Chapter 48: Chunin Exam Finals

Their journey to Suna was made in 1 and a half days as all three of their speeds had increased, while Naruto was slowed down a bit by the weight of Samehada he was still faster than both Shino and Sasuke so it didn't matter much.

They didn't encounter any bandits or stray missing ninjas, which was to be expected as the lands had been cleared for the large number of people that were heading to Suna, including the Hokage and various nobles from the Land of Fire.

They could have come together but that would mean that they would have less time to train since almost every single noble was a civilian with at most basic ninja training, they traveled by cart and were going at civilian speeds which meant that they would take 5 to 6 days to reach Suna, meanwhile, Naruto and his team could travel at High-Chunin speeds and make it in less than 2 days, meaning they would have 4 more days of training, at the very least.

They entered Suna after waiting in a long queue and a quite lengthy background check, they were allowed entry and were escorted to a hotel by a Chunin, where the Hokage and some nobles were staying.

They entered the hotel and noted that it was in much better condition than the hotel they were given at the start of the Chunin exams.

It seems like the arrival of the Hokage required them to put in a lot more effort, quite logical, since the Hokage was infinitely more important than 3 Genin.

The Hokage hummed at the sight of Team 9, "It seems that you have arrived." The Hokage eyed Samehada on Naruto's back, until now no one other than his team and Jiraiya had seen him use the sword, he didn't want to wear it yet in public as it would become problematic if Kisame heard about it.

But that wouldn't be a problem anymore, Naruto was confident in being able to run away, and since their team would most likely be dissolved after becoming Chunin he would be able to escape in an ID without putting his friends at risk, of course, it was a completely different thing if he had to abandon comrades for it.

Hiruzen smiled, "I see the three of you seem to have made tremendous progress in the past month." he sensed all the changes in the team and if it was up to him he would have made them Chunin already, but there were some politics at play as well so he couldn't.

They chatted for a bit and left to prepare themselves for the Chunin exam which would be starting soon.

Time passed quickly and they were called to a waiting room inside a large circular arena, where they met with the other participants, they were the last to arrive it seems.

Fu immediately ran to them happily and jump at Shino who barely managed to catch her.

"Hey there Shino! I really missed talking to you, have you found any interesting insects this past month?" Fu started rapid-firing questions at Shino who seemed to be extremely embarrassed by the close proximity of the two's faces.

Naruto chuckled and turned to Sasuke "I told you my plan would work." he whispered.

Sasuke grumbled as he handed a 500 Ryo note to Naruto, he needed to rethink the bets he had made with Naruto.

Naruto grinned and joined in on the conversation Fu and Shino were having.

"I have also made a breakthrough in my Kikaichu and Rinkaichu research, but I won't tell you what I managed to do yet." Shino was telling Fu of his training the past month while Fu was doing the same, it was quite stupid to talk so blatantly about any hidden card you had, but when you were powerful enough to beat almost any shinobi at your level many ninjas stopped caring about hidden cards.

You wouldn't be able to tell anyone else if you were dead after all.

After around 15 minutes they were called to the main stage of the arena, the Chunin Exam Finals had officially started.

The 16 participants walked out into the arena and were greeted by the loud shouts and cheers of the crowd, Sasuke looked around and managed to see his family while Shino saw a few members of the Aburame clan, including his father in the crowd.

They looked up to the area where the Hokage was seated and saw 5 men sitting there.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage.

Onoki, the Third Tsuchikage.

A, the Fourth Raikage.

Rasa, the Fourth Kazekage.

Hisen, the current leader of Takigakure.

These 5 men were the leaders of their respective hidden villages and were all S rank ninjas, some of the most powerful ninjas currently in the Shinobi World.

A long-haired Jonin level ninja appeared in the middle of the arena.

His voice amplified by his chakra sounded out, "Welcome everyone to this year's Chunin Exam Finals!" the man continued "This year is special as we have many extraordinary participants who will be fighting in just a few moments!" The man pointed at the 16 participants.

The man explained the rules for the finals "The finals will be a 1 on 1 battle, if anyone interferes with the battle the person they are affiliated with will be disqualified if either of the participants is knocked out, killed, or otherwise unable to continue the remaining person will be declared victorious if I see that one of the participants is clearly losing I will step in and the other participant will be declared victorious!" The man explained quickly and efficiently.

"Now let the finals begin!" The man shouted out while doing a dramatic pose.

It seemed to have worked as the crowd went crazy.

Naruto grinned, it seemed that this would be more fun than he expected.

Now he only had to win.

[A new quest has been generated.]

[Win the finals

Description: Reach first place in the finals.

Rewards: 250,000 EXP, 50,000 Ryo, skill upgrade card.

Failure condition: Not achieving first place, or death.]


You can read 7 chapters ahead on my Pat reon!
