
"You are getting married today." Chris calmly said.

"What!!!" Lila screamed attracting attention towards her.

"She finally calmed down and sipped her juice not to scream again.

" getting married today?"Lila asked to confirm.

"Yes you are." Chris replied still calm as if nothing ever happened.

"I didn't even prepare, no mind check, no preparation, no gown."Lila listed all what she had on her mind to Chris.

"Don't worry, as for the gown and shoes, you will get them today." Chris replied.

"But we just talked about this marriage today, I thought I would be given time to think." Lila asked.

"Oh sorry about that but there is no time any longer." Chris replied.


"What time am I getting married."Lila asked.

"Your husband-to-be is on his way here to pick you."Chris replied.

This time, Lila could not hold her shock

"What!!!"Lila screamed out of shock

"Calm down."Chris calmly said.

"Okay Okay, I am calm." Lila calmly said.

"So when will he arrive?"Lila asked.

Chris glanced at his watch and replied



Lila became speechless when she saw Damien coming in through the glass door at the same time Chris predicted.

Looking all glorious in black suit, Lila became speechless.

"Oh gosh, I had to admit he is very hot right now."Lila thought.

Chris grinned as he saw that Damien had a little effect on Lila.

When everyone saw Damien entering the restaurant, they began to mummur.

"What is the CEO of White's doing here?"

"Wow, I have to admit he's very handsome.

"Who did he come to see?"

"Right Nowwww I am seeing a very handsome god."

All brought their phones to take pictures of him from afar as they couldn't come near him beacuse of the aura he carries.

Soon the internet were buzzing with pictures of Damien visiting the restaurant.

Meanwhile, Damien ignored all the commotion they were causing and walked straight to Lila's table which caused more commotion between everyone.

"Why is he walking there?"

"Is that not his assistant and the girl that he hit at the ice-cream shop?"

"Why is he here?"

"CEO White rarely appears outside."

When Damien arrived at where Lila and Chris were, he told Chris to get the contract papers for Lila to sign. Chris who had been with the papers, gave Lila to sign. After the duo signed the papers with their loyal witness Chris, they both stood up to go.

"Shall we." Damien said coldly.

"Oh..oh.. Okay."Lila replied as she and Chris stood up to follow him.

After exiting the restaurant, the trio's walked a little farther from the place to avoid the citizens who acts like the media.

Lila and Damien entered the car parked at the corner of the road while Chris who brought his car, followed them.

"Are you with your passport or any personal certificate here?"Damien asked as his voice softened.

", I am with my passport here."Lila stammered

Lila found out at the restaurant that she had been with her passport all time long.

"Okay." Damien replied

"John drive to the mall."Damien commanded.

Arriving at the mall, they were both welcomed by the manager and the staffs who were informed of their coming.

The White mall was owned by Damien's mother who was with her father-in-law so when the manager saw Damien, they quickly rushed to attend to him.

"Get her a light white long gown." Damien ordered.

" I ..I...I don't want a white gown, I would prefer blue."Lila requested.


"What a strange girl." Damien who was speechless finally thought.

"Okay get her a blue gown and fix a light make up for her." Damien ordered.

"Yes sir." The staffs all chorused.

"This way young miss."

20 minutes later,

Lila came out of the dressing room looking all dolled up, dressed in a blue long slit gown which were hugging all her curves with a white purse and white heels, she looked like a beauty goddess.

" do I look?" Lila nervously asked Damien who turned to look at she spoke.

Damien froze at the sight, he gulped hardly and licked his dry lips.

"You look beautiful." Damien finally complimented Lila.

"Oh God help me." Damien cried inwardly.

Lila smiled as she heard his compliment and walked towards him.

"Shall we?" Damien asked.

30 minutes later,

The car arrived at the registrar and Damien was the first to get down from the car.

Lila who still sat rooted in the car trying to process all what happened, heard Damien's voice.

"Get down, you don't want to miss our wedding." Damien said calmly.



How is this chapter?

I would love to hear your thoughts on this..