CH 7

They just lay there for a while. Alan had nearly drifted off. When he opened his eyes he saw Suzanne's green eyes mere inches from him. It struck him that she looked at him in the way he thought newlyweds might look at each other in bed on their honeymoon. He returned the look and found himself lost in the beauty of her eyes. All the corny poetry about eyes being shimmering pools of moonlight and the like now struck him as very real and true.

But all good things have to come to an end. Alan broke the silence by saying, "Suzanne, I love you. I just have to say it again. You're right. Just about everyone else I'm with seems like a kid compared to you. As amazing as I realize you are, I nonetheless underestimate you. You have such a great capacity for love. And unfortunately you channel that into some serious fucking."

"'Unfortunately?'" Suzanne was hurt.

She closed her eyes and turned away, but he held her chin and turned her face back.

Then, stroking her cheek, he said gently, "It's only unfortunate because you're going to kill me before I turn twenty. I was right: not only should your pussy be classified as a murder weapon, your entire body is one big murder weapon. You're too beautiful to be believed. Death by fucking is going to be the way I go before too long."

She laughed and looked at him straight in the eye, no longer offended. "You're probably right. I've been holding off on fucking you despite some close calls like the Elle deception or our time standing in the ocean on that nude beach trip, because I knew that once I got started I couldn't stop. Now that we're fucking for real, I just absolutely have to do it every single day. ... Because I want to be one with my lovey-dovey little Sweetie baby Alan."

She nuzzled his face with her nose as she said this last sentence, then they kissed again.

The kiss was so searing that Alan was nearly inspired to go for a fifth time. Unfortunately, his penis wouldn't cooperate with his desires.

When their lips parted, he said only half-jokingly, "You see? That's the problem. With kisses like that, how can I function? All I'll be able to do now is think about fucking you. You're turning me into a hopeless case. It feels like we fucked all afternoon."

Suzanne smiled a wry smile and pulled a watch from out of her clothes lying near the bed. "We have. Did you know it's past six o'clock already?"

Alan looked out the window blinds and noticed with great surprise that it was almost dark. "Fuck! We've been fucking for, like, three hours! That's just not possible. I mean, an overwhelming majority of that was total, full on, scream at the top of my lungs, right at the edge of total euphoria, intense, deep fucking. Delirious, incoherent babble, can't-remember-my-name fucking. No way!"

"Yes way, Sweetie. You know how to make a woman happy. I can already tell you I'll never forget this day. And to think that we can do better tomorrow, because you were pretty tired coming in here. Just wait until your penis and your body has had another very long, very restful night. You'll be the one on top of me, crying 'Ride 'em cowboy.'"

Alan frowned.

She asked, "What is it, Sweetie?"

"Well, I don't know if I'll ever get a chance to recover, because something always comes up. I certainly won't recover tonight to be in good shape for that tomorrow. You see, well, I'm not sure if you want to hear this..."

"What is it?"

"Well, I know you get upset when I mention sex and Amy, but the truth is I've already promised Amy that we'd fuck tonight. I've never fucked her before and it just wouldn't be fair to her to wait another day."

Suzanne sat back, a little miffed. "My, my. Innocent Amy. My sweet honey pie. She's finally going to lose her virginity properly." Then, with a start, she realized, "And you're going to fuck me and her for the first time on the same day! Mother and daughter, back to back! You are such a sexy devil!"

"I thought you were upset by that kind of thing."

"Well, I am, but mostly by thoughts of Amy and I together. As long as you keep us apart and don't make me watch, I'm okay with it. In fact, I have to admit that I'm more than a little impressed. How many guys ever get the chance to fuck a mother and daughter, and soon you'll be doing two mother and daughter pairs."

Alan couldn't help but grin in triumph. "I know. It's kind of cool, but kind of not. I mean, how can I keep up with Amy tonight? What'll I have left after that fucking of a lifetime you just gave me? How will I be able to get myself up for a worthy performance, even a single cum? And two, I hate to be blunt, but she's never had sex before. You're like a battle-hardened crack fuck veteran, and I mean that in only a good way. I wonder if I might not be as enthusiastic with Amy as I would have been if I'd fucked her before you."

"Hmm. I see what you mean. But I'm sure you'll rise to the occasion in more ways than one. You always do. Look at it a different way. Treat her like a student instead of a teacher. And you're such a gentleman. I'm sure she'll come away very happy."

"Perhaps, but this is why I wasn't just kidding about sharing your skills. You need to share, especially with Amy and Katherine, so things can be a little more balanced out. Katherine in particular is feeling neglected. If she knew all the things you could do, she would burn with envy." He grinned. "Plus, you have to. I made you cum in five minutes so I won the bet."

Suzanne replied, chagrined, "Hrm. What's your next bet? If you correctly guess my favorite musician then you get a fuck sandwich with Katherine on the top and me on the bottom, but if you guess incorrectly then it's a fuck sandwich with me on the top and Katherine on the bottom?"

Alan was all smiles. "Hmm... Not a bad idea. I'm afraid you're on the bottom, though, 'cos I already know your favorite musician is Mozart."

"Drat." But as Suzanne lay there, she seriously considered the idea of sharing her skills. He's right. I've proved myself here today. Sweetie said that all the others are like kids compared to me. That was such a hard won and sweet victory, to hear that. I just have to secure my spot here on top of the pecking order and then all will be perfect.

