
Story Title: Ghost hunters

Chapter Twelve

Amelia and her parents arrives home although the ride home was filled with dead silence, no one said a word. Immediately they entered the house, Andrea dropped his car keys on the table, he turned to face Amelia. "Do you mind explaining to your mother and I what that was all about?" He asked folding his arms and waiting for an explanation.

Laura knew this discussion was going to be a long one. She tried to talk Andrea out of it but her husband wouldn't listen. "Leave me alone woman. I need some explanations if you don't." Andrea told his wife. Laura knew better than to argue with him, so she let him have that talk. Andrea turned his attention back on his daughter who looked really messy with all the cake stains and other stains too. "Well..."

"Dad...I'm sorry. It's not that I don't have any explanation to give but..." She paused as she held back her tears. "'s just that you won't believe me if I told you."

"What... You're going to talk to me about seeing some ghosts???" Andrea scoffed. "Don't you get tired of that?" He asked. "You made a fool out of us out there. Is this what I get for wanting a child?"

"Dad, I'm sorry."

"When you were brought out into the world, I was happy so happy because I thought that you would be a blessing to us but I was wrong." Andrea paused. "All you've ever brought to us is nothing but pain and disgrace, even my own family can't visit me because you will scare them away. I can't invite my friends over neither can your mother."

Amelia turned to look at her mother and when their eyes met, Laura looked away. Amelia didn't even know when the tears started dropping.

"I have had enough of your madness." Andrea said.

"What do you mean?" Amelia asked. "Are you disowning me?"

"No, but very early tomorrow, you will be leaving for Texas."

"What?" Amelia asked. She turned to face her mom hoping her mom would say something but its looks like it had already been discussed. "Mom." She called hoping that her mother would somehow talk dad out of it but she didn't. "I can't believe this." Amelia said. "Who the hell do I even know at Texas?" She asked. "This is unfair."

"It's for your own good honey." Laura said as she came to meet Amelia. She touched her by the shoulders but Amelia shoved her away.

Amelia knew it was wrong to talk back at her parents but since she's leaving, it's better she gives them a piece of her mind. "Can I ask you both something and permit me if I'm being rude..." She paused. "Have you guys ever asked me what is it I want?" She asked them. "No tell me, have you guys ever asked me what has been going on with me for the past eighteen years? Have you guys ever wondered why I'm seeing this things? Do you guys even care about my feelings? Do you think I'm happy not being able to live like everyone else? Do you even know when I'm happy or not?" She waited to hear their response but nothing came. "I see.." She threw her hands up in frustration. "..and here you are telling me it's for my own good. How is sending me to Texas for my own good? I'm pretty sure this is just your way of abandoning but it's cool. Just like you wished I was never born, I also wished that I was given a better understanding parents and not the kind of parents that sees you as crazy or abnormal or a disgrace."

"Amelia." Laura called but Amelia raised her hand and shushed her.

"I thought you'd actually be a lot different since you were the one that went through the pain for nine months...I thought you'd be the one to understand me and believe me even when the whole world doesn't... I thought you'd be the one to stand up for me when the whole world called me crazy but instead, you believed their words more than the words of your own daughter." Amelia looked at her mother who was shedding tears. "I wish I was never born at least that would have saved you all the embarrassment... And Texas..I'll go and I'll prove to you and the whole world that I'm not crazy and but rather I'm someone special and amazing just that you all are blind to see that." After she was done with her speech, she didn't wait to listen to any more talks, she ran up the stairs and got into her room, shutting the door behind her as she rested her back on the door and immediately the tears she had been holding in started flowing. She cried her heart out and when she looked everywhere for Tessa, she couldn't find her that made her cry even more.

Where is everyone when she needed them? She asked herself.

Author's Note

That was kind of really emotional though.