chapter 10

Kushina has many things in her life.

She still remembered that in her youth she wished to become the Hokage. She still had memories of her very enthusiastic proclamations of wanting to be the leader of the village. At this time in her life, she had become everything BUT Hokage. A soldier, a wife, a mother…suffice it to say, she had a lot of experience when it came to many situations. As a result, her then-usual temper tantrums mellowed out to the point that she was able to take most situations in stride. Recon on an enemy village? No problem. Keep to practiced, formal mannerisms around foreign diplomats for possible assassinations? Difficult, but not impossible. Trying to find out why her son's penis doubled in size overnight? Not so much.

An hour before he had to go to school, Naruto was kneeling in front of his mother in the middle of the living room, Kushina across from him. Both were dressed more appropriately than the last time they had been together of course.

The literally hard part about keeping a cool, calm and collected approach was the noticeably shaped visible bulge along the front of Naruto's pants. After screaming in shock, the first thing Naruto did was go to the bathroom, trying to stop the engorged member from being so… difficult once again. Through several methods he had eventually managed to discover that cold water was able to fix the issue, which was something to be thankful for.

However, just as he managed to get it down, Kushina had burst through the door to see what was wrong…with his pants down and his noticeable growth on display.

If it weren't for the fact that his balls were dripping in cold water and he was still in shock, the sight of his mother in a sheer nightgown may have affected him.

And now here we are…

"So…Naruto," She pointed at him, "You're saying, that when you went to relieve yourself… you just found it like this?"

Naruto wasn't sure why he'd lied about the exact circumstances; being caught on the spot in such a open fashion had made him say the first thing that came to mind when pressed for an explanation. Like getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar, he simply said he found it that way.

He nodded meekly, and his mother exhaled an exasperated sigh.

"...Bright side, Kushina, bright side," She muttered. While a shock and kind of dangerous, his expanded penis turning bigger was hardly that…big of an issue. Do this every few months and it goes away easier. Plus, now it's easier to grab onto…

She sighed again, a bit more raggedly than before to suppress her blush. "Just… tell me when it does that again. I'll try to look into records about this and find out what it is, otherwise I need you to remember…" She looked into his eyes sternly, "PLEASE keep this a secret for now; I'll talk to Mako about it later when she comes home. Otherwise, just act normal and try to enjoy your first day in school, alright?"

At this, Naruto nodded in determination, "Alright mama! You can count on me, dattebayo!"

Kushina smiled unbidden, it was kind of cute how her verbal tic managed to get picked up by her son from the few times he had heard her say it; in a way, it brought them much closer together.

"Alright socchi, now let's get our breakfast, hm?"

The two of them sat in awkward silence, a bowl of milk and cereal in front of them. Normally, Kushina would've cooked for her family, but given how short on time they were, they would have to make do. After about five minutes at the table, Naruto ran off for the Academy while Kushina took her time walking to the Hokage Tower.


Naruto had a major problem when he got to school. More precisely, he became aware of a problem since he'd begun walking to school. His dick was slowly getting hard once again. He gave an annoyed look down between his legs. It was enough to be noticeable, but it was enough that he needed to calm down before it got bigger. He was thankful that the kimono he was wearing managed to hide the outline that his swelling prick was making in his shorts.

Speaking the shorts, they had been the problem; he didn't notice before when he had a smaller member, but now it was large enough that the rubbing from the tighter fabric was enough that blood had started to flow to his groin. Before he knew it, he was already half-hard. Not enough to be completely stiff, but still noticeable. The resulting warmth was definitely not unpleasant against the ballsack below it

Maybe it will calm down when I'm in class…

With that, he made his way to the designated classroom, shown to him before when his father had free time in her busy schedule. He passed several other students as well, some he recognised; Sasami gave him a quick smile that he returned as they passed each other before moving on. When he went through the nearby door and sat down in a desk close to the front, he looked to see his teacher, a woman apparently called Iruka, organizing papers. From her face and hands, her skin was a warm tan color, quite different from his mother's own pale skin. While her Chuunin vest covered her up nicely, it still showed off the round curves of her breasts, possibly a tad smaller than Kushina's own but still a good size...

Breasts… when did they get so noticeable? His mother was the prime example, but now that he thought on it, while he was walking to the academy, his focus on the chests of the more well endowed women was strange… yet pleasant.

In fact, his mother in particular had been a very distracting presence several times in the last few days; last night for example. He had felt his very body succumb to the bared images of her body as they flashed through several angles and poses. Naruto right now was digging himself a deeper grave within his mind as images trickled through…