
Chapter 56

"Father!!" Sure enough. His daughter was the one who loved him the most. They chatted for a long time before April suddenly asked with a sad face. "Are you leaving tommorow, father?" Grand was caught off-guard by her questioning. Hina must have mentioned it to her. Sighing he nodded his head. He wanted to console her with a few words but April herself answered "You need not worry about me father. You can leave for your work. I got big brother. You can return once you are done with your work." He wanted to cry, watching his little angel handling the situation so sensibly. 'But this boy I definitely a character to even woo my daughter like this. Pui.. pui.. pui.. Am I getting envious of a brat?' "Yeah, father will warn him not to treat April unjustly." April was happily pecking her head. Later, they went down for dinner at Hina's call. "April can you go call your little father in?" "Sure" As Grand took his seat he saw a skipping April holding Rick's hands and pulling him in. "So you broke through brat?" "Yes, it was easy." "Huh.. From what I heard you were only a 3rd rate talent for cultivation. And now you are already at 3rd level of junior realm. Did you found some miraculous herbs or something?"

He shrugged "I got no idea. Few weeks back I found some changes to my body and suddenly I was cultivating way faster." Grand was checking his expressions as he explained. The boy was telling the truth. He genuinely didn't have any idea, what had happened. 'Must be those Bloomers bastards who had something to do with this. But I need to believe miss Agnes. She was reall concerned for him.' He just hoped that Agnes will be strong enough to safeguard Rick in case the school decides to go whack. "Anyone willing to tell me what is happening here?" During the time he was pondering all this Rick had squat on a dining plate that April presented him. Right now he can see a few pinkish turds rolled over one another. His daughter was the one who took the time to explain about Rick properties. The smell permeating in the air made sure he can't question her about the validity of her claims. The next scene made him a bit angry but since he saw Hina didn't intervene, he too decided against it. April began licking Rick's asshole for him. She first clean the outside and then her tongue extended in his bowels for a 'deep cleaning'. "Don't you think she is a bit young for these things?" Hina had a single sentence for him "Then try stopping her."

Something told him that he would not be able to stop her. The sense of gratification on her face made him aware that this 'treat' must be rather tasty for her to go all out with this. The April he knew would not even smell someone asshole, let alone eat shit. He realised multiple things had took place with a span of last month that he was unaware off. Once again the guilty took him over and he silently ate his meal. Rick took his seat beside him and April brought the plate full of human feces to share with her mother. Rick saw Grand's dejected expression and put forth a question that he would be interested in answering "Mr. Grand of you don't mind me asking. What would be the rarest type of beast that you managed to capture from the woods?" All his dejection was gone, replaced with a renewed vigor. "Hahaha kid you won't believe if I tell you. There was once a beast not larger than a usual cow. Purely covered in thick white fur and a single dark horn, aligned diagonally on its head. It looked very similar to a sheep but just much larger. With every swipe of its head it will release sharp aura bursts that would puncture through any type of shield. Nothing could stop that. Only..." Rick kept nodding as he was really interested in his adventures. He himself planned to go on one. Of course it would be only when he would sure that he can keep his life intact.

Hina acted like she was annoyed but on the inside she was very happy that these two had build such a good rapport with each other.

After dinner Rick got up and grabbed Hina by her hair, pulling her into the bedroom. Within a few minutes grand could hear her heavy moans. He entered the room to find Hina bouncing on Rick's erection. The thick pillar impaling her was moving in and out of her wet pussy. "Why don't you join us Mr. Grand?" Rick pulled Hina's ass cheeks apart to show him her puckered asshole. Grand didn't expect this offer him and he wasn't able to decide right away. On one hand he had been offered Hina's ass and in all possibilities this was a bit shameful for him to accept while that boy was using her pussy. But on the other hand he might not get a better chance to get involved with Hina and tome down her anger towards him. Rick yanked Hina by her hair before slapping her hard "Pahh.. What do you say bitch? Would you be will to share your ass with your old husband?" Hina stick her tongue out in resistance instead of answering. He slapped her multiple times and having enough she responded "Yes.. master. I belong to you.. I will fuck whoever or whatever you want." That earned her another slap and Rick again made the offer "So what do you say Mr. Grand?"

Grand knew that Hina was trying to humiliate him but he was also aware that she was trying to give him a chance to mend his relations with her. He smiled and got out of his clothes "Haha Why not?" He jumped on the bed and wanted to enter her hole right away. "Wait you idiot!!" Hina turned around keeping the cock in her snatch. She held onto Grand's thigh and took his 5 inches of erection in her mouth. She sucked on it without looking directly in his eyes. Grand collected her hairs behind her mesmerized by her beautiful face. He can feel the love buried in his heart come to surface. Gradually he was fully erect inside her mouth. Hina was doing the double duty. Her ass was bouncing on Rick while her mouth worked on Grand's cock. She released him once she was done but Grand didn't leave her hair. Just as she looked up he slapped her face. The sudden slap jolted her but then her face was adorned with a wide smile. At last her husband was trying to change for her sake. He slapped her a few more times and the more she was hit the more excited Hina was becoming. She turned around and fell on Rick's chest, grabbing her buttocks apart to allow Grand to penetrate her in her backdoor. "Mhhhhh hhhmmm yess.. just like.. that.. deeper.." Grand grabbed her by her hair and began moving inside of her faster.

