Chapter 61: New Genin

Naruto stood up with a large sigh and stretched, meditating for 6 hours gets tiring sometimes especially since you have to stay perfectly still the entire time, not that Naruto had a problem with it, it just got boring sometimes.

He walked into his bathroom and did his usual morning business, dressed himself in his regular outfit which was a pair of dark pants, blue ninja sandals, a black shirt with the Uzumaki swirl on the back, a long-sleeved hoodie that came with his Chunin outfit and the Chunin vest.

Naruto walked out of his apartment which was still in the "bad" part of Konoha, he could've moved to his parent's house or bought a completely new place but he did not see the need to do so, he only spent a few hours a day here, sometimes he wouldn't even come back to his apartment, there was simply no need for him to do so.

His typical day consisted of getting up, going to train with his team, walking around Konoha a bit, eating at Ichiraku, and then training some more.

Naruto walked along the empty roads of Konoha, it was still 5 AM so there weren't many people out and about but the few that were nodded at him, his existence had come to be accepted by the general populace of Konoha, people knew that they were simply blaming him but now that he was a ninja of Konoha they couldn't do anything against him, a few had tried but were arrested and put into jail for a few weeks, so people had kind of forgotten of his existence, that was until he was deployed to take care of Iwa, there were many recordings of his battle with Iwagakure's ninjas and they all helped in improving his image, he was starting to be a sort of war hero, like Hatake Kakashi or Might Guy, many people knew of their deeds but did not specifically like them, his situation was much the same.

So without needing to glare back at someone Naruto walked toward his team's usual training ground, the new Genin teams had recently been selected so on this specific day he, Sasuke, and Shino decided to see who had passed and who were put into teams with one another.

Naruto arrived at training ground 16 which was just a generic training ground and found Sasuke and Shino already there training their hearts out, they were sparring with each other, Naruto smiled proudly, he and his team had come far from two years ago, he had thought that at most he would become Jonin level by age 13 but being a low-Kage level ninja was something that he wouldn't have expected even in his wildest dreams, and the fact that Sasuke and Shino had become as powerful as many Jonin's surprised him as well, it just showed how much talent his generation held, they would be going to check out the new teams soon so Naruto decided to do some training on his own before they had to leave.

Sasuke and Shino eventually finished their spar and joined Naruto in doing their training, eventually, a few hours later they stopped and said their first few words to each other.

"Sup," Naruto said as he breathed in deeply, he had just finished a set of his training regiment which included gravity exercises so he was actually tired for once.

Sasuke laid on the ground panting heavily "I still don't know how you don't get tired from doing gravity exercises, this shit hurts." He complained in a joking voice, Shino simply nodded along as he similarly lay on the ground with only his sunglasses and pants on.

Naruto chuckled at their misery as they stood up, their legs shaking from pain, gravity exercise was extremely hard on the body but it also was a good way to become far stronger than others so it was worth it, at least that's what Guy said.

The three of them cooled off for a bit and then headed out to the training grounds, most Jonin teachers collected their teams pretty early in the morning but since Kakashi had been made a Jonin teacher it would take at least an hour or two for him to go and get his team, so they had plenty of time to check out every team.

The first team they encountered was the new Team 10 which consisted of Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Choji, Yamanaka Ino, and Sarutobi Asuma as their Jonin sensei, it seemed that the Hokage wanted the InoShikaCho trio to stay alive for a generation longer so they were put together as a team, which was a great combination as they were by far the most compatible team with each other.

But Naruto was let down a bit, they had average Genin strength, Ino was by far the weakest of the three, it was clear that she did not do much training but at least she had basic ninja skills, Shikamaru was physically weak but his intelligence was in the range of 300, sadly he did not have the gamer's body and thus did not have an absurd amount of chakra, Choji was similar as his strength and vitality stat were both around 100 but the rest of his stats left much to be desired, but with a bit of work, they could all become successful shinobi.

The next team that they encountered was Team 7, which was quite an interesting team, it consisted of Inuzuka Kiba, Hyuuga Hinata, Kurama Yakumo, and Hatake Kakashi as their Jonin sensei, this team was quite surprising, Naruto had heard rumors of Kurama Yakumo and how she had an extremely strong Kekkei Genkai that had to do with Genjutsu, and he must admit that he was impressed with the girl, she had clearly been trained before by someone and held the strength of a Chunin, there was also a seal placed on her which had clearly been done by either the Hokage or the pervy sage, as Naruto liked to call Jiraiya.

Naruto decided to come back some other time to see if he could help the girl with her seal and observed the rest of the team, Kiba was in this case the weakest team member, his stats were lower than the other members of his team and his mentality was similarly unfit of a Konoha ninja but with some work, Naruto was sure that Kakashi could take care of him, the last member of the team was Hyuuga Hinata, she was physically the strongest in the team easily surpassing a Chunin in strength, her work was shown in her demeanor as she clearly disliked Kiba but didn't seem to mind Yakumo, she was still quite a frigid person and considering the pressure put on her by her way too traditional family it made sense in Naruto's eyes, she needed to have a cold heart otherwise she wouldn't be able to live within her own home.

There were a few more teams but they mostly had civilians, like Kurenai's team which consisted of all civilians.

There were a few people missing, like Haruno Sakura but they quickly found out that she had been selected to become a medical ninja, personally selected by a person that still hadn't reached out to Naruto, Nagayoshi Satomi, he had asked Naruto for a few DNA samples a year ago but Naruto hadn't heard of the man ever since, and he also kind of forgot about it, but he would soon reach out to the doctor to see whether the doctor had made any advancements in his research.

They finished checking out the new Genin so they went to eat some food at Naruto's place, after that, they relaxed for a bit and headed to the Hokage Tower to get their weekly mission which was usually not that difficult.


You can read 10 chaps ahead on my pat reon!
