Magnus Goes Insane

"What are you talking about? Are you okay?" Caitlyn worriedly asked.

She could tell that Magnus was not in the right state of mind. He was confused and didn't know how to react appropriately.

Magnus raised his head and stared at Caitlyn. He wantonly scanned her young-like body. She was the type of woman that would need to present her ID to buy beer.

"What do you think about this world?" Magnus asked.

Magnus was at the tipping point. He would either become one with this world and abuse these Cynthian slaves, or he could deny it and still try to let them escape.

Either of which was not his style.


Caitlyn didn't respond but merely stared at him in confusion. The questions he was asking her and the way he was reacting to the news of the abuse by the Cynthians and Phaetonians told her he wasn't from this world.

It was a far-fetched idea, but she was sure about it. There was nothing else that could explain his current state.

"ANSWER ME!" Magnus shouted.

His patience was non-existent. Seeing her stare at him instead of answering irked him for some reason.

"Y-Yes!" Caitlyn responded immediately, like a cat with her tail stepped on.

"I think it's normal that women enslave men and for men here to enslave women..." Caitlyn gave her honest opinion.

She had lived by that belief throughout her whole life. She had seen a lot of things, many of which were not pleasant. At least, she knew that she could rest assured when she was the one enslaving men.

But now... she couldn't accept her current situation. It was unlike what she was used to. She wanted to be the one in power. Otherwise, she would feel anxious every day about what could happen to her at the whim of men.


Magnus stared at her deeply. He gazed at her with the intention of seeing through her lies, but no matter how he looked at her facial expression and body language, it was obvious to him that she was telling the truth.

Caitlyn gently took a step forward and inched close to him. She put her mouth close to his ear through the cage's bars and whispered, "What kind of world did you come from?"

Magnus froze. Caitlyn eyed him carefully. When she saw him stop moving, she understood that she was right.

Magnus regained his senses a few seconds later and fumbled back while looking at her with fear in his eyes. He had never told anyone that he was from another world. The fact that she knew about it scared Magnus to death.

"I'm willing to listen."

Caitlyn was curious. There were legends about other worlds, but it was her first time encountering someone from one of them. She wanted to know how different that world was from theirs.


Magnus was scared. He immediately opened the cage and entered it.

Caitlyn's legs shook when she realized that Magnus was scarier than before. His eyes stared at her with a light never there before, even when he tried to scare her earlier.

Magnus grabbed Caitlyn's shoulders and threw her to the part of the cage that was against the wall.


Caitlyn fell to the ground. She touched her aching back and looked up.

Magnus rapidly approached her. Fear and her survival instincts took over Caitlyn's whole body. She stood up and threw a kick at him.

Magnus responded by raising his arm and blocking her kick. With a swift movement from his hand, he forced her against the wall. He used his whole shoulder to keep her in place.


"Stop!" Jurena screamed in horror.

"Who told you that!?" Magnus roared.

He grabbed her neck and choked her.

"I-I-I can't... b-breathe..." Caitlyn spoke with difficulty.

She could feel her lungs being crushed by Magnus's body. It was a struggle for her to breathe in.

Magnus panted and didn't relax one bit. He had made a mistake in his past life already. He wouldn't let it happen here too.

Just like what they say in his industry, "Dead people don't speak."

If need be, he would kill Caitlyn. She knew too much.

"Hey! Don't kill her! Kill me if you want to kill someone!" Jurena shouted again.

This time, her voice was filled with pleading. She didn't want Caitlyn to die here.

Magnus glared at her for a few seconds before focusing on Caitlyn again.


Magnus loosened a little bit, allowing Caitlyn to take a deep breath of fresh air.


Caitlyn was in deep pain. She could feel that she might actually die here.

"Tell me..!" Magnus whispered deeply.

"I'm sorry! It was a random guess!" Caitlyn buckled and asked for forgiveness.

At times like this, her desire to live was greater than her pride. Magnus was like a predator that could kill her with a single move of his. He wasn't a softy like they had initially thought when he first entered.

"A random guess!? I don't believe that!" Magnus screamed.

Caitlyn was a great threat to his safety. He didn't believe that it was that simple.

Caitlyn gritted her teeth and tried her best to whisper in the lowest voice she could, "I can tell from your reactions..."

Once those words entered Magnus' ears, he stopped and realized how she did it.

"I can help you," Caitlyn continued.

She struck while the iron was hot. Magnus needed her help, and she needed to escape and live. It wouldn't be bad for her to work with him.

"I'm sorry, but I can't keep someone as smart as you near me."

Magnus realized one thing, Caitlyn was too smart to be kept alive! He pulled his arm back and prepared to punch her back.

"No! Please!" Caitlyn screamed in horror.

"STOP!" Jurena screamed at the top of her lungs.

"NOO!!" the other Cynthian slaves looked away.


Caitlyn wasn't able to fight back. Magnus' fist connected, and her spinal cord shattered.

His fist was borne out of street fights. It was deadly against such a small woman like her.