Stolen kisses

Becca stilled at the contact. Her heart had been beating rapidly. She had never been a vampire's meal before and just accepted his stupid proposal for Martha's sake. Funny enough this was her first kiss with a man.

Liam didn't go further and got both of them up. " I would rather you learn slowly what it means to be a human blood bag than you fainting in my arms with the way your heart was beating like it would jump out any moment soon", Liam said and wore the pendant back on her neck to stop the overwhelming smell of blood and made his way out of her room, now he had to find himself a substitute.

Like a phantom, Julio appeared by his side. " Do you need me Milord?", Julio asked with his head bowed and Liam just stared. He didn't make his way to his chambers but another part of the castle. " I'll be in the usual so send in the usual", he said in coded form which Julio quickly understood and left immediately.

Meanwhile in the room, Becca was pacing up and down. ' How did things move to that level?', her first kiss was abrupt and silly, not the kind of first kiss any witch would like to have. Liam anyway got his way, he held her like it was normal and got away from telling her what actually happened. Thinking about everything that happened today and how she got entangled with the prince of the vampires, she didn't know when sleep called again.


The next morning, Becca rolled in bed, her vision was a bit blurry and she rubbed her hands in her eyes trying to clear them. Yawning, she looked up to see Liam towering hover her on the bed. She immediately shot up and met his cold indifferent gaze. " Good morning princess, are you ready to have your special bath from your special bather?", Liam asked sarcastically hearing the title ' princess', Becca felt her head spun.

But when he added about her bathing he was clearly mocking her for being a deep sleeper. " What's your name Little one? I realize now that you actually never told me your name", he said in an accusing tone like it was all her fault he didn't know her name after all he was the one who gave her his name when she called him Sir.

" Well you never asked. Liam will I be living here? I mean here in the castle", she stared at him with those blue eyes and he felt himself getting drawn to it like a magnet.

" Yes infact, I think it's time you met everyone, so speak should I give you a bath or you do it yourself little one?", he asked her for Becca to rush into the bathroom by herself she refused to be bathed by him, what he did last night was not drawing blood from her but touching her, how was that part of what she agreed on?

Liam chuckled and sat on the bed. He would wait for her and they would leave the room together, she probably didn't know her way around the castle yet.

Becca stepped out of the bathroom looking refreshed and clean. She had tied a white towel on her chest which ended at her thighs. One was wrapped around her blonde hair and she walked softly on the marbled floor of the room.

She was surprised to see Liam sitting on the bed like he had been waiting for her. "You waste time a lot in bathing yourself, you did the same at the inn", He said and walked up to her like a predator watching it's prey and she took two steps back away from him. He stared at her annoyed and before she could register what was happening, he pulled her by the waist and kissed her.

Becca tried to push him away but he held her tightly not letting her go. " Liam let me go", she yelled at him but he bit her bottom lip causing her to cry in pain and Liam saw that as an opportunity whereby he pulled his tongue into her mouth meeting her tongue for the briefest moment before redrawing.

He took two steps backwards and observed her. Her pale neck and face were flushed, her eyes looked slightly dilated and she looked just like he wanted. Becca felt hot under his scrutinizing gaze and he smiled. She couldn't meet him eye to eye. " Little one get dressed into that or I am afraid I might not be able to restrain myself", he said and Becca immediately took the folded clothes on the bed and rushed back into the bathroom.

After getting dressed she left with Liam for the dining room. Becca was pretty nervous and as if Liam felt it, he held her hand softly trying to comfort her but that made her all the more nervous, what was he going to tell the royal family about her. No one knew she was a witch and she had lost her connection to her magic, she remembered cutting her hair but for wat reason she didn't know of, amnesia wasn't a good thing.

As they were about to walk into the dining room. Liam halted and turned to her kissing both sides of her cheeks which got them glowing red, she pushed him away and hurried in without him. The chattering from the dining table soon stopped as a certain blue eyed walked in, everyone looked puzzled.

Becca looked behind her but couldn't find Liam, where was he, everyone was staring at her and she felt like the ground should open up and swallow her, what made her enter without him.