Cinderella is a Coquettish Green Tea (1)


"Open the door!–"

"Open the door!"

There was a loud incessant banging on the door.


The long eyelids shuddered like the broken wings of a butterfly.

As if he had experienced a long dream, there was still a bit of tiredness in his eyes, and vaguely, there seemed to be a flash of purple in the depths of his pupils, before it quickly disappeared without a trace.

The knocking on the door continued.

He didn't originally want to get up, but the small meow of a cat and the tap of the soft meat pads against his face forced him, albeit unwilling to open his eyes.

The young boy slowly pulled his body from the soft bed and shook his head lazily, the golden blond hair falling onto his sleep-addled face softly.

This is a delicate and luxurious room. From the long curtains to the fluffy upholstery, it could be seen that the owner was well-loved and pampered.

It was dusk, and the sunlight fell on the walls through the window screens, forming dappled shadows on the hanging bed drapes.

But what attracted his eyes was the blood. Blood was everywhere, splattered on the walls and the door. As if a heinous murder had taken place in this room.

More than just the walls.

Blood had been splashed on the ground, forming a giant pool of blood at the foot of his bed, climbing up the sheet as if something had been desperately clawing towards him only to retreat at the last moment.

Although his body was clean there was still the overpowering stench of rust and iron. Such a scene would cause anyone to be sacred witless upon waking up.

It was a very scary scene, but Xie Han's eyes just blinked slowly.

The tiredness in his eyes did not disappear because of this. He glanced at the blood as if he was looking at an ordinary object at hand, or a cloud in the sky, to him there was no difference between these things and naturally, there would be no fear.

The boy who yawned lazily had thick and gorgeous features, his beauty was sharp and compelling, when he blinked his eyes slowly, the amorous feeling inside his pupils seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, hooking the soul without resistance. The faint red tear mole was dazzling.

The knocking on the door, still carried on as if the person on the other end was only becoming more and more anxious the longer he didn't reply.

A pair of lazy and treacherous eyes slowly received the plot of this world. The black cat was curled up between his knees and was slowly stroked by him, holding a small book in its paws.

A blurry scene slowly emerged in the pages.

In it, it showed the original plotline that should have taken place before its host's arrival. When it saw the cruel and bloody scene of the young girl cutting off his toes expressionlessly and wrapping them hastily in the white cloth before shoving it into the glass slipper, it couldn't help but shudder. It couldn't see its host performing such an act.

The lazy beauty opened his pure black eyes, looked at the scene in the mirror, and suddenly let out a sneer.

"Nailu, do you think, a woman like Cinderella who can survive, unfavoured in a household like this without being married off, wouldn't know how to play her charms to the best of her abilities."

"Still waiting for the prince? Tch–"

The cat called Nailu meowed and turned away to stare sneakily at its host it didn't want to answer this question. Who knows whether its inexplicable host would get angry at it for being stupid and pull its tail again.

After observing the scene for a moment, Xie Han's face showed a hint of playfulness.

He lowered his eyes, stretched out his fingertips, rubbed a bit of crimson blood from the wall beside him, raised his fingers, and placed it in front of his nose, sniffing lightly.


Even though the surrounding blood had been made to be very realistic, in the eyes of Xie Han, who was used to seeing scenes that were a hundred times bloodier than this, it was full of flaws.

The smell of blood is not fragrant and sweet enough, the struggle wasn't displayed vividly enough and it was still missing an important prop. A body or corpse would have set the scene nicely–

——How can the scenes arranged by living people compare to the real thing, it was crueler and bloodier than anyone could imagine?

The knocking on the door became more and more urgent.

Xie Han curled his lips and showed a wicked smile. The only reason he was here was because of the accumulated dissatisfaction for million years by the cannon fodders of these Fairytales had directly collapsed the plot of these small worlds.

For every soul that circulated the age-old story, passed it on from one generation to the next, the more their resentment grew, until it could no longer be held down and these resentful souls most are appeased. In every fairy tale only the optimistic side of the prince's and princess tale was ever told but in the end, was such a biased perspective the real truth?–

He chuckled faintly, if it was he wouldn't be here.

The knocking on the door suddenly stopped and a loud cry sounded from outside the room. Without waiting for anyone to react a harsh force was slammed against the door!

With a loud bang, the door of the locked room was slammed open, and three women and an old man rushed in, "Heimu!–"

Their voices were abruptly stuck in their throat, the last woman who was dressed in rough clothes stitched from cloth sacks was the one who was stunned the most. The scene she expecting to see did not appear. Unlike, what she imagined, the person inside did not show any embarrassment.

The young man sat on the large king-sized bed and stared at the intruders coldy.

He seemed to have just gotten up and didn't have time to react to their sudden intrusion. The sunlight outside the window, cast a mottled shadow onto his face, only the black eyes were shining bright.

His face was still stained with a rosy red, his blond hair was slightly curled, with a few strands sticking to his cheeks. There was a kind of casual laziness in his expression, although his facial features were beautiful, his pupils, to her resembled some kind of cannibalistic monster.

She shuddered as if she had been dropped into an ice cage, insurmountable horror squeezed her heart and she subconsciously stepped back. When she looked back up again, the terrifying eyes were replaced with familiar arrogant laziness.

Was it just her illusion?–

The others who broke in were also silent.

"Are you fucking sick?"

The young man spoke up.

His voice was low and soft, pleasant with a charming magnetism.

Although the words he spoke were crass and vulgar, others only felt it was right for him to be arrogant as if he was born this way.

The first person to wake up from the strange trance was a young girl who vaguely resembled the young boy on the bed. She stomped her foot angrily and rushed towards the bed, "Heimu, I told them not to come in but look, that ugly bitch insisted that she heard something coming into your room."

"What kind of thing is she, not only is she an ugly wretch but she's also deaf as well!"

"I– no I swore I heard a scream. Forgive me I must have been so tired that I misheard in my dazed mind. After all Father, My mother's death anniversary is today and I've been sad all day."

Cinderella immediately twisted her hands and turned pale as if she had received a great blow, although she did not cry, the pitiful and distraught look would make anyone subconsciously feel pity and take care of her.

It was just in her expectations, the man whose beer belly fell over the belt of his pants, thought about his gentle dead wife guiltily and coughed slightly, "A girl should be a bit more modest." Although he didn't speak for Cinderella, he successfully made his sister sullenly purse her lips and go quiet.

The tall and graceful woman who had been silent all along suddenly walked up and grasped Xie Han's hand with gentle strength, "Oh, my poor baby, you must have received such a fright. What can I do, us mother and children can only stick to each other like helpless birds. I am already an aged woman with children, how can I ask for more!"

Her weeping words filled with the essence of tea were so strong that even Xie Han was momentarily put into a daze.

The woman didn't wait for him to respond and fluttered her tearful and glistening eyes at her husband, "I'm sorry if my poor little Heimu has caused any trouble. He has just recently returned from the Academy and has had no time to rest so he could not greet you at the door upon his return. I will ensure this will not happen again."

The man coughed feeling a little embarrassed, how could he, a big man, bully his wife.

Cinderella who long since been versed in identifying others' moods instantly knew that this fickle man had already been coaxed by her stepmother's sweet words and immediately took a step back, "Father, I–I –I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused, I will go prepare dinner right away."

Before anyone could react, she had disappeared from the door like a frightened bunny, leaving a sneering Xie Han, to face his new family.

Xie Han took this all in silently, his eyes flashing thoughtfully for a moment, why did it seem that no one but himself could see the fake blood in the room.

And what exactly had Cinderella planned to see when she directed everyone in here.