If it were not for you,I would have been Kay's wife

"Get out."Kay ordered


"No buts just go out now!"Kay fiercely Shouted.

Gathering all her clothes,she realized that he had torn her clothes last night.

"My...my..my clothes are torn, you tore them last night."Rose spoke with fear.

Kay looked at her as if he would eat her that moment.


"Okay you can just stay here till noon time meanwhile I'd go out to buy clothes you would wear."Kay spoke with a look of tiredness on his face.

He was already tired from the vigorous activity that took place last night.

"Don't try anything funny while you are here."He warned.

"Where is the bathroom? I want to take my bath, I feel so sticky."Rose asked.

"No need for the much explanation, the bathroom is the door at the right."Kay explained

After bathing,Rose took a look at the mirror and smiled but her smile faded the minute she remembered what transpired in the morning. Her face turned sour while cursing Lila in her mind.

"If it were not for you I would have been Kay's wife now. Lila don't ever show your face because the moment you do,I would make sure you would never show your face till enternity."Rose smiled viciously at her thoughts.

Coming out of the bathroom, she saw that Kay had already left the room for her. Entering the closet with a smile, she took one of Kay's shirt and wore reavealing her slender legs and thigh.


At Angel's House,

It has been days since Angel last spoke to Lila, meanwhile Mr and Mrs Lance were worried about Lila. They both haven't seen Lila for half a year now.

"Angel." Mr lance called.

"Yes daddy." Angel answered

"Have you heard from Lila?"Mr lance asked.

"No dad, ever since she called me after she traveled,I haven't heard from her again."Angel replied.

"Do you know where she stays so that we can go see her?" Mrs Lance asked worriedly.

"Mum,Dad you should stop worrying about Lila, she's fine and would call when she's settled."Angel consoled.


"Okay, I hope she does.we do miss her and would love to see her."Mr lance said.

"By the way, Angel why did she travel out of the country?"Mrs Lance asked.

"I...I....I...I don't know mum. She said she wanted to start a new job and also forget Kay."Angel lied. She couldn't help but make up a lie not to give her parents a heart attack and do somethings that they would regret.


" It's alright, she needs more time to heal."Mr Lance spoke while he looked at his wife who looked so worried.


At Kay's house,

Kay walked out of the study to the kitchen to take a glass of water when he saw Rose with his shirt on cooking. When his eyes trailed down, he saw her thighs and he felt a reaction down there.

"Lila forgive me." Kay muttered as he walked towards Rose and grabbed her.

"What are you doing here putting on my shirt?" Kay asked in a hoarse voice.

"You....you....you tore my clothes and haven't gotten a new one for me." Lila whispered shyly.

"You couldn't see any of my long shirt to wear. Are you trying to seduce me again?" Kay asked.

"No...no....no...no,I didn't want to seduce you. I just saw this and wore it."Rose spoke as her face turned red.

Their breaths were getting heavier and each of them had a reaction. Soon, their tongues were fighting for dominance and they both didn't know who started it.

Ever since Kay took up his father's business, Kay had been hooking up with rose behind Lila's back. The year after Kay took up his father's business, he met Rose who got employed as his personal secretary. She was a beautiful sight to behold and he couldn't stop himself for hooking up with her. No one knew about all these even up till now.

"Kay wait let me turn off the cooker." Lila said after Kay released her from the kiss.

After she turned off the cooker, Rose walked towards Kay and kissed him hungrily.

40 minutes later,

"wao that was mind blowing and short."Kay who layed down on the bed said.

"Yeah, I am tired ." Rose replied.

"Kay can I say something?" Rose asked.


"I love you Kay, forget about Lila and marry me."


hello readers,

next chapter will be published soon.