Chapter 10: Ninja academy entrance exam (1)

Naruto woke up an hour before he had to leave, he had a small morning jog and showered, after that he had a small breakfast consisting of various fruits, he was ready for the exam, he would take anything it could dish out and surpass everyone else!

Naruto's walk to the academy was quite short, only taking 15 minutes, usually, it would have taken more but halfway there he decided to run since walking was boring, the academy was very close to the Hokage's building basically being next to each other with only a couple of training fields separating it.

The way people looked at him hadn't changed very much, although the younger kids didn't mind him their parents very much did as their hate and harsh words could still be heard and felt, of course, it did not affect Naruto in the slightest anymore, he had come to terms with why the villagers hated him and he was determined to change their opinions about him.

There was a large crowd gathering outside of the academy mostly consisting of parents and children and a few ninjas mixed together, many of the kids were happily talking with each other, though you could tell which ones were the clan kids and the civilian kids mostly because the clans kids were being respectful and silent since their parents were present.

Naruto arrived perfectly in time as on the stage they were all surrounding a large *poof* went off and the Hokage appeared, who Naruto caught to slightly smile at him while he greeted the crowd.

The Hokage gave a short speech about the will of fire and encouraged the students to give it their all and become splendid shinobi.

This riled up most of the kids which the Hokage took as his sign of leave and poofed away.

A man with a horizontal scar running across his face called out to the students and motioned for them to follow him, Naruto and the rest of the children were led to separate large rooms with tables and tests set up.

The first thing that the examination consisted of was measuring the knowledge of the children.

Naruto sat down at a table and patiently waited for the exam to start, once it did he quickly flipped the first page of the paper and was, quite frankly, disappointed.

The first question was: Who are the Hokage?

He quickly answered the first question and quickly went on to the next one, what is 6+3?

Naruto answered yet again with ease, his level 8 mathematics skill could easily solve such easy questions, he could even do multiplication and division with fair ease.

All the other questions on the test disappointed Naruto, they were all too easy, Naruto was now on the final page with the final question?

What does it mean to be a ninja?

Naruto nodded, this was the first question that he had encountered that he would have trouble answering.

Naruto started writing, 'What is it, quite frankly I do not know yet, but it is to serve your village. But I believe that is not a good answer, to be a ninja, a shinobi means that you are willing to take another's life, willing to give up your own for the sake of your village, it means to endure and fight on. That is what I think being a ninja is.' Naruto was satisfied with his answer.

In total it had taken Naruto 5 minutes to finish the test and he went to hand it in, the man who looked over them was coincidentally the same man with the scar he saw earlier, the man sitting behind his desk going over some papers when Naruto approached him.

"Sir, I have finished the test, am I permitted to leave?" Naruto spoke.

The man looked up and grabbed Naruto's paper, "If you are confident that you have finished then you may leave."

Naruto nodded and promptly left, leaving behind a confused teacher and bewildered children.

Umino Iruka, the teacher, sighed and decided to check the answers that the infamous boy had put down, doubting whether they were good answers, to keep it short Iruka was both impressed and amazed at how smart the kid was, he had gotten everything correct and even gave a solid answer for the last question which was put in there to see what personalities the children had, and again he was amazed, the kid had given answers better than anyone before had, he was comparable to the likes of Uchiha Itachi and Namikaze Minato.

Iruka noted it down and continued on with his work.

Naruto could rest for about an hour before other kids started appearing, they were all heading to the training grounds outside of the academy so he guessed that it was time for the next part of the exam, the physical tests.

Naruto searched for the same teacher and joined back up with that group, he could tell that this teacher was much better than the others, Naruto had used observe on the teachers, which, by the way, had leveled up and now showed someone's name, status, attributes, emotions and a short description about them.

Only Iruka, the teacher he had first met didn't have 'hate' in his status, while it did have 'dislike' it was much better to be disliked than to be hated.

The teacher spoke out "All right we will now be starting the physical part of the exam, and don't worry it doesn't matter how you perform, most, if not all of you will be accepted and trained by the academy, this is just to see the skill level of everyone." The teacher encouraged the group of kids.

"Alright everyone will one by one come and throw 5 shuriken and 5 kunai at the target, the points will be counted if you hit the target, where you hit it does not matter, now Ru-" Naruto deafened out all the other noise, there would be no need to pay attention to anyone here, he had observed some of the clan children and while they were impressive only 2 particularly stood out to him, the Uchiha and Nara boys stood out the most, the Nara mostly because he had 26 intelligence and the Uchiha because all of his stats were above 15.

Sadly neither of them was in the same group as Naruto so Naruto tuned out everything and only listened for his name to be called, which happened quite late since it was alphabetically ordered.

"Uzumaki Naruto, please step up," Iruka spoke

Naruto walked up to the small table that held the five kunai and shuriken, while he couldn't throw all 5 at the same time and hit all of them he could throw two at the same time, 1 kunai and 1 shuriken.

Naruto's body tensed as he threw the kunai and shuriken, only relaxing when the two deadly pieces of metal hit the target dead-center.

