Ignoring what others said about them, Angel and Lila went to the bar to order drinks.
"hey bartender give me a glass of beer and a glass of fruit wine for my friend" Angel ordered.
"If not because you like to party and I do accompany you I wouldn't have come here. you know I don't really like this place." Lila said
"yeah yeah yeah I know that. You always tell me this whenever we do come out like this." angel replied
"umm angel." Lila called
"Yes.angel." answered
"what do you think Kay will do when he finds out that we are not real siblings??."Lila asked angel
"I don't really know I am not Kay and moreover if you don't tell him he wouldn't know."Angel replied
"Okay but I plan on telling him soon but my heart doesn't agree with this decision."Lila said
(A/N: " Wait, What?? I am confused now"
Lila:" little birdie shut up and write")
"If your heart doesn't agree then don't. I would have persuaded you to tell him but after what I saw today NO WAY!!!."Angel replied annoyed
"Okay okay Angel calm down we are in a club okay?" Lila said
Lila stood up from her seat
"I will be right back okay?" Lila said
"where are you going again?"Angel asked feeling annoyed.
"I am going to find the restroom. Wanna be my guest??" she asked grinning happily.
"Ewwwwww gross no way I am gonna do that." Angel replied as she spat.
"don't worry go I'll be here waiting for you."Angel added.
Lila laughed happily as she left not minding the eyes that were looking at her and took an elevator thinking that is the way to the restroom.
The elevator came to a stop and Lila walked out. stepping out of the elevator,she started looking for the restroom when she heard a female lady calling Kay with his full name with pleasure as she kept hearing moans from the room.
In the room.
"Kay-y Wayne d-dont stop please."Rose said as she became hit with pleasures building up inside of her.
"I won't you are damn good."kay replied
"faster-r kay."Rose added
Kay kept going faster and both continued in their actions without noticing Lila opening the door walking in.
"kayyyy." Lila screamed as her eyes turned cold and bloodshot.
"I can't believe you would do this." Lila added
"lil-la what are you doing here?" Kay asked in surprised
Lila didn't answer his question but snorted and replied:
"I never expected this from you. nice catch you got there hooking up with your so called secetary."she responded angrily.
"Lila it is not what you think."he replied
"oh what then should I think seeing you ontop of another woman??"she shot back .
"I learnt that you have been sleeping with other women behind my back but I didn't believe them beacuse I loved and trusted you. what happened to that Kay that was cool,kind,loving and innocent? you have really changed or you were just playing with my feelings right?" Lila said holding back her emotions
"Shut up and get out of this room." Kay finally bursted.
smiling widely she replied "I am already going honey but I want to let you know something sweetie".
"Our engagement is over and over for good."pulling out the ring from her hand, Lila threw the ring on the floor, walked out and banged the door.
Kay stood up wore his clothes and told Rose to put her clothes on and he left.
"Hello by tomorrow drug her drink at her office and I will be there to pick her. don't leave any print uncovered but before tomorrow watch her movement for me this night." A man spoke on the phone.
Lila went down with a moody face and quickly pulled Angel out of the dance hall.
'let's go."Lila said.
hahahaha. I can't stop laughing.
I am sorry for making this chapter Short.
Forgive me.
" blinking my cute eyes"
Swipe for the next chapter!!