My Personal Blood Bag 2

Lady Lucinda glared sharply at Liam. She had heard a lot about the nerve of this high ranked Vampire. He was nothing like his peaceful father but was more of a hooligan like the Late king, his grandfather, Gregor Wesley.

" I thought we made it clear that no Humans are aloud to be used as blood bags for you night creatures, why is it so hard for you to follow the rules?", she asked him. Her voice laced with nothing but calm and her face remained impassive, no emotions passed through them.

Becca stared at the floor not wanting to meet the eyes of the Higher-ups. Why was this Prince crazy? Wait, since when had he acted sane since she met him.. If she tried recalling, Never...

" I am not breaking any rules Lucy... Infact if you ask this beautiful one here she will tell you herself that I didn't break any rules", Liam said so casually too

Lady Lucinda didn't waste any time paying attention to the way the annoying vampire prince called her without respect as she turned her focus to the human girl.

" Did you agree to this?", her calm voice asked Becca and as if her morning was slightly turned, Becca felt dizzy, what was she to say.... she might as well dance to the music.


Tori could finally get up from the bed but she could not move about as she used to, she could only stay in her room as she grounded her teeth in sadness.

Last night, Prince Liam had come to her room to pay her a visit. On seeing him, she had stupidly thought he felt pity for her and came to care for her like every other person but what he did had made her mad beyond saving

He had not cared for her or asked her where it hurt, he only asked about the incident that happened in the royal kitchen.

She didn't think to deny it as he already knew what happened he might also know she was responsible but she had tried blaming Rebecca for most of the things.

He only laughed at her, continuously laughed at her and she could still remember the last words he said to her, it was like a never ending song in her head.

" You should stay clear of Little one, More dangerous things might happen to you if you don't", he said coldly and she couldn't help but reason. Was Liam responsible for the end of the lamp scraping her neck? She thought she had panicked in the dark, did he do it? That meant it wasn't even a lamp that hurt her.

The room door was knocked twice bringing her back from her thoughts. she silently murmured come in and a maid walked in with her meal

She had sent Gwen on an errand and Gwen had not yet still arrived. She shouldn't think much about Rebecca. Even though she wouldn't be able to attend Prince Liam's coronation, she would soon have that blood bag out of his life, that was all that mattered.

The maid dropped the tray at her bedside table and with shaky hands poured the content of blood in the jug in a cup for her.

She glared at the maid whose head was bowed and took the cup. As soon as the blood reached her tongue, she finished it and immediately asked for another glass.

The glass were now coming too slow that out of hunger for more, she pushed the maid aside and started drinking directly from the jug.

She had lost a lot of blood from the scratch and had even gone unconscious. She needed blood or the wound would take time to heal wich she couldn't afford because she wanted to be healthy before Gwen came back or else how was she supposed to carry out her plan.

This wound might even work in her favor. She sneered at the thought and ordered the maid to get her more blood