chapter 20

There was no way to just escape, it would have been better to jump out the window now that she had time to think, but it was too late to think about what she could have done; right now she was focusing on keeping her breathing level.

At the ten minute mark an unwelcome problem made itself known, as they had gotten rather comfortable in her positions, Sasami's eyes widened as she felt something hard.

"Naruto…" She hissed.

"It's not my fault, it's because of you being naked and rubbing against me, I can't tell it what to do!"

She frowned and tried to shift away a little, unfortunately she found herself spinning around slightly and ending up with her back to Naruto, she had thought this might have affected him less since more of her parts were hidden, but his cock had wedged itself between her thighs, making it start pulsing and hardening again.

She growled as loudly as she dared, the head of his member making itself known when she looked down. Naruto whimpered slightly, hips shifting as he instinctively rubbed against her soft skin.

Twenty minutes and the locker was getting hot…and smelly.

"...could you please get some more chalk from the closet over there please?" came Iruka-sensei's voice from outside.

They froze, suddenly not so hot anymore. They were gonna be found! As footsteps approached their hiding spot, their heartbeats ramped up and they both broke out in a sweat. as they awaited being given away-

And then, they were surprised for the door to open and reveal Kizu, who looked rather bored until her eyes alighted on the scene before her. They simply stared at one another for a few, awkward moments. Then she grinned and, glancing obviously down at Naruto's half-hard cock, ran her tongue across her lips with a devious wink, grabbed a box of chalk and quickly closed the door again. "Here you go sensei~!" they heard her call.

Sasumi was bewildered…but then slowly grew angry at the mutt girl's behavior… and the fact that Naruto had gotten even harder than before because of her appearance. I'm not going to lose to that mutt! As slowly as she dared, but as quick as she could, she lifted herself off of Naruto and lowered herself onto her haunches. In the confined space, the head of his dick wavered directly before her face. As such, she was treated to the view of that slimy liquid welling up out of the slit, clouded now with some white, and suddenly felt intimidated.

But she wasn't going to be outdone! If that mutt could do this, then an Uchiha could do the same!

Her mouth opened wide and she slipped it over the cock head a second later.

Naruto placed his hands against his mouth quickly, to avoid moaning aloud as her tongue swirled crazily around his tip. Sasami wasn't going with lengthy tongue baths like Kizu loved to; she was moving in for the kill, as she tried to wrap as much of her mouth around him as she could, sucking hard on his cock to try and pull him in further.

An Uchiha always goes right for the goal, she reminded herself stubbornly, bobbing her head up and down on the end of her friends meat stick.

While the violent assault on his member was proceeding, Naruto was doing everything in his power not to groan as her tongue-tip traced circles around the edge of his foreskin, biting down on his lip. It was with a fierce amount of raw will that he didn't make any noise except heavy breathing.

Sasami meanwhile had realised the taste of Naruto's member; it was similar in taste, yet completely different from the gunk she'd drunk before. It was a welcome thought to help the process along. She nearly lost sight her goal, simply wanting to keep sucking on him.

It would have passed tomatoes, if it didn't taste more like a dessert than any proper meal. That leaking goo tasted so sweet~ Maybe she could have some with tomatoes later. That would be a nice combination.

Absently, her hand came up once again to weigh and massage Naruto's balls. Had they shrunk a little? Well, either way, they still felt firm to her touch, even as the sack sagged around it. Maybe all that tasty white stuff comes from here? A thought made her reluctantly drag her mouth off his pole with a small pop, bubbly saliva still connecting them. Hm...maybe if I make them feel good directly…

Her lips then found Naruto's sack and he in turn near bit his tongue off to suppress the yelp of surprise, not entirely.

"Hmm? What was that?"

Natuto's eyes bulged, not only because his best friend had started taking his balls into her mouth, but because he had apparently not been quiet enough.

"Ah, sorry sensei! Akamaru got a little excited," came Kizu's voice. She was covering for them! That had to be it!

Kizu-chan, thought Naruto, putting a hand to Sasami's head as she continued suckling on each of his testicles, I will owe you a week of mouth-time for this, dattebayo! Then that thought was chased away as Sasami silently debated which ball to devote most of her time to. She deliberated seriously, taking first one, then the other in her mouth, using her probing tongue to test each one, as she also had her hand give a slow stroke to the cock that lay against her face.