Now that I'm up here, I can lend a hand and raise Amy and Katherine higher too. The better they are at sex, the more that benefits me, as the situation evolves into one big, constant Plummer family orgy. I just have to make sure to stay one step ahead and not give everything away. At the very least, it'll take them years of Kegel exercises before they have the pussy control I do.

Susan, on the other hand... Of course I have to teach her all I know, eventually, but I'm not going to be in such a big hurry about it. After all, he did say Amy and Katherine take top priority. I'm still deathly afraid that he's going to forget all about me when he starts to fuck his "mommy." If she somehow magically gained all my years of sexual experience overnight, I'd be in big trouble.

After all this thought, she answered smiling, "Of course, Sweetie, you're so right. Since you beat me in our little contest and made me cum first, I'll have to teach them. But it'll take a while. That climax without ejaculation thing especially is more of an art than anything. It requires a special touch."

That's true enough, she thought. I don't want any more lies with my lover, my man. "But in any case, let's get our act together here. Susan will be expecting you for dinner."

Once they dressed and got in the car, Suzanne called her husband Eric on her cell phone and told him she'd be late and they should get some take out food without her.

Alan similarly called up Susan and told her the computer shopping was taking longer than expected.

Now that they were done, Suzanne's energy level finally crashed. As wiped out as Alan was, he was forced to drive the car back because Suzanne was in no shape to get behind the wheel. She could barely walk.

But Suzanne could still tease. She gleefully pointed out that after being gone so many hours, they of course didn't have any computer or other purchases to show for it. "I guess we'll just have to go shopping again tomorrow then, to make sure we get that computer."

"Do you mean we'll actually buy a computer, or come back here?"

"And I thought you were a smart kid. Screw computers! I know as much about them as you do. I'll buy one on Monday while you're at school so I don't miss out on any opportunities involving your penis. This sharing of you is a real drag! To think, you're going to fuck my daughter tonight and I'm hoping that you'll have something left for me tomorrow. But I love you and what you do to me so much that I don't care that much."

He replied, trying to change the topic, "I'm so happy to have finally fucked you that I can't even express it in words. And like you, now that we've started I don't ever wanna stop. But how are we going to keep fucking and not get caught after our 'shopping' tomorrow? We can't suddenly be shopping every day of the week."

"True," Suzanne conceded. "I want to fuck every single day, but that may not be realistic in the short term. We may have to do without some days, until everything is out in the open."

Alan nodded and pointed out, "Katherine and I don't get to do it very often either, which is a drag. Wouldn't it be great to have no secrets? Keep working on Mom's resistance."

"Okay. Sounds like you could use more rest, so a day off here and there won't kill me. But you still owe me 26 more times to make up for lost time, and the count goes up one more every day. As for your mother, believe me, I'm trying!"

She considered proving how much she was working on Susan by telling him about how the psychologist session with Xania was faked, but she just didn't have the energy for it. She knew he'd have to learn the truth about that sooner or later, though. It was dangerous to keep too many secrets and that one wasn't a very important one.

She began to drift off as Alan drove the car down the highway, but then came alert with a sudden start. "Sweetie? Can you promise me one thing?"

"What's that?"

"You know what you were saying earlier about tying me up while you fuck my daughter tonight. You were just fantasizing, right? You're not going to actually do that."

Alan looked over at her and considered. He'd already forgotten about it and hadn't been planning on it, but on the other hand the idea did have a strong appeal. "Of course I won't. Don't worry. Not unless you want to."

"Well, I don't. You know my feelings on that so I won't belabor the point. And please. Treat her gently tonight. I'm counting on you to be the loving gentleman Alan with her and not this new aggressive Alan. She's so innocent and impressionable."

"Don't worry. You can count on me."

Reassured, Suzanne smiled and drifted off to sleep.

That left Alan alone with his thoughts as he struggled to stay awake long enough to make the drive home. Just think. As soon as I get home, I'm going to have a late supper, and then it's on to a date with Amy. More fucking to follow! With the bountiful and loving Amy, no less. Then I've promised Katherine we can fuck again as soon as Saturday is over and our grounding punishment is done. I wouldn't be surprised if she attacks me the instant the clock strikes midnight. Then Suzanne wants another session just like this one tomorrow, which in and of itself will totally destroy my penis and energy. And my mom clearly wants her ass fucked so bad that I would be a bad son not to neglect that any longer. At least I think she does. Sometimes I have a hard time understanding my "new" mom.

And then there's Glory! If she knows I've stayed home all weekend and didn't call her, she's going to be pissed. And she will learn the hiking trip was canceled soon, and I don't want to lie to her about it anyways. If I'm a good guy, I should go to the beach with her tomorrow or something.

And that's just for starters. There are always surprises, like the surprise Akami visit. For all I know, Heather could crawl into my window at three in the morning and demand that I stop neglecting her and fuck her there and then. I'm literally drowning in beautiful, naked female bodies. It's really not fair for me to have so many beauties if I can't put in the time and emotion they deserve. I have to focus on just the ones who mean the most to me.

How can I manage it all? Suzanne alone is more than just about any guy can handle. She's a human dynamo, a sex tornado. ... I've got to figure out some kind of system to deal with all of these women without literally getting fucked to death! I'm loving it too much to stop or even slow down, that's for sure. I mean, fucking Suzanne turned into a totally transcendent bonding experience there at the end. Nothing else matters, compared to doing something like that.

The ironic thing is, this is the weekend I'm supposed to be resting!