Cinderella is a Coquettish Green Tea (42)

The room fell silent, and Xie Han's almond eyes were curved with an arrogant smile. Cinderella looked around subconsciously, but unfortunately, no one there would help her.

But Cinderella was reluctant in her heart, not to mention the things she added to the food. It was a humiliation to have her eat other leftovers. She bit her lip and looked at Xie Han tearfully, "Elder Brother..."

Xie Han paused for a moment and suddenly shook his head, "You don't have to eat if you don't want to."

He pushed away the food sprinkled with poppy seeds to the side and looked at her.

Cinderella gave him a look of surprise, wondering if her performance had softened his heart, most men instinctively protect the weak, but the look in his clear eyes gave her a strange feeling.

Xie Han looked her up and down scrutinizingly, then suddenly turned to Madam Salem, "Mother, don't you think it's time for her to get married?"

"Oh, it really is."