Chapter 15

POV Tanya

Shortly after arriving outside of the school a nearby phone starts to ring once again.

With Alice taking the lead she ends up answering it.

After a minute of talking she passes the phone to Angela who passes it back to Alice quickly after.

After another minute she hangs up the phone and looks towards us only to say "Alright, the helicopter is gonna fly out of city hall in about 47 minutes. Dr. Ashford also says it will be lightly guarded."

Carlos ends up saying afterwards "Me and Nicholai can take care of the ones on the ground. We should be able to secure it."

"Yes, time to repay those bastards for Yuri."

"Delta, go with Alice."

"I can take care of myself Tanya."

"Just trust me."

"Alright, is everyone ready? Let's go."

Lightly running towards city hall was quite boring since there wasn't much action on the way.


POV Delta

Running up the stairs of the building with Alice she ends up asking a question

"So, why do you follow Tanya's orders all the time?"

"Isn't it obvious that she's my mother? Do you listen to your mother?"

She ends up stuttering a little "I-I don't have parents."

"Really? That's a shame. Want to become part of our family in that case?"

"That's.. that's a weird question to ask delta…"

"I don't think it so, since it's also obvious that my mother has an eye on you."

"I-I don't know delta."

"There's no rush currently however you might need to make a decision soon."

"Is that so? I'll keep that in mind."

Arriving near the top I sense Mary and Lilith sitting on the edge of the building.

Once at the top Alice ends up opening the door slowly not knowing that the roof has already been cleared by my sisters.

The moment Alice sneaks out she is suddenly hit by my sisters spiritual pressure causing her to drop to the ground.

Coming up next to her I put my hand on her shoulder to help relieve the pressure.

The moment I do she ends up gasping for air since she was unable to breath.

I look towards Mary and Lilith only to see them smirking in our direction.

"You've made your point sisters, can you let her be now?"

"Depends, who is she?"

"She's mothers friend."

"Is that so? Alright then!"

They both end up releasing her from the pressure.

After a few more seconds Alice gets up and backs up from me and screams out "Just who the hell are you guys!"

Only to hear a growl from behind her.

Looking behind her she sees a half eaten corpse of the sniper that was here.

"I-is that Edgar?"


Alice ends up releasing a breath she didn't know she was holding.

She looks towards us and asks more calmly "Just.. just answer my question."

Looking towards my sisters I nod my head.

Sensing that mother might reveal herself since I noticed she's starting to feel aggressive from our connection with her. I walk towards the edge of the building and say "Pick up the sniper and look at my mother. I believe you'll get you answer soon enough."


POV Tanya

Following Carlos, Nicholai and Jill closely as they clear out the area of enemies.

Seeing them in action wasn't that interesting since I've seen Alice and Jill do so much better.

After the area was cleared I use my senses on the surroundings only to notice that this was a trap all along.

Going with the flow I follow everyone into the helicopter only to notice the moment we did everyone decided to come out of hiding.

Hearing someone from behind us he says "What's the rush? We've been expecting you."

Everyone gets off of the helicopter only for the adults to get zip tied.

Which did not include me thankfully.

Not that it would have worked on me either.

Seeing a crippled person in a wheelchair call out "Angie!"

Only to see Angela run and scream out "Daddy! I knew you wouldn't leave me!"

"No, never."

Seeing someone who I assume to be in charge here talk to a huge looking monster he ends up saying "Discard primary weaponry."

Pointing towards me he says "Come here little girl."

Walking towards him I end up saying "Ohh you did not just call me that!"

Using my spiritual pressure to lock everyone into place I call out mentally to Mary and Lilith 'Get rid of the trash while I make sure to torture this little shit."

Arriving near him I hear the big guy scream and try to run towards me. Using a bit more spiritual pressure on him he stops in front of me before falling to his knees.

"Wait your turn big guy!"

Walking past him I arrive near the person who called me a little girl.

He ends up saying to me "J-just wh-what are you?"

"At the moment.. I'm your worst nightmare."

Pointing my finger towards his chest a black tentacle comes out from it and impales itself into his chest.

Using my powers I spawn tons of spiders to slowly eat him from the inside out starting with his non-vital organs.

Hearing him scream out in pain as his subordinates also scream out was music to my ears!

Which in turn caused a maniacal laugh to come out of me.

Looking towards the big guy I hear Alice call out from nearby with Delta holding on to her.

"Wait! Don't kill Matt!"

"Matt? Who the hell is Matt?"

"Matt is the big guy!"

Pointing at the monster that's still on his knees "Him?"