15 minutes passed and Hina was sucking on both her husband's dicks. Grand and Rick laid side by side when Rick asked "You must pardon me Mr. Grand. I have molded her pussy and ass to my size now. You must not be feeling that good inside her now?" "It can't be helped. Anyhow, I am rarely in mood from past few years. You are still young so it's only natural that you get the first right over her holes." "Haha.. you are very generous. But I had her train, to handle smaller cocks too. Let's give her a chance to display her skills." His words reminded Hina of her affair with the local boys at the park how Rick had them 'train'. Her face blushed in shame but Rick didn't give her any chance. He had her settle on on Grand's cock while he himself took over her pussy this time. After only 5 minutes of jerking inside her Grand was compelled to praise her "Wow.. you are incredible Hina. It's like you are gripping my cock with your own hands." Hina blushed at his compliments but Rick forced her head from behind making the couple kiss each other awkwardly. Unknown to the three grownups a pair of eyes were silently watching them from the door. April had her fingers in her pussy going in and out rapidly. She ended up coming, watching Rick spank her mother while she was double penetrated in both her ass and vagina. That same night she had for forced out all the semen in her bowels on the floor and was licking at it like a dog.

***Later next day***

Rick was taking a walk with April with two of his pets. Grand had left this morning and Carol visited them. They had a good threesome together in the afternoon and now he was out for his regular walk. Carol and Hina were walking in front of them on all fours and buck naked. He brought them to the park and began playing fetch with them. Pretty soon he was approached by the same group of 6 boys, he encountered last time. "What do you guys want?" He teased them. "Ahemm.. We thought to ask you if the deal last time still held." One of them came forward. Rick laughed hard "Don't tell me you loved the taste of my ass that much?" All of their faces turned green at once. "Haha I am just kidding!! Ofcourse the deal still holds. But you would have to make do with only two today." They nodded happily. They would have been happy with even a single one. April was a smart girl she discerned what was going on here. She was not very pleased "Big brother, why are you allowing these guys to fuck mother?" She kept changing his designation from father to big brother much often so he didn't mind "That's because they should get to train their pussies with these new cocks. That way they could please big brother better.' He had the boys drop their pants to make her believe he was saying the truth. Only when she had surveyed each of their cocks April agreed to it.

Carol and Hina returned back to him with the stick between Carol's jaws. They understood the situation seeing the boys with their cocks in their hands. Without a word from Rick but the women took their positions much to the amazement of the friends. They seperated themselves in groups of three and chose one of the milf. They too had leant a lot from last time so it didn't take them anytime to organise themselves in each available hole. This time they were bolder. The ones with their cocks in his women's mouth were grabbing the heads tightly in their hands. The ones in their ass were tugging hard on their hair. They must hace done proper planning amongst each other. Rick had told them that the ladies loved men who were forceful with them. They have taken his advice seriously and there was no trace of shyness on their faces. "Good. I can see that you guys have improved a lot from last time. Let's go a step further now. Slap them." Despite their confidence in Rick's teachings they still faltered when it came to slapping their neighbouring milfs. "Haha What's there to hesitate?" Rick went ahead and yanked Carol's head from side to side, mercilessly slapping her multiple times on her face. He shoved his cock in her mouth and the boys saw her suck on it with a renewed vigor.

Emboldened by the live demonstration they began slapping both the ladies ruthlessly. The ones in their ass were slapping their butts, ones under them with their cocks in pussies slapped their breasts while the ones in their mouths slapped their faces. The response they got was that the ladies were getting wilder and their spasming holes began gripping their cocks harder. They were smart enough to choose to switch the holes whenever it became too overwhelming and they felt like cumming. Rick sat beside April stroking her head. She didn't look interested in watching the show, instead preferring to nestle in his lap with his cock in her ass. The session with the boys continued till half an hour. All of them came twice at the very least, each time depositing their jizz in the maw of the ladies. They said their goodbyes to them with wide grins on their faces and Rick and company too took their leave. At night Carol had her dinner with the family and they had a foursome at night with April included. He left for his house next day.

***2 days later. Monday morning***

"Oink Oink.. oink oink.." Amelia had her nose hooked by Rick as she grunted all the way to his school. As always she gave him a customary kiss on his glans and turned around to leave. She had just moved a few steps when someone called her out from behind. "Mrs. Amelia!!" She turned back to see a familiar face. It was Shaun the brave young lad who had saved her and the girls few days back. Amelia was happy to see meet him here. "Hello! Shaun." Shaun unhesitatingly kissed her hands once again. Amelia was a little shy when he greeted her like this in public. But she can't deny that it looked classy and she enjoyed it. "I am glad that we met again Mrs. Amelia. To tell you the truth I waited even on Friday but you didn't show up." He scratched his head in embarassment. She realised her mistake and apologized "I am so sorry about that Shaun. I should have informed you that I won't be here in Friday. Please pardon me." Shaun shook his head "Ohh no.. no.. I should not have been this eager to meet you haha. But I reality from that day I was not able to get your figure out of my head. The bravery and self sacrifice that you showed that day had me in awe."

