Thirty One

Story Title: Ghosthunters

Chapter Thirty One

"Riele?" Everyone turned to look at Xen.

"You know her?" Everyone asked her. Riele was shocked.

"You know me?" She asked Xen.

Xen cleared his throat trying to find his voice. "She's my ex-girlfriend."

Everyone turned their attention back at Riele. "You know him?" Tamara asked.

Riele shook her head. Everyone was confused even Xen. "Maybe you are mistaking her for someone else." Jason said but Xen shook his head.

"I am not blind...I can identify my ex even if I am blindfolded." said Xen.

"I think we should go home and talk about this." Norman suggested as everyone got ready to move. Xen on the other hand couldn't take his eyes off Riele.

They arrived at the hideout as everyone sat on the chair. Laura came with their food and her eyes caught Riele. "Who is she?" she asked.

"That's exactly what we are trying to figure out." Devon answered.

"Xen said she is his ex.." Tamara said pointing at Xen. "..but she said.." she pointed at Riele. "...she doesn't know him. "And now we all..." she pointed at everyone. "...are confused."

Amelia turned to face Xen. "Do you have any proof like maybe a picture or a video of you two together?" she asked.

Xen thought for a while, he remembered he deleted everything related to her and the only thing he has left are memories of their time together. "I don't have any."

Everyone sighed. "This is tough." Devon said.

Clarissa faced Riele. "Why were the ghosts after you?"

"Do ghosts needs to have a reason to be after someone?" Riele asked. "I see ghosts which means I am a threat to them." Riele couldn't handle the whole questioning thing so she stood up. "I need to use the rest room."

"Just take a walk down, first turning by your left." Laura directed as Riele took her leave.


"Have you heard anything from Rose yet?" Dalton asked Link who shook his head.

"Where did you send her to?" Carlos asked. The moment Rose regained consciousness, Dalton ordered her to get going and up till now, he hasn't seen her. He wondered what their plan is.

"None of your business." Link retorted in anger. "All you need to do is mind your own business and we'll mind ours."

"You're worse than Rose." Carlos muttered to himself as Link glared at him.

There was a beep coming from Dalton. Carlos turned to see what it was but before he could, Dalton had disappeared.

Dalton appeared in a remote place in the house as he brought out a mirror that allows him to communicate with Rose. "I was just about reaching you, what the hell happened?" he paused. "The ghosts told me the mission was successful, I was worried when I didn't get a feedback."

There was a long pause from Rose. "Rose, is everything ok?" Dalton asked.

"No. I think this body belongs to a girl called Riele." Rose said and her voice sounded very worried.

"And so?"

"Riele is Xen's ex girlfriend."

"What?" Dalton asked.

"I don't know how to go about it anymore and that's why I called." Rose said.

Dalton thought for a while. "Hold on a sec! this could actually be a blessing." he said as Rose froze.

"How is this a blessing?" Rose asked.

"Does he look like someone who is still interested in her?"

Rose thought for a while as she remembered how he called her name and with the way he looks at her, she could tell he still has feelings. "I think so." she told him.

"Then that's something we can use to our advantage."

"How?" Rose asked.

"Get him to fall deeper in love with you and try your best to make sure he doesn't carry out the plan of saving Carlos. Let him focus more on getting more ghostseers that way we can plant our people there."

"Are you sure it's going to work out?" Rose asked.

"If you play your part well, I don't see why not." Dalton said as he hung up. "This is a lot easier than I thought." He said as he disappeared back to where Carlos and the rest of the ghosts were.


There was a knock at the door in the rest room where Rose was. "hello...are you okay in there?" Tamara asked knocking at the door.

The door opened and Riele came out with a smile on her face. "I thought something bad had happened to you." Tamara said as they both walked to join the others.

Riele stood there staring at everyone and they returned the stare back. She smiled and said. "I remember him now." Everyone watched as Xen got up, pulled her close and hugged her.