Chapter 5: Preparation (2)

Naruto was a very slow reader, he had only learned to read recently and had a hard time with reading, the system didn't help him much either since the skill 'reading' did not exist.

So most of his time was spent trying to read the books that he had left, he decided that it was best to start with a history book since it was important to know your past in order to plan for the future.

Although there were lots of confusing words for Naruto the Hokage had given him a dictionary which helped him learn new words, he also learned a few facts about Konoha's history and learned a few facts about the previous Hokage, like how Hiruzen the third Hokage was called the Professor and was also hailed as his generations God of Shinobi.

He now also knew that Hashirama Senju was known as the strongest shinobi alive, he also admired the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju, for sacrificing himself to save his comrades in the first shinobi world war.

The feats that the previous Hokage ha performed greatly amazed Naruto and it gave him even more determination to become stronger, perhaps he could even surpass the likes of Hashirama and could become a ninja worthy of respect.

After Naruto read a couple of pages it was already starting to be night, and Naruto had a slight problem, he didn't have any food other than ramen, while ramen was a great food it did not contain the necessary nutrition for him to get rid of his Malnourished status effect, so he already knew what he was going to do the next day.

But for that day he ate ramen and went to bed.

The following day Naruto woke up and after freshening up started doing morning stretches, the skill [Physical conditioning] gave him detailed explanations on how to train to his best capabilities, and after 10 minutes of stretching something interesting happened.

[The skill; Physical conditioning has leveled up!]

Naruto pulled up the screen for the skill and read its description again.

[Physical conditioning: lvl 2

Description: This skill gives the user detailed information about the best ways to train their body.

Increases STR, VIT, and, DEX by 2% passively.]

'Oh?' Naruto hummed in his mind, it seemed that when a skill leveled up the boosts that it gave were amplified.

Naruto still had another 10 minutes of stretching left to do so he set off to do them, after he finished them he had even gained a stat point.

[After continuous stretching DEX has increased by 1.]

Naruto pulled up his full status screen to see his full stats.


Name: Uzumaki Naruto

Class: None

HP: 2500/2500

CP: 3500/3400

LVL: 1

EXP: 750/1000

Title: The gamer

Money: 100 Ryo

STR: 7

VIT: 25

DEX: 6

INT: 10

WIS: 5

Stat points: 0

HP regeneration: 350/hour

CP regeneration: 150/hour

Semi-permanent negative status effect: Malnourished

Naruto was actually pretty close to leveling up, he mused that he only needed to do one more quest to level up, he would then gain 5 status points that he could put into his stats, which he wouldn't do since its smarter to first stack them up and use them in risky situations or to use them once he couldn't raise them anymore by training.

Now Naruto had a very important thing to do and that was meeting with the Hokage.

Naruto set out to the Hokage tower which was around 30 minutes from his apartment by walking, but Naruto had other ideas, he wanted to see whether he could create some new skills.

So instead of walking on the ground, Naruto decided to run on the rooftops to reach the Hokage tower by parkouring over the obstacles that were the rooftops.

Naruto started at a light pace and after a minute of running slowly he started running at a fast pace while jumping over the gaps between rooftops, he also had to jump over fences and had to avoid a couple of things, eventually, his theory did come through.

[New skill created: Sprint lvl 1]

[Sprint: lvl 1

Description: a skill that increases DEX by 55%.

Uses 20 chakra per minute.]

[Parkour: lvl 1

Description: a skill that increases the skill of the user when doing parkour.

Increases DEX by 25% when activated.

Uses 10 chakra per minute.]

Naruto smiled and activated both sprint and parkour.

His measly dexterity of 6 was increased by a total of 80% which increased it to 10.8 although the 10.8 wasn't recorded in his status he did feel almost twice as fast as before and because of the parkour skill, there was now a certain fluidity to his actions that was only seen in people that had professional training, of course, he still couldn't compare to someone that had actually practiced he was still a lot better than he was previously.

While he was running Naruto also decided to use observe to see if he could level it up and after a total of 10 minutes of running and climbing Naruto arrived in front of the Hokage tower.

[Sprint has leveled up to level 2!]

[Parkour has leveled up to level 2!]

[Observe has leveled up to level 2!]

Three of his skills had leveled up.

Observe didn't show any change in its description but both sprint and parkour had an increase of 5% to their DEX boost.

Naruto entered the Hokage building and greeted the kind lady that worked at the reception, while there were a lot of people that hated Naruto there were also those that didn't or just simply didn't care, most ninjas didn't care, some were even angry at the foolishness of the villagers, though those consisted of mostly Anbu members.

None the less there were still villagers who sympathized with him and the lady that worked at the Hokage's reception desk was one of them, Naruto asked her whether the Hokage was available and he got confirmation that he could go to the Hokage's office.

Naruto entered the Hokages office and saw the Hokage working on some paperwork.

"Hey there Hokage-Jiji!" Naruto greeted the Hokage.

"Hello to you too Naruto, now I am happy that you decided to visit me but as you can see I am quite busy with some paperwork so quickly say what you want." The Hokage responded

Naruto then started talking, "So I need more food, all the shops that I go to refuse to sell me any nutritious foods and only sell me instant ramen, I would also like to get some new clothes, and I will need some training equipment, later on, also I figured out that I'm malnourished so I will need a lot of food to recover from that."

Hiruzen was completely taken by surprise, while he knew that Naruto would take things more seriously he never expected Naruto to take things this seriously, and he knew about Naruto not receiving any food but decided that he would only help Naruto if Naruto himself asked for help.

But Hiruzen was also glad that he could help the son of Konoha's hero.

Naruto continued, "And another thing is, I would like to learn Fuinjutsu."

Hiruzen smiled proudly "You don't have to worry about Fuinjutsu, one of my Anbu, Dog, has already been put on the job of giving you books for calligraphy, and as for your other problems I will make sure that you receive food weekly personally delivered by one of my Anbu, clothes and training equipment will also be delivered to you.

Naruto grinned, he was glad that some of his current problems were resolved so easily, Naruto thanked the old Hokage and ran out of the office.