Meeting Farqos Again

Once Magnus was out of the underground training room, he took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. He opened his hands high. The sunlight passing through the gaps between his fingers felt warm.

His hands shook slightly. Now that Magnus was out of there, he realized that the whole thing was a mess.

He was silent for a while before he steeled his heart, closed his hands, and stared straight. It was already done. He had killed Caitlyn.

There was nothing that could take that back. No magic in this world could bring the dead back to life.

Well, even if there was, Magnus had no reason to revive her. They only met for a short amount of time. She also knew something he couldn't let anyone know about.

Magnus walked along the sandy path. He was constantly thinking about how he could be more careful next time so no one could guess that he was from another world again.

Before he knew it, he arrived at the main mansion of the Bravodel Clan. He tried his best to pretend to be calm. The guard there recognized him and nodded his head to show that he could enter.

Magnus walked inside.

Right at the entryway, there were shelves filled with shoes. On the left side were dirty shoes, and there was sand all over under them. On the right side were clean shoes, obviously meant for indoor use.

A maid walked over. It was none other than Rivia.

"Please change your shoes," she said.

"I-I got it."

Seeing Rivia made Magnus nervous for some reason. He couldn't help but remember Caitlyn and her dead body after he killed her.

"Is something wrong?" Rivia asked and squinted her eyes at him.

"Nothing..." Magnus shook his head.

This wasn't the time to start feeling guilty. He had done the right thing. It was all for his survival. As long as he was alive, he would never regret killing Caitlyn.

Magnus knew what to do. He quickly switched his boots to a pair of shoes.

Rivia stared at him for a bit before waving her hand and inviting him to follow behind her.

Magnus curiously looked left and right. The walls were made with beautiful chiseled stones. Every few steps, there would be expensive-looking paintings hung.

The hallway wasn't particularly long, but it took a while before they arrived at the end. A thick silk curtain covered the doorway and Rivia pushed it aside and waited for him to enter.

Once he was inside, Rivia walked back and the curtain closed. Magnus turned his head and looked around the spacious room.

There was a row of five seats arranged in front of a throne-like seat. It was raised by half a foot and gave off a regal aura. It wasn't that lavish, but it was obvious that whoever sat in that seat was the king of this mansion.

The one sitting on it was none other than Farqos. He smiled at Magnus and looked him up and down.

"How was it?" Farqos asked.

He didn't stand to greet Magnus. He was his Young Master, after all.

"It was alright, Young Master," Magnus replied, feigning calm.

Facing Farqos again after learning about the truth of this world was entirely different. He was constantly thinking about the horrible things Farqos must've done in the past to Cynthian women.

But for Farqos, those kinds of things were normal, so Magnus didn't know what to feel.

"Did you… try them out?" Farqos asked as he smiled knowingly.

As a man from the Phaeton Empire, it was obvious to Farqos what Magnus would do there. With all the power over all of those beautiful Cynthian women, it would be hard for someone to hold back the urge to try them out.

"No. I killed one, but I was interrupted before I was able to continue training them," Magnus replied and kept a straight face.

"Oh?" Farqos was surprised when he heard Lawrend's words.

He looked him up and down and a satisfied smile formed on his face. He didn't expect that Lawrend could control himself.

"If you are lying, the punishment is banishment. Do you understand?"

Farqos was skeptical about it. He was a man, so he didn't doubt his judgment earlier.

"You can ask any of them or even check them," Magnus answered.


Farqos was stunned. He wasn't an idiot who didn't know how to read people's emotions. He could clearly tell right now that Magnus was telling the truth.

"Ehem. There is a shipment of Sol Agates at the back. Carry them inside. I will be processing them for my training," Farqos said.

"Sol Agates?" Magnus made a confused face.

He quickly realized his mistake and made a poker face.

"Ahahahaha! You must be from a poor family, right?" Farqos asked.

Magnus could only nod his head. If Farqos learned that he wasn't from this world, he was doomed. It was a good thing Farqos misunderstood him.

"Sol Agates are formed from concentrations of Sol. They are different from Sol Crystals as you can take Sol from them while Sol Crystals can only amplify Solar Arts," Farqos casually explained.

It was nothing for him to help teach Magnus. He was one of his subordinates anyways, so he didn't feel like he was doing it for nothing. In a way, he was helping his future self.

"I understand, Young Master," Magnus replied and bowed to show his gratitude.

"Good! Now take this."

Farqos was satisfied to see that Magnus knew how to show his gratitude. He took a small booklet from the inside of his robes and passed it to him.

Magnus took it and read the cover— "The Brave Sun Warrior Solar Art."

"That is my Bravodel Clan's Solar Art. We aren't too strict about it. Although, it's only the first part. You need to show me some results before I give you the second one," Farqos explained.

Magnus was surprised that he got the first part so fast. He flipped it open and saw complex instructions and philosophical words inside. He didn't know what a Solar Art looked like, but he was certain this was one.