chapter 75

Kushina naturally checked Naruto for injuries or anything of that nature, but thankfully strayed from the crotch due to embarrassment subconsciously telling her not to. The bathing session continued as normal with conversations about clans and husbands popping up again. It was when Naruto was in the changing rooms, a locker down from his mother, did Kurenai speak to him again.

There was a sort of shimmering in the air and everything seemed to become shrouded in a light haze. "Don't react," whispered a voice in his ear, "I thought it would be best to speak privately." It was Kurenai. She had cast a minor Genjutsu on Naruto, manipulating his senses in order to hear her words.

Naruto was familiar with Genjutsu, due to covering it in class with Iruka not two days ago, so he nodded slightly and began pulling on his pants… quickly, so his raging boner wasn't spotted by Kushina.

"Look outside your room window tonight; I'll talk with you again there."

Naruto gulped slightly at the foreboding message, and simply focused on getting dressed.

[Later that night]

Naruto managed to keep his boner under control, letting it deflate to its soft, warm, 'half aroused' state. Fortunately, neither of his parents decided to walk around in their underwear in front of him, so dinner was a simple affair.

It was when he was lying on his bed, tired from doing his homework, that he heard a light tap on the window. He looked around to see a familiar form outside his room, on a tree branch.

"Hello, Naruto-kun," greeted Kurenai when he slid his window open. She was dressed in a strange white outfit, seemingly made of tightly woven bandages, with a thin black stripe along the center and a long red sleeve on one arm.

"H-hi, Kurenai-san," Naruto returned shyly.

"How have you been? You know…with…"

The young boy blushed as his penis gave a small throb in his boxers. "A-ah…it's okay. I've managed to, er, keep it down."

The Jōonin nodded, not moving from the tree branch that she knelt on. "Does Kushina-san know that it gets hard more than once?" she asked.

"No. I…don't want her to worry too much about it. And Tou-chan doesn't know at all; I dunno why Kaa-chan hasn't told her."

"I'm… sure she has her reasons." Kurenai resisted the urge to take more than a glance at Naruto's clothed crotch. As well as his face, for fear that he could read her mind and know exactly why Kushina didn't tell her husband. That made her freeze up a little; the Hokage was currently sleeping nearby…she couldn't be caught with her son, in the middle of his room like this.

"Look… Naruto." She awkwardly addressed him, "Tell me honestly, how often does you member...inflate itself?"

Naruto looked away shyly. "Well…it gets really hard when I see naked girls. Or, almost naked. Like, in their panties or something…" Like his mother did all the time on Saturdays. Just thinking about it made the front of his boxers start to bulge.

"...Uh…d-do you…" She smacked her face irritably as the pieces came together. A penis was usually for the process of impregnation, so they said; so it made sense that it would seek to be 'ready' when around naked females, why it didn't happen before? Likely sexual maturity, so no wonder he was always getting hard once a week without fail, he was inside a bath with several naked women!

"Wait… are you sure? I mean, how many times could you see a naked woman Naruto…and if so, tell me who they are." She wasn't crossing Anko of the list, this seemed like information she would abuse if she found it out first.

Naruto immediately latched onto his only option. "Ah…Kaa-chan, she, doesn't wear much in private," he tapped his fingers together lightly, "And, dad not as much because she's very busy, but sometimes…"

Kurenai chewed her lip, processing that information. "I see…perhaps it would be best if you told your mother about this, Naruto-kun."

"I…don't want her to get too worried about it," Naruto said hesitantly, "But…" It was clear that he agreed with her, even if he was unwilling to follow her advice.

She sighed. "Well…since I know about it at least, perhaps I could help you with your...other, times."

"Ah, well…it happens… about three times a week…" Naruto was already hiding enough in their conversation, but right now he was feeling rather…greedy, so he purposely twisted the truth a little. "Kaa-chan is pretty relaxed when she's alone in the house, so…"

"I understand," she said shortly. She didn't think any less of Kushina for it, but she briefly felt a little exasperated at the mother for not grasping this sooner. "Alright, here, I'll organise a special way for you to get in touch with me if you need it. It might not always work, since I might have to leave the village sometimes, but it should let me know if you need some help."

"Ah, th-thank you Kurenai-san," said Naruto gratefully, "S-so you'll help me when I get hard? Like in the baths?"

"Yes…but this is only temporary, mind. You need to tell your mother eventually and I'll be holding you to it. For now…I suppose I can let you off considering your home situation."


"... Nevermind." Kurenai berated herself for letting it slip; Naruto never did pay much attention to what the mothers were talking about unless they were addressing him directly, so he wouldn't know of Kushina's loneliness, of the increased conflict that kept Mako busy with her job. It wouldn't do to make their child worry unnecessarily.

"Now…Naruto, I'll keep up my end of the deal, but I want you to promise you'll eventually tell your mother about all of this, understand?"

"Got it."