Cinderella is a Coquettish Green Tea (5)

Xie Han pulled up the curtain again, Many people were running around on the streets, shouting, "The demon has entered the city."

What? demon? Xie Han was stunned. Weren't they still in the early stages of the plot, how come the demons have already invaded?

 He wanted to see what the hell happened and looked further out.

It was a group of people. Not demons

All those who they approached fled away in horror.

Xie Han looked at those people, all with miserable expressions on their faces.

The point is, all of them had their necks swollen bigger than their heads, and they looked extremely weird.

 The people around were still discussing, "It's too pitiful, it must be the demons haunting them, and these people have been harmed by the evildoers. "

"The evil spirits are rampant, and the world will not be at peace. "

Xie Han looked at the excited people around, who pointed at the group of people from a distance.

Suddenly, those big necks knelt on the ground, their faces full of anguish, voices choked with grief, "Your Majesty, please sacrifice to the sky, comfort the souls of the dead, and save us! "

Shu–shu–shua, the people who were still watching the fun suddenly shouted in unison, "Your Majesty, please sacrifice to heaven and give the world peace. "

Then, a group of people followed behind the people, passed the carriage, and headed for the city center, as they walked, they shouted sadly, "Please, Your Majesty, offer sacrifices to the heavens. "

Cecilia finally reacted and she immediately cursed at the front, "Do you still want this job, for such a thing you can still stop?!"

The driver hastily apologized and snapped the reins of the horse, the backs of the people slowly disappeared. Xie Han let down the curtains, the atmosphere in the carriage was inexplicably depressing.

It was evident from the current scenes that the situation of the kingdom was really not good.

It didn't take long for them to drive out of the dismal poverty, riding up to the gates of the Dutchess's house.

The gates opened, and a middle-aged man who appeared to be a housekeeper came out, "So it was the young miss and young master of the Vance family, please come in quickly, I will call the young lady."

 Walking through the door, Xie Han looked around, although the family was in a state of decline, just a few old paintings and statues put up, it still beat the expensive decor and drab of this bodies family.

 A woman greeted them from the courtyard, looking a little haggard, but ahen she saw them, she shouted happily from a distance, "Cousin, it's winter, why are you here? Come in and have some tea."

The woman's face was full of joy. But it didn't seem like the fiance of the original body, this was also further proven when Cecilia ran up and hugged the lady happily.

She chirped joyfully, "Brother, you may not remember her but this is the second daughter of the second uncle's lineage. She married into the boudoir last year when you were away, Isn't she beautiful?"

Lady Ann laughed when she heard it, "You are so good at flattery at such a young age. Your husband must be very sweet in the future "

She nodded politely at Xie Han and pulled Cecilia in by hand.

The more she looked, the happier she became,

"Come in quickly, it's cold outside, sister will give you something good."

When they entered the house, a charcoal brazier was burning in the house, which was indeed a lot warmer than outside.

 The woman took out a fur hat from the inner room and put it on Cecilia, covering her ears, "Look if you like it or not."

Cecilia touched it, it was fluffy and it should be made of animal fur, she laughed even sweeter and shook Lady Ann's hand, as if remembering she looked at her and said, "In any case, we are here to meet brothers fiancé." Her face screwed, and Lady Ann touched her nose softly, "I've already called her."

Lady Ann looked happier and happier. She doesn't have a child yet, and she is looking forward to giving birth to one soon, so she loves children and this cousin was really sweet and soft.

Cinderella on the other side: "...."

Cecilia is also happy when she sees it, this cousin Is really nice, often giving her small gifts.

  At this time, the middle-aged butler who opened the door left. Come over, "Young Lady, the miss said that she is not feeling well and will not come out to see guests."

    "This..." Lady Ann's face was a little unnatural, "Heimu, I'm sorry for the miss in our family..."

Xie Han smiled, " It's nothing, If she's not feeling well then there is no need to meet."

    Cecilia immediately frowned, but they came over all the way and she avoided seeing them, what's the reason? Sending all those letters and then refusing to show up, what game is she trying to play?

In the end, it was still someone else's house and she refrained from making a scene, but the pouted chin still showed emotions.

Lady Ann thought about it and said, "Since you've come all the way, it makes no sense to just send you away in a hurry, Heimu you have just arrived back in the city and have had no time to meet the other nobles, it just so happens that I'm about to attend a gathering, would you two like to join...."


After she finished speaking, Cecilia's eyes suddenly lit up, "Brother, didn't you say that you were bored? This is good, let's go with cousin and accompany her for a few days ."

Not to mention, Lady Ann is soft and has no status in this family. At first, her husband saw her as a woman from a merchant family and could help the family situation a bit, now her husband's family is still falling step by step, and he is a little disappointed with her appearance.

    First, her mother-in-law disliked her parents' lack of background, so she made irresponsible remarks in front of her son every day, and it turned out to be somewhat effective after a long time.

The second is that her husband has been arrogant for so long, when he looks at other people's lives, he is a noble from a long lineage but his wife is from a small place? How much face has he lost.

Xie Han pondered for a moment and agreed, he still needed to further assess the background of this copy.

Seeing he was alright with the decision, Lady Ann said to Cecilia,

" There is a poetry party at this time, would you like me to take you to play?"

 Poetry... poetry party?

Cecilia's eyes lit up, is this a gathering of ancient literati? All the handsome gentlemen will be gathered there and possibly...possibly even the prince!

Hiding her thoughts, she tugged her brother's clothes anxiously, When Lady Ann saw Cecilia's eyes, she couldn't help laughing, "This child, how come her eyes light up when he hears about the poetry meeting."

Cecilia didn't care about her ridicule and immediately stood up, "What are we waiting for? let's go!"

When the trio left the hall, a white figure flashed at the corner and disappeared, the longing eyes piercing Into Xie Han's back like small flames