
Story Title: Ghosthunters

Chapter Two

The nurse couldn't see the reflection of the baby in the mirror but when she looked in her arms, the baby was right there. She looked back at the baby and she could see the baby's reflection.

"Holy Father!" She called putting one of her hand across her chest and carrying the baby with the other hand. She looked at the mirror again and the baby's reflection was gone. She screaming almost dropping the baby to the ground. The nurses and doctor came to meet her.

"Nurse Christen, what is the matter?" The doctor asked when he saw her resting on the wall. "And where is the baby?" 

Nurse Christen pointed at the baby she had kept on the cot just few metres away from where she was staying.

"Doctor, I think there's something wrong with the baby?" Nurse Christen said coming out of her hiding place to join them.

"And what is the meaning of that?" The doctor asked.

The nurse explained everything. "If you don't believe me, you can try it and see for yourself."

The doctor carried the baby and looked at the mirror. He waited for five minutes and the baby's reflection was there. The doctor got angry.

"Just few minutes more...please!" Nurse Christen said. 

The doctor waited for ten minutes and it was still the same. He also  gave other nurses the baby to carry and the results were still the same.


"But nothing." The doctor cuts in. "I don't know if this is a prank or something but I'd you go see a psychiatrist." The doctor said as he carried the baby. Other nurses followed while Nurse Christen was left alone confused.

She joined them to meet the baby's mother.

The doctor handed the baby to her mother who carried her and pecked her. Finally the struggles of so many years has finally come to an end. 

Her husband came in and he got to meet his baby girl and his dearest wife.

"Thank you so much doctor." The man said in gratitude.

The doctor smiled. "I must say, your daughter is really a special." Commented the doctor.

"Thank you." The man and his wife chorused.

"And very beautiful too." One of the nurses commented with a broad smile on her face.

Not to mention weird. Nurse Christen muttered to herself.

"What was that Nurse Christen?" The doctor asked as everyone's attention focused on her.

"I said and very wealthy." She said forcing a smile on her face.

The parents smiled. "I guess she will bring us good fortunes." The wife as they stared at their daughter in amazement. "Can't wait for her to grow up." The mother said.

"Me neither." The father replied.

Author's Note.

Congratulations to those that got the answer right. 

Another question; Why do you think it was only Nurse Christen that saw the baby's reflection disappear in the mirror? Why didn't it happen with others that carried her?