Cinderella is a Coquettish Green Tea (40)

Xie Han paused, and his attention was diverted away from what was before him, "What happened?"

Nailu was left responsible for monitoring Cinderella and the rest of the manor while Xie Han was away and had been observing Cinderella closely.

This morning she left the manor early while everyone was asleep. Nailu followed her, and she met what seemed to be another servant outside the back gate.

When she came back, she carried a small sackcloth in her blossom that she stealthily pulled out only when she was in the kitchen.

Then Nailu watched as she sprinkled a white powder-like substance onto the food to be served this morning.

It could not detect what the powder was without getting close, but it instinctively felt that it was nothing good and hurried to report it back to its host.

Xie Han was surprised.