers marked and ready for the morning" With that the students went for lunch and Camron went to the roof.

"I know i messed question 3 up, i forgot to times both sides of the equations but only one, that would lead to 4 points and then there was....." He spent the while lunch sat on the roof watching the clouds thinking about everything that went wrong before hearing the bell and going back to the class. Thankfully on the days where there was something happening in the school the roof was empty allowing Camron to spend the whole time there.

"Welcome back, here we have 3 professors from XXXX university, YYYY university and lastly Seoul university. They will each take turns answering questions you may have, with out further ado begin" When the teacher sat down the rest of the students apart from Camron raised there hands. The teacher pointed to one.

"Whats do we need to be excepted to come view the schools Friday" Was the first question

"Speaking from our University" The women from Seoul spoke up "For your exams you will need to score 90% in all of your exams and even then we are still strict to those that can come. If you score 90% in the exams today then you are able to come to the experience day Friday"

"We dont have as such high score for people to come to our University, you will only need to score 75% and you can most likely come" The man from XXXX University spoke with the man from YYY noding his head in agreement.

"What would be the best course to study"

This time the teacher spoke up before the guests.

"That is something each student will need to think about and isnt something we can tell you"

"What will it take to get a scholarship for Seoul" Shin Soo asked this question directly to the women

"Interesting question, let me answer it with another question. Do you think you have what it takes, getting the grades is one thing but knowing the pressure it comes with is different" She answered

"I understand, others will feel envious that you accomplished what they couldnt" She retorted

"Understanding and knowing what it feels like are different, but since you answered the best you could, ill answer the best i can. It depends what subject you want to go into but mist the time it will need you to get a near perfect score across the subjects and an interview, We will use the basic tests done today to get a feel for the people that show promise and send out invitations for them to come Friday"

For the next hour questions where asked and rattled of every student asking one apart from Camron who was making notes about what was asked and what he felt where the key points. When the hour was up the teacher stopped and let the go to another class to repeat the process. The class spent the remaining of the school going over some things to prepare for Friday before school ended. As the bell rang Camron ran back home getting ready for the battle he hoped awaited Grim.