Cinderella is a Coquettish Green Tea (51)

This question took Xie Han aback and gave Edward a strange look.

You must know in the kingdom, although there existed some nobles who preferred male partners, there were even brothels for male prostitutes.

This kind of affair could not be put on the surface. 

Nobles and officials will still marry and have children and have male pets on the side. They could not even enter the house as concubines.

Those who dared to parade as a cut sleeve were a part of the minority, and if it was severe, they could even be locked up by the yamen for indecency.

Therefore it was not surprising that Xie Han would feel strange about this question, as the kingdom's crown prince should have nothing to do with that circle.

However, he did not seem to be asking aimlessly, and his expression was quite serious. As for the answer to that question, Xie Han did not know.