Chapter 31: The fox

Kurama looked at the child he had been imprisoned into, he pitied the kid, the child was being chased by the very villagers that he has to call his family, his father sacrificed himself for an ungrateful village that only know how to hate.

Kurama readied himself to perform the technique that would allow him to reform regardless of not being whole, but before the child died a change occurred.

A loud ding echoed through the child's mind and not even a second later an unknown force took complete control over his body, not even under Uchiha Madara's control had he felt this powerless.

There was nothing that Kurama could do, the force even took control over a seal that is meant to be unbreakable and easily altered it to allow Kurama's chakra to enter the child's body, the force then took over the kid's body and used Kurama's chakra to kill everyone that had hurt the child.

Just like that the force let go of Kurama's power and full control returned to Kurama, as if nothing had happened, but deep down Kurama was terrified, he knew that there were incredibly strong beings out there but not this strong, to stay undetected even after directly taking over the Nine-tailed demon fox, the strongest of the nine Bijuu.

[Congratulations, due to being bonded with my host's soul you have been granted a light version of the gamer system, allows you to look at your status, and grants you the body of a gamer.]

[Please say status.]

Kurama was shocked, but being a being of immense age and experience he quickly realized the situation he was in.

A deep dark demonic voice spoke out "Status".


Name: Kurama

Class: Master of foxes

HP: 44,200,000/44,200,000

CP: 63,800,000/63,800,000

LVL: 342

EXP: 0/2,520,000

Title: Companion of The Gamer

Money: 0

STR: 1250

VIT: 4420

DEX: 1000

INT: 1960

WIS: 1700

Status points: 0

HP regeneration: 443,100 per hour

CP regeneration: 6,380,000 per hour

While the numbers looked impressive to Kurama he knew not what they meant so he wasn't aware of how shocked Naruto would be when they actually meet.

The gamer system explained to Kurama the basics and time continued rolling.

Kurama gained partial access to Naruto's senses so he actually received most information about the gamer system through Naruto, not that it mattered that much.

Kurama saw what Naruto had to go through, he saw the grueling training that he did and saw the friends that he made, he felt everything that Naruto felt and gained a connection to the boy unknown to either of them.

He watched as the boy saved the Uchiha and passed his graduation exam early, he watched him complete a few missions and then saw him enter his mindscape, or inner world as the system called it.

Kurama anticipated meeting Naruto.

Naruto in the meanwhile was fretting over meeting the nine-tailed fox, all that he knew about the fox was that he was a mass of corrupted chakra filled with hate and was not to be trusted, of course, Naruto didn't believe a single word of what he read, after all, how would the person that wrote it down know?

He walked down the large tunnel with slow and steady steps, he was watching out for anything that could happen and was on max vigilance.

After a minute of walking, Naruto arrived in a large room with a giant red gate inside it, it was dark enough that even his enhanced eyes didn't allow him to see anything behind the giant bars of the gate.

A deep dark and terrifying chuckle echoed throughout the room shaking the ground beneath Naruto's feet.

Naruto steeled his will and walked until he stood in front of the gate, and looked directly into the darkness.

Crimson red met ocean blue.

The crimson-slitted eyes of Kurama looked into Naruto's ocean blue ones.

Naruto stared directly into Kurama's eyes as if he was challenging the Kyuubi himself.

"Hoh, you're challenging me?" the deep demonic voice of Kurama sounded out.

"Hmpf, as if an overgrown fox could do anything," Naruto said.

'This little brat.'

"You dare care me an overgrown fox!" Kurama shouted out in mock rage.

Kurama's hand shot out, his clawed fingers stopping just before naruto's unchanging face.

Kurama growled in a threatening tone.

"Heh, I told you," Naruto smugly remarked.

Kurama gave him an irritated look and sighed.

"I wanted to scare you a bit but it seems that the effects of Gamer's mind are enough to even resist 50% of my killing intent, the Gamer System truly is a blessing for a Jinchuriki like you."

Naruto's eyes widened in shock before quickly closing in thought, there was a theory that a Bijuu could look at the world through its Jinchuriki's senses, it seems it also worked while using the Gamer System.

"So you know of the Gamer System?" Naruto asked Kurama.

"Yes I do, I, in fact, got a weaker version of it, I gained status, the gamer's body, and the ability to turn powers into skills, but that is it, I do not gain any perks nor do I gain the gamer's mind," Kurama answered.

"Well, it doesn't really matter anymore, you know my biggest secret so I hope that we can at least be friends," Naruto told Kurama.

Kurama smiled on the inside, he knew that Naruto would do this so he decided to make Naruto's job harder and test a theory of his.

"Well we can certainly be friends but you are not ready yet, if you can get to the power of a Kage within 2 years I may consider you being worthy of being my Jinchuriki and being my friend, I'll even tell you my name if you accomplish it," Kurama told Naruto.

[You have received a new quest!]

[Quest: reach the power of a Kage

Description: The Kyuubi has given you the quest of becoming a Kage-level shinobi in order to gain his friendship, become a Kage-level shinobi within 2 years.

Rewards: Friendship with the Kyuubi, control over demonic chakra, 1 upgrade ticket.

Failure conditions: You do not become a Kage-level shinobi within 2 years, you die, Kyuubi dies.]

Naruto gained a determined expression and Kurama grinned.