Chapter Twenty


We trudged along the deserted trail in the forest for a good thirty minutes before coming upon what Mat and I had dubbed 'The Fort' when we found it all those years. We had spent an entire summer fixing the structural issues and have discretely maintained it over the years. I'm not sure anyone even knew it still existed aside from us.

The Fort was a simple building that was maybe 20ft long by 30ft wide and 8ft tall. It was likely a storage building at some point in its life, but by the time Mat and I found it, it had been a fort for kids that were probably adults at the time and it had been long forgotten. We had reinforced the walls and put in a new ceiling with a staircase leading to the roof. There was a secret room in the corner, hidden behind a false wall. It was our escape from kids to teens, and even now we find ourselves here on occasion.