Walking towards him I look into his eyes and say "Attack me and I will kill you without remorse. Since Alice believes in you.. I will allow it."

Walking away from him I come up from behind everyone that's zip tied to cut them free.

"Now that everyone is ok shouldn't we be leaving this place?"

'Mary, make sure Edgar gets out of the city safely.'

'Sure thing mother!'

"Yeah! Come on everyone on the chopper let's go!"

Walking into the helicopter with ample amount of time before daylight hits.

Before getting to far away I end up telling the pilot to land in safe distance. After landing we all come out just in time for the fireworks to show up.

Looking at the nuke go off in the distance was quite beautiful to say the least.

"Now that's over with, Alice! Can you bring Edgar and Matt here please."

"Sure Tanya."

"May I ask what this is for mother?"

"I'm fully inducting them into our family, however she and her friends will be under you Delta. Is that clear?"

"Crystal clear mother. I'll turn them into capable subordinates."

Seeing Alice arrive near us with Edgar and Matt in tow I call out "Great! Now is the time to ask questions if you have any Alice."

"I really want to know what you are Tanya."

"Hmmm, that's fair. I am a Grimm and hybrid. Which is what I intend to make you if all goes well."

"What is a Grimm?"

"Grimm are creatures of darkness, we bring ruin and chaos to worlds we show up in."

"Ruin and chaos? Why did you decide to help us?"

"I saw potential in you and Edgar, seeing as how Matt and you are infected with a virus in this world. I would like it if I could eat a part of both of you. Let's say your arms will be the toll to join me."

"I don't know if I can Tanya."

"Hmm let me make it more clear. Take the offer and I will spare the others. How does that sound?"

"Wait? What?! Do not touch the others Tanya! I will join you if that's all you want!"

"Great! Now line up in front of me."

Seeing them line up with Alice first and Edgar last I move towards Alice.

Slicing her left arm off she ends up screaming in pain.

Pointing my finger at her chest a black tentacle comes out from my finger.

Hearing the others coming towards us I hear Jill scream out "What the hell are you doing Tanya!"

Impaling her chest in the next second I summon a few spiders inside her body. Making sure that the spiders are near where they need to be I instruct them to start corrupting her vital organs.

Alice ends up screaming out in pain once again as she starts to convulse on the ground.

Moving onto Matt the big guy. I do the exact same as I did to Alice and cut off his left arm before moving on to corrupting him as well.

Hearing him scream out in pain as well I move over to Edgar who's been purring nonstop since I've been near him again.

Doing the same procedure with Edgar he ends up curling into a ball before the convulsions kicked in for him.

"Hmm, now that's over with time to eat to see if I can gain new abilities."

Grabbing their arms that I cut off I look towards the group only to see them look towards us in horror as Carlos and Nicholai point their weapons towards my current family.

"You guys can leave if you want."

"Not without Alice we aren't."

"She's going to be fine."

Next moment I said that Alice stops moving signaling that she ended up dying in the process of becoming like me.

"Uhhh.. ooops."


Seeing the others run towards her.

"Well that's was unfortunate, you can still try and take her place Jill if that's what you want?"

"What?! No!! She died because of you!"

The moment she said that Alice wakes up gasping for air.

"Alice! Are you alright?!"

"Yeah, why? I actually feel better than before."

"You just died for a minute there! Don't scare us like that!"

Walking towards Alice I say "Get up."

Seeing her immediately get up she walks towards me.

"Now that you are a hybrid of whatever you were before try regenerating your arm."

Alice ends up looking towards her left arm that I am currently eating in front of her.

She looks towards her empty left arm and it starts to regenerate as a black substance comes out of her wound.

Seeing her arm regenerate faster than how mine would I noticed that I may have gained a faster healing ability since I gain abilities and powers from eating.

Looking towards the others once again I noticed they are currently too afraid to approach us.

"Alice, let them know you will be leaving them."

Without hesitation she says "Yes, Tanya."

Seeing her walk towards the group I helped escape.

Seeing Jill talking to Alice trying to convince her to leave with them I end up calling out to Jill "This is your last chance on joining us Jill!"

"I will never join you Tanya!"

"That's a shame. I will allow you all leave this place alive. Next time we meet you might not be so lucky."

Seeing them back away from us slowly as Alice stays behind with us.

Not long after they all end up getting back on the helicopter only to see it fly off within the next minute.

-Authors Note-

Apologies for not posting anything the past few weeks. I've been dealing with a lot of personal issues. Now then, I can keep this story in resident evil movie verse for a bit more longer or I can allow them to move on to the next world. I will let you all decide the upcoming chapter if Tanya will stay in the current verse longer or not.