Forty Four

Story Title: Ghosthunters

Chapter Forty Four

Clarissa looked at her mother whose hands were still stretched out to receive her. "Mom, Is that you?" She asked.

"Yes honey." her mother answered with a broad smile on her face.

Clarissa went closer to her mom but before she could take any step further, Devon held her hand. "Your mother is dead Clarissa, we both saw it on the news... come on don't do this."

Clarissa couldn't hold back her tears. He was right and she knew it but she didn't even get to see her mother after so long and here her mother is standing right in front of her and she's going to to ignore it. She shook her head. "She's my mother Devon." she told him.


Clarissa left his hand and went further to meet her mother. She hugged her mother who hugged her back. She had so many words to tell her and she didn't know when she started pouring out her feeling. "Mom.." She started. "I am so sorry I didn't get the chance to see you...I am sorry I wasn't there for you...I can't even even what you went through... But why did you do it? Why?" Claire asked. She knew she had to let her mom go but was she ready to do it?

"Clarissa...I love you and I only did that so I could be set free."

"But you did."

"Look at me..." She said as Clarissa looked at her mother. "...isn't it me?" she asked.

Clarissa wasn't going to be fooled. She knew it was a trick and she was ready to play along. "I know it's you." She said as she hugged her mom once again. "I love you mom, always." That was the last words she said to her mother when she slowly grabbed the knife tied to her thigh and pierced it on her mom's back. She moved immediately when her mom started screaming and shouting. The ghost came out of her mother's body and was destroyed while her mother's body fell on the ground lifelessly. Clarissa ran to meet her mother as she saw the mark the rope left on her neck. She cried.

Devon came and pulled her away. "We have to go." He said while pulling her away. They encountered some ghosts on the way which they had to battle together.


Tamara, Jason, Norman and Carlos were battling over fifty ghosts. The ghosts were more fierce than those ones they battled with months ago. "Tell me, are they increasing or decreasing?" Tamara asked slashing the ghost near her with her sword.

"Just keep fighting." Carlos told her as she kept fighting unknown to her that a ghost was right behind her.

"Tamara watch out!" Jason yelled but Tamara was too late as the ghost pierced her side and immediately disappeared.

Tamara grunted in pain as she fell on her knees. Carlos rushed to meet her and Tamara fell into his arms. She was bleeding by the side and her eyes were gradually closing. Carlos gently tapped her face begging her not to go.

"You care about me this much?" She asked smiling. "I have never seen you this worried and scared..." she coughed as blood rushed out from her mouth.

"Tamara.." Carlos called. She touched his face and gave him a painful smile if there's anything like that. "...please don't die on me." he begged. Just at that moment, Tamara's hand fell to her side and her eyes closed. Carlos wailed. He hugged and kissed her calling out her name.

Jason and Norman had to protect them.

Carlos was about letting her go when a thought came to his head. "The transformator." He said. He carried Tamara but he needed a ghost to take him to Dalton's place so he could work there. He needs a ghost who is still a ghost and not a ghost who has been transformed to human.

"Yo bro! What are you doing?" Jason asked.

"Giving Tamara back her life." he answered as the two twins looked at each other.

"I have no idea who or what that is but go ahead and do your thing." Norman told him.

"We will protect you." Jason said as Carlos smiled.

Carlos glanced around looking for a ghost and he was glad to find one. Just as he was about approaching the ghost, he saw Tamara's ghost leaving her body. "No, no, no, no...You ain't going anywhere." He used a rope that's tied to his back pocket to tie her while he pulls her and carry her body over his shoulders. The rope was made of the same substance that was used to tie Tessa. How he was going to fight with this he had no idea but he was willing to risk it all.

The ghost he saw approached him with a grin on his face. "And where do you think you are going?" The ghost asked.

"Want to find out?" Carlos asked. The ghost touched him and they disappeared into Dalton's quarter. He dropped Tamara's ghost and body on the floor. "Thanks for making my journey a lot easier but now you've got to go." He said as he battled with the ghost. Since it was only the two of them, Carlos defeated him.

He decided to work on the transformator. He placed Tamara's body and her ghost and began his work. "Just hang in there." he said.


Xen as been fighting Link with the blindfold on. "Are you going to tell me where they are?" He asked.

"Over my ghost body." Link answered. Xen smiled as he knew he could feel Link charging towards him. He got into a particular stance with his sword lifted high and just as Link came closer, Xen slashed him twice. Link's ghost was destroyed. Xen took off the blindfold as he breathe a sigh of relief. He was on his way to continue his quest when he saw something familiar coming towards him.

"Xen." He heard her voice. He quickly ran to catch up with her. Her blue eyes were so beautiful and he got lost in them for a second. Shaking his head to bring himself back to reality he asked her, "Are you ok?"

She nodded. "But my dad isn't."

"Your dad?" Xen asked. Amelia nodded.

"Dalton captured and he disappeared to God-knows-where. I don't wanna lose my dad." Amelia said.

Xen pulled her close and hugged her. "You won't. We will find him, ok?" Xen assured her with a smile. Amelia's blue eyes turned back to normal. "Now, we have to join the others."

Amelia agreed as they ran to meet the others.

Clarissa and Devon also caught up with them as the four of them ran to meet the rest. Getting there they only saw Jason and Norman.

"Took you guys long enough." Jason commented.

"Where is Tamara and Carlos?" Xen asked.

"Um...Tamara..." Jason paused. He looked at his brother and they said the word 'died' together.

"What?" the four of them asked as they joined the fight.

"How?" Amelia asked.

"She was stabbed but not to worry, Carlos has a plan." Norman said.

"What plan?" Clarissa asked.

"He said something about giving her life back to her." Jason looked at his twin to confirm if he said the right. Norman nodded.

"And where did he intend to do that?" Xen asked.

"Dalton's" the twins chorused.

"Dang it!" Amelia said. "We have go there. There is a fifty-fifty chance Dalton is going to be there with Riele and.."

"In other words, you are saying his life is in danger...again" Norman said.

Amelia nodded.

"what are we waiting for then? Let's battle this ghosts and save our friend." Norman said.

"But how are we going to get there? like that place is like a spirit world or something?" Devon asked.

"I will take us there." Amelia answered as everyone noticed her eyes turned blue.

They all battled with the ghosts.