Naruto silently cheered in his mind and quickly threw the rest of the projectiles all of them hitting the target fairly close to the center.

Until now none of the children had managed to hit with all of the weapons, the highest count in Naruto's group excluding Naruto was 5 done by a civilian kid, much to Naruto's surprise.

The other kids seemed to be just as surprised as the teacher was, made obvious by their shocked faces, Iruka was truly shocked, he never expected Naruto to be on top of the group, and when he looked at the other groups no child had managed to do as well as Naruto had, which again surprised Iruka since this year had almost all the heirs of the clans entering the academy, which had not happened before so Iruka had high expectations for this particular year.

But the only really amazing student here was Naruto much to the charging of the other teachers, fortunately, they couldn't anything to manipulate Naruto's score because they had been made aware that this year would receive special monitoring, they thought it was because of the Uchiha and the other clan kids but it was quickly becoming apparent to them that this wasn't the case.

The remaining students all quickly finished none of them even coming close to Naruto's performance, the only other student who had managed to come close to Naruto was Uchiha Sasuke, who had scored 8.

Naruto smiled, he was currently in first place, he was positive that he would win.

The next test would be a parkour course to test the nimbleness of the children, again Naruto went as one of the last, the current best time was 1 minute 38 seconds, achieved by Uchiha Sasuke, of course, Naruto wasn't aware of this since they were in different groups, but the best time in Naruto's group was 3 minutes on the dot.

Naruto grinned, 'This is going to be easy.' he thought as the signal to start went off.

Naruto dashed forward ducking under the first obstacle, arriving at the second obstacle he quickly climbed the slightly tilted wall and jumped down, continuing with his full speed dash Naruto's legs seemed to move fluidly as he casually jumped over the logs that caused problems to everyone else, the final part, which was a rope climb was completed by Naruto in a whopping 7 seconds.

Naruto's final time?

48 seconds.

It was the faster time that had ever been acquired, even the 4th Hokage Namikaze Minato had only done it in 59 seconds, and the Kyuubi Jinchuriki had now surpassed the hero that had sealed the Kyuubi away.

A few teachers were outraged, they couldn't believe it, a mere demon in their eyes had surpassed the Hokage that they all admired, yet they couldn't act on it because of the large amount of Anbu that were glaring at them from the shadows.

They could tell that if they did anything then their heads would be flying off their necks by the end of the day.

Naruto grinned, he felt great looking at the faces of everyone, the children were amazed and jealous while almost every single teacher looked angered, the only teacher that looked even the slightest bit happy for Naruto was Iruka.

While Iruka didn't quite like Naruto he was aware that Naruto wasn't the Kyuubi but merely the being sealing but he could still not help it, since he couldn't hat anyone else for the death of his parents he had decided that it was better to use Naruto as the scapegoat so that he could vent his anger, but Iruka had quickly realized that the child did not deserve anything like that, most Jonin and Chunin had been made aware of what happened on Naruto's birthday, various Chunin didn't care and only a few sympathized with him while the Jonin were too busy to care.

This was the sad reality of the Shinobi World, discrimination against the weak happened all the time so Naruto had decided that he would become the strongest.

Back to the exam, there was one more thing for them left to do, which was the optional sparring, the children did not have to participate if they were too unconfident, so this was basically extra points.

Since the group that wanted to spar was quite small they had decided to spar one after the other, the first couple of spars were mostly just children throwing fists at each other not really hitting anything, until the first clan kid appeared.

Naruto used observation on him 'Observe'.

[Uchiha Sasuke

Title: Young genius

LVL: 4

STR: 16

VIT: 17

DEX: 19

INT: 15

WIS: 15

Description: the youngest son of the Uchiha patriarch.

Emotional state: Angry at you, insecure about his brother's talent and is becoming jealous of you.]

The only kid whose stats came close to Naruto's and the one with the most skill out of the other children.

The fight was one-sided with Uchiha Sasuke sweeping the floor with the other kids who could barely even put up a fight.

The clan kids were now starting to show themselves one by one, each stronger than their civilian opponents.

Naruto's first opponent was actually a clan kid, Inuzuka Kiba, the kid had a feral look and had a young puppy in the hood of his jacket.

Iruka stood between the two, "Form the seal of confrontation!" he spoke, Kiba and Naruto both made the seal, "Begin!"

Kiba instead of surprising Naruto by attacking immediately instead started shouting, "I will beat you just you watch!" and promptly charged at Naruto who dumbly stared at him.

Naruto was thinking to himself, 'Is this the level of the clan kids? Did I train so hard for this? how disappointing'.

Naruto dodged the wild punch and kicked Kiba in the stomach lightly not wanting to hurt him too much, Kiba took it quite well as he only grunted slightly in pain.

"Ugh, Don't dodge!" Kiba angrily shouted.

Naruto again stared dumbly at Kiba, who was again charging at Naruto.

Naruto again dodged to the side and kicked Kiba harder this time,

"Kuh!" Kiba's saliva spewed out his mouth, this kick was a lot harder and Kiba couldn't stand back up.

Iruka checked up on Kiba and announced Naruto's victory "The winner is Uzumaki Naruto!"