Twenty Nine

Story Title: Ghosthunters

Chapter Twenty Nine

"Amelia." Xen called gesturing Amelia to come closer. Amelia took a glance at her mom before walking to meet Xen.

"Yeah." She answered.

"What are you going to do?" Tamara asked hoping Amelia would think about this thoroughly before coming to a conclusion.

"Nothing. I'm sending her back home..." Amelia said as she looked at each one of them only to see disappointment in their faces. "....wait! You guys are not having it in mind for her to stay, are you?"

"No." Devon said.

"Of course not!" Jason and Norman said.

Amelia could tell they were lying and when she looked at Clarissa, she could see the way Clarissa was focused on her mom. Amelia took another glance at her mom. The woman must have gone through a lot for her to make this big decision. Maybe I should just let her stay...but what if dad comes looking for her, then what? She asked shaking her head to get rid of weird thoughts.

"So, have you decided?" Xen asked folding his arms.

"I think your mom is trying to make up for those times she let you go..I think you should give her a chance to right her wrongs." Said Tamara with a smile on her face.

A sigh erupted from Amelia, ever since she came to Texas, it's been one problem to another but what can she do? Everyone wants her mom here, she'll be the devil if she's the only one against it. So she turned to Xen to give him her reply.

"So?" Everyone asked.

Amelia took few seconds before she nodded. "Only because you guys want her around."

"Like you don't want her around." Clarissa teased as she gave Amelia a hug from the back holding her close as they all went to meet Laura.

"Well, it's been decided..." Xen said as Laura waited patiently to hear their conclusion. "...You'll stay."

Laura gave a huge grin as she held her daughter's hand. "I'm sorry for not being there for you and thanks for giving me a chance." Amelia returned the hug.

"So what should I make for lunch?" Laura asked as everyone cheered.


It's two weeks and Carlos had gone far with his invention. He created a transporter machine one that can transfer one object to the other. Everyone was fazed at his invention.

"Wow! I love this!!" Rose said standing next to him. "You know what will happen if this doesn't work out, right?" Carlos looked at her.

"Don't you get tired of stalking me?" He asked her folding his arms. "Tell me, are you interested in me?"

Rose burst into laughter. "You wish!".

" we've gotten the body." Link said as they brought in the body of a dead girl.

"Wait! How did you guys get her body?" Carlos asked.

"She's dead. It's easier that way." Link said.

"What's going to happen to her ghost then?" Carlos asked.

"Her ghost left her body immediately she died leaving the body empty." Link explained. "You're a scientist and you don't know that?" He pulled the body over go him as they await Dalton's presence.

"How's it going?" Dalton showed up as Carlos turned to explain how the transporter/transformator works.

"The ghost will stay here at this corner." He said pointing to the open space in the transporter. "And this other side here is for the dead body."

"Then let's get started, shall we?" Dalton turned to look at Carlos. "Hope you know what will happen to you if this fails."

For Dalton to say the exact same words Rose said it only means that his life is in grave danger if it doesn't work out.

"Who's volunteering?" Carlos asked ignoring the question Dalton asked.

Rose raised her hand. "I'll go." She got into the open space. Carlos pulled the cover over it and placed the dead body on the other side. He pressed the green button between the two tubes and there was a vibration coming out from Rose's tube. It moved vigorously as the ghost disappeared but there was no sign of the ghost entering the dead body. Carlos was worried because as the ghost disappeared, there was to be a reaction from the dead body but nothing.

"What's going on?" Dalton asked. "If anything should happen to Rose..."

"Can you just let me do my job?" He asked as Dalton backed away for him to do his job.

He looked at the monitor that the tube was connected into. He could see in the monitor that a reaction had already taken place in the dead body but when he looks at the dead body, he couldn't see any reaction. He thought for a moment what could be wrong but he did everything perfectly what could be wrong?

"Carlos, I need you to bring back Rose immediately!" Dalton ordered.

"It's not possible.. The conversion has already taken place." Carlos said relentlessly.

"What?" Dalton pulled him by the collar. "Bring Back ROSE!!"

"I can't!!". Dalton got angry and threw him on the floor making him hit his forehead on a wood.

"Prepare everything!" Dalton ordered as Link bowed his head before leaving.

Carlos sat down with his head on his head. He was sweating profusely and his heart was beating very fast. It was like he was in between the devil and the deep blue sea which ever way he choose to turn to, they both lead to death. He glanced at the transporter. What could be wrong?

"Everything is prepared sire." Link said as Carlos looked at him and at the transporter hoping to notice a movement but nothing.

"Take him away!" Dalton ordered as Link came to drag Carlos away. They were a mile a way from the exit when one of the ghosts yelled. "Sir, the hand just moved."

Carlos quickly turned back and truly her hand moved. Dalton gestured Link to leave him alone and immediately Carlos fell on his knees as he breath a sigh of relief.