
prologue -

Long ago, before the advent of chakra and the rampage of the Shinjū, the lands were roamed by gods and men alike. For the humans, it was a time of war and conflict, but the gods were largely unconcerned by the deaths around them.

Then, one day, one woman overturned the status quo of reality and stole the Chakra fruit. By eating it that woman, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, granted mankind the ability to manipulate their life-force.

Once again, the gods did not particularly care. Or at least, they wouldn't have, if not for the consequences of eating the fruit.

With one of its fruits stolen, the great Tree came to life with a vengeance, mutating into a vast, terrible monster of pure destructive force. As it tore the continent apart, creating new ones, it was given many names: Daidarabotchi, Datara, Ame no Hitotsu no Kami and more famously, the Jūbi.

At last, there came a day when Kaguya's sons, the sages Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo and Hamura, rose up with their almighty power to lay low the Jūbi. This led to the creation of the nine Bijuu. However, that is neither here nor there.

As the land was reshaped by the Jūbi, the gods fled for their eternal lives. Eventually, after running out of places to hide, they came up with an elegant solution; they would cast away their physical forms and hide themselves away within the Wheel of Samsara. With luck, their all-powerful souls would be reborn into new vessels, long after the danger had passed.

However…even their actions had consequences, and mankind once more paid for the recklessness of others. The male half of the population began to dwindle. By the time Senju Hashirama passed away, preceded by his brother, the world found itself bereft of men. Fortunately, the remaining women (mostly the Uzumaki), designed a seal that, when applied, could grant another woman a temporary penis, with which children could be conceived.

Unfortunately, only kunoichi could write and power the seals, so the population continued to drop to near extinction.

But then...on October 10th, a boy was born between two kunoichi.

It was the turning point of the century, not only because of his gender, but also because of his soul and heritage.

The advent of the god of Fertility and Lust had arrived

Chapter 1: Incarnation

There in the middle of a stone altar, a miracle of miracles happening. No one could hope to replicate such an event; due to its rarity among the world's population, it was considered something of an honor to witness, especially because of the two important individuals at the center.

While it wasn't exactly uncommon for such a thing to happen, it was still respected like a rarity and a miracle because of how rare it is in comparison hundreds of years ago. This of course, was the miracle of birth. To cover all the bases, doctors and nurses were scrubbed up and wearing face masks while attending to the pregnancy.

Now normally this event was rather loud. Contrary to what one would expect from a self-proclaimed 'miracle', it was a bloody, painful, angry and loud affair, but in the end it was all worth it…right now though, it was anything but.

"... Are you sure she's coming?" asked Mako, kneeling beside her tired wife. The Yondaime Hokage was covered in voluminously thick robes and a vest, hiding her breasts and making her chest almost completely flat. Her hair was cropped and spiky. If it wasn't for the clearly feminine features and smaller hands, one would swear she was a mythical man.

"M-Mako… we've been over this. I know when the baby is coming; I can feel her moving towards my opening right now, I'm the mother here!" She sighed, the exhale of air quickly becoming a small yawn, "I know what is leaving and entering my body."

Deep crimson hair cascaded over the altar, all the way to the ground below as a testament to its length. The light of the torches shone off her sweat-slicked skin, large, full breasts jiggling slightly with her ragged breathing, nipples standing at attention in the cool air. She was, of course, completely naked and totally exhausted, legs splayed carelessly open. This was Uzumaki Kushina, wife to Mako and the bearer of their child. A large, red-inked tattoo spread across her hugely swollen belly in a swirling design.

"I'm's just- look, I haven't been there for all the birthings in the world, but I've seen a few, and these ladies will surely agree with me," she gestured to attending nurses, three of them, who nodded in turn with their leader, "Birthing is usually pretty painful. When you ask a mother how they know a baby is coming, they said you'd know when it is, painful, uncomfortable and all that."

"Why didn't you tell me that nine months ago?! Not exactly a ringing endorsement," The redhead muttered angrily.

"I'm just saying…it might just be a false alarm?" The female Hokage shrugged helplessly, at a loss at what may be wrong with the process; she'd been woken up in the middle of the night by her wife and had been told the baby was coming in one of the most calm and patient voices ever. The complete OPPOSITE of a woman in labor and how she would normally act if it was true.

It took three tries but eventually Mako relented and called upon what nurses and doctors that were available at the time. Now kneeling in a special altar, with designs and seals placed by Mako herself, they awaited the child to come.

Yet an hour later, there wasn't anything except the tired expression on Kushina's face.

"I said I know when something is going south in my stomach, especially when she is the size of a loaf of bread and is crawling out of my damn cunt!" One thing that was apparent was that while not screaming in pain and aggression, she still retained an annoyed persona during the supposed 'birthing,' a rather vulgar choice of words and rather blunt, and it was like she silenced the room after each sentence.

"I know dear…I know." To be honest, Mako was out of her depth. She'd prepared herself for everything when it was expected they would have a child. She expected shouting, anger, yelling, maybe the bones in her hand breaking from Kushina gripping too hard. She didn't expect this completely…disinterested and nonchalant behavior.

"I'd stop with the same question over and over again if I were you. She's on the way, and it's- hmm…" The expectant lover looked down at the sudden interruption, Mako as well sat up straight and looked at her wife's stomach.

"... Just a kick, still taking her sweet- HNN!" She bit her lip, cutting herself off. This time Mako quickly gestured at the medical staff, who quickly rushed to look over the body of the redhead.

"It's alright Kushina, looks like you're right, she's coming!" Excitedly, Mako stared at her lover's bulging belly, enthusiasm rekindled as Kushina twitched, shivered and shook all at once.

But something was…off. Mako couldn't be called a true shinobi without recognising the smaller things; her wife wasn't in pain, but she certainly wasn't tired. If anything, she had… a rather familiar look to her face. It was subtle, but Mako's blush took on a new shade of red. Her first thought was, Is Kushina...getting turned on by this?!

No, she must have read her face wrong. Facial reading wasn't Mako's best subject in school, but she had a decent memory and the memory that face, tongue hanging out Kushina's mouth, the glazed eyes rolling back in her, all pointed towards her wife getting off on her own pregnancy! There were a number of kinks; some for little girls, others for old ladies, but she was sure that this was kind of a strange thing to suddenly get into. Priorities, woman! Baby first…Kushina's ahegao second.

Over the course of the next hour, Kushina was in labour. However, with every second that went by, her pussy glistened more and more with a wet sheen until it was practically streaming down the rock as she moaned, the lusty sound echoing off the rock walls. Mako blushed a healthy red, thankful that the doctors were professional enough not to comment. Yet, the eager looks they gave were enough to make her cringe in jealousy…with a hint of arousal and curiosity. Of course it was nothing compared to her concern, embarrassment and worry for the future, so it was quickly forgotten.

Then, one of the nurses cried out that she saw the head; the next ten minutes were spent in plain tension and anticipation as they eased the child out.

Finally, Kushina gave out a satisfied moan of pleasure, before slumping back, almost like she was enjoying the afterglow. Mako decided to put the experience behind her for now… and simply looked at her child, smiling happily.

She was struck dumb however, her smile freezing as she caught sight between her daughter's legs.