chapter 29


The rest of the previous day had passed without incident. Naruto had gotten his customary afternoon 'cleanup' from Sasami after Kizu. Today's lunchtime relief came from the former, who had dragged Naruto to the (thankfully deserted) rooftop of the Academy building before stripping down and stroking him off. As had been typical in the last few days, her whole chest had ended up splattered with thick white batter.

They managed to finish up before the bell rang for the end of it, thankfully enough, and went back to the mess hall, where it was already full of students who had come here before them.

Naruto found it a little embarrassing how some of the other students looked questionably up at them and their tardiness, but simply ignored it and found an empty table where he, Kizu and Sasami could sit.

It was a few minutes afterward, when they were eating from their bento that the door to the room opened once again to reveal another pair of late comers. Naruto looked up and saw two looking girls walking together. Both had similar faces, but mostly the biggest similarity was in their eyes. They lacked pupils entirely, and save for a slight tinge of lavender, the irises were as pale as the sclera.

One of them had dark, glossy blue hair cropped short in a hime cut, which contrasted starkly with her porcelain skin but served to enhance the charm of her round-cheeked face. Her clothes were relatively simple; a pale blue, fleecy shirt and a knee-length skirt. It was hard to get a bead on her actual body, because she was nervously curled up on herself, glancing around timidly and trying to avoid drawing attention. She held on loosely to the girl next to her, clearly her sister.

The other girl was quite different. Her face was more angular, her expression far more confident. Her brown hair was much longer, gathered in a hair-tie at the end to keep it out of her face. She wore a white tank top that clung to her slender frame and showed the barest trace of the bottom of her stomach, along with a pair of equally snug shorts and a pair of rough looking boots that seemed too large for her thin legs. There was a distinct smirk on her lips, as if she were hiding a big secret.

Naruto watched them for a few seconds, curious about the two, Sasami took notice. "Those two are the Hyūga clan heiresses, Hinata and Hanabi" she explained, answering his unasked question, "Twins, which is pretty rare nowadays. I heard both are prodigies in their clan's fighting style…My clan also has a rather strong rivalry with their own."

"Why's that?"

"It's usually because we share Bloodlines that are centered around our eyes; we have a similarity in that regard so we judge which is the better of the two most of the time…And to be honest, the Uchiha…have smaller boobs, and the Hyuuga are just too fucking big."

Sure enough, even with her hunched position, Naruto could tell that Hinata had slight lumps under her loose sweater; it wasn't enough to tell if they were especially big, but it was still visibly noticeable.

Later on in the afternoon was Kizu's shift for 'Naruto cleanup-duty' and she took her time to savor the flavor of his cum. So lost was she in her enjoyment that time flew by rather quickly, and before she knew it, recess was over. They were so late that it forced the both of them to run to class.

Suddenly, Kizu paused, sniffing at the air before they went for their seats.

"What?" asked Naruto quietly, "Do I stink to you or something?"

The Inuzuka paused, then shook her head. "No, not that. I mean, you still smell great, but there's...something in here. It smells like those days when Mom comes back from a long mission and shuts herself in her room for a while."

He blinked. "That's…uh…really specific-ttebayo."

"Hey, I've got a good sense of smell and that one is pretty distinctive. Though for some reason, I'm picking up traces of herbs too. And some…candy?" She craned her neck as they sat down. "Ugh…dammit, where's it coming from?"

Now that she mentioned it, Naruto could smell something as well. It was faint, but definitely present. It was an odd, almost sweet musk that carried a certain density to it. The little that he could smell was heady and made him feel oddly relaxed…it also caused his recently deflated cock to stir once again. He had a feeling that if he kept sniffing it, his pants would be far more uncomfortable; especially if he were near the source.

As they both ascended the steps, the scent got even stronger. Whatever it was that smelled so good was in this classroom. As Naruto looked inside and scanned the faces of his classmates, he realized that in all the craziness with his penis, he never really tried to make any friends outside of Sasami and Kizu. Feeling bad about it, he made a mental note to do so once he had some free time. And so classes resumed.

The room was clogged full with the musk unfortunately, which DID make it more than a bit difficult to concentrate in class, as well as determine where exactly it originated from. It was as if he were deep in the heart of the smell and was being constantly bombarded by its heated aura. He groaned as the musk burned itself into his brain; already he could feel his pants tightening at his crotch.