Amelia tried to brush it off "Haha Anybody would have done the same. I am no exception." Shaun shook his head again "That is just your generosity. Actually... I had a selfish request. Can ma'am grant that to me?" Amelia smiled asking for details. He continued "I.. thought.. maybe ma'am would be kind enough to go for a eat out with me." She fell in thought "Do you want me to accompany you right now?" "Yes, of you don't have any problems." Amelia was a little embarrassed she looked at her naked self before smiling "I am not so sure about that. As you can see I am not in a condition to accompany you anywhere haha" Shaun too fell in thought but them his eyes brightened "I can follow you to your home. You can have a change of clothes and then we can leave from there. How about it?" She looked impressed with his quick thinking. Having no qualms about it she agreed to it. While walking towards her house she questioned Shaun "Ohh I forgot to ask you. Don't to have class today?" Shaun smiled brightly "Actually our classes start a bit late. Right now it would be our free period. I have got more than an hour you see haha."

Amelia brought him to her house. She bent down to unlock her main door, this auction revealed her red pussy in full glory. Shaun had to use all his mental strength to shove her against the wall and have his way with her, right then and there. 'Don't do anything to scare her away now Shaun. She would be in our grasp very soon.' "Please make yourself comfortable. I will have a quick bath and then we can leave." Shaun took his seat on the sofa saying with a smile "In truth ma'am, I really wanted to see where you lived. Atleast I can visit you and not have to wait for you haha." Amelia too laughed at his self depreciation. Shaun can hear the water running down meaning that she had started her bath. He didn't say anything else, quietly waiting for her arrival. It took her 20 minutes to get ready and Shaun found himself face to face with one of the most gorgeous ladies he had scene in a while. Red lipstick adorned her lips and her firey red hair was done in a bun on her head. She wore a red dress that matched her aesthetics. He can't control himself anymore and stepping forward he placed his hands on her waist and kissed her lightly on her lips. Amelia was stunned at his actions but with how much grandeur he did those moves she discerned that this might be some customary performance in his house.

"Should we leave?" He asked her, not minding the stunned lady. Amelia too decided to drop the topic and left with him. She was anyways bored in the house alone so it might be a welcome change for once. Shaun held onto her hand all the way to a restaurant. It was one not somewhere Amelia budget would allow her to dine. She tried to let Shaun know her reservations "Let's not go here Shaun it's I think it will be very expensive here." He winked to her saying "Don't worry Mrs. Amelia it will be fine. Firstly, I got you covered. Secondly, this actually belongs to one of my friends so we can definitely get some good discounts here. Not to mention they have few of the best dishes in all the city." He brought her inside and she didn't resist anymore. They went ahead to the third floor of the building. It had private rooms where multiple people could eat at once. He sat opposite to Amelia in the cabin. She was a little awkward as this was the first time she had visited such luxury hotels.

Pretty soon a waitress arrived to fetch their order. Shaun looked like very comfortable here. All his manners were well practiced. He quickly placed the order. He engaged her in some small talks, not letting her bore. Their food arrived within a few minutes and they began eating. There were only a few times that Amelia had gotten a chance to eat demon beast meat. She could easily identify this dish to be the same. It must be pretty expensive but since Shaun had insisted about covering up she wasn't someone who would fuss about it. They talked and laughed together while they finished up. Towards the end the same waitress once again visited with a wine bottle in her hands. She helped them pour wine to their glasses. They sipped the wine in silence before Shaun broke it off. "Let me take this opportunity to tell you this Mrs. Amelia. I very much enjoyed my time with such a beautiful lady like yourself. Thank you for fulfilling this selfish request of mine." Her reply was instant "I should be the one thanking you Shaun. I too very much enjoyed our time together."

"Haha That means if I propose then lady won't deny a second time for a eat out?" Shaun asked in a jovial tone. Amelia replied in a happy tone "If I don't have any other commitments then why not? Like I told, I really enjoyed it." "Good. Then how about I invite my lady this Friday, same time same place?" She thought for a while before answering in affirmative "Okay. But is there some special occasion on that day?" "Nothing much just a little celebration at this hotel. Actually, the only reason I was going to attend was there will be free food and wine haha. But if I have you with me then I am sure I would not be bored." She too laughed at his attitude "Haha Then let's do it." "Here!" He helped her out like a gentleman, grabbing her hand. His other hand rested on her waist. She ignored these little advantages the teenager was trying to take with her. She was not even sure if it was that. She would be embarrassed if it turned out to be a proper custom his family followed. Shaun paid the bills and they left the hotel. While moving Shaun's hand had moved to Amelia's perky butt but she didn't seem to notice it. Either she was ignoring it or her senses had dulled a little due to the strong liquor they had at the restaurant.