chapter 87

She leaned in close and breathed in Naruto's ear, "Or? Are you trying to seduce her to get closer to me…?"

Naruto fell back, blushing terribly while Mebuki laughed loudly.

"Still got it! Nice talking to you, Naruto-kun. I'll see you next time." With that, she left room, giving an extra sashay to embarrass the youth further…little did she know, she was making him hard all over again.

As the door swung shut, Naruto gave a shaky breath. Then he lifted the cloth of the kotatsu, seeing Sakura's bubble butt planted in his lap, emphasized by her folded legs. Her eyes were rolled up and she had drooled on the floor quite a bit. "Hey, Sakura-chan," said the blond teasingly, "Your mom dropped by to tell you she loves you."

Sakura moaned, shuddering, her green eyes unable to focus. "C-cock…"

"Heh, she's right. Your expression is cute."

With Naruto still hard, and Sakura still vulnerable, the next hour was filled with exploring the world of sex with Sakura. When he left, she was blissfully asleep and tucked into bed happily.



The next day was actually a day off from the Academy. As Naruto woke up, his cock hard again, he wondered what he'd be doing with his free time. Maybe go train, eat some ramen…somehow he doubted Sakura would be up for another 'study' session.

As he shuffled around getting dressed, trying to get his stiffy to go down, his mother called out distantly, "Naru-chan! There's someone here to see you!"

He blinked. "Coming, Kaa-chan!" Who would be coming to visit him like this? Now that he thought about it, none of his girlfriends had ever been to his house before.

That question was answered as he made his way to the living room. Sitting primly on the sofa, lightly flushed, was Hinata. She looked around as he approached and smiled shyly. "G-good morning, Naruto-ku- ah, -chan."

Naruto waved a little hesitantly back, and looked at his mother…who was peeking around the corner at the two curiously. Naruto sweatdropped at her lack of subtlety, despite being a ninja, and looked back at his visitor.

"U-um…" the young Hyūga stood up and clasped her hands in front of her. To Naruto's still slightly aroused eye, this motion caused her upper arms to squeeze the swell of her bosom slightly. "Th-that is…N-Naruto-chan, c-could you go on a d-d-date with me?!"

Naruto froze a little, caught off by the sudden question, "Uh… w-well-"

"He will!" Kushina shouted from behind him, causing Naruto to jump, "Uh… I mean, well," she composed herself a little, "If he wants, of course."

The boy deadpanned at his mother before turning to look at Hinata. Truth be told, while he always had immense fun playing with her soft, developed body, he had to admit that he didn't really have much of a relationship with the girl outside of fucking. There wasn't anything wrong with that, but… maybe this would be a good opportunity to get to know her. He smiled. "Yeah, sure. That'd be great, Hinata-chan!" Naruto made a mental note to do the same for Kizu, Ino, Kurumu and Tenten as well.

Hinata gave a warm, happy smile that made him blush.


"Eeeeeee! My little boy is going to go on his first date!" Kushina wiggled happily as she rushed around Naruto's room, looking for something for him to wear. Because of the excitement of her little boy going on his first date, she herself had forgotten to put on decent clothes.

Because of that, she was in a pair of hastily put on shorts that hardly hid her lack of panties, flashing the very top of her asscrack when she bent over even slightly , and a bra that hardly held her breasts still, simply making them jiggle around as she rushed back and forth.

Naruto sighed as he adjusted his posture, the familiar feeling of his cock hiding against his stomach.

Every now and then she would bend over and Naruto would take the time to peek through the loose leggings, showing glimpses of her lower ass, and sometimes she would swing around so quickly that her nipples out a little from her bra.

Naruto would soon wonder why he didn't just get it over with and fuck his mother. She was already comfortable with so much…But he decided to stick with his technique of letting the girls decide the limits. Also, she still didn't know that the limit of the week was actually a lie. At this point it was more like…five times a day or something.

Still…it was so tempting to yank down those shorts and bury his face in her round cheeks. His visions of Sakura when he did the same didn't help his arousal.

In the end he wore his nicest pink kimono and red pants underneath. Kushina gave him a tight hug, which only made hiding his erection harder as it squashed her near-bare tits against him, he was inside her cleavage because of it. It was a miracle that he convinced her to go out the room to change by himself, she was so used to seeing him naked that it made her forget the situation.

Hinata was waiting for him in the foyer, still pink with happiness. Her shy smile widened a bit more when she saw Naruto approach. "Y-you didn't have to dress up just for me," she mumbled.

"Kaa-chan insisted…" Naruto scratched his cheek in embarrassment., "So… you're saying that you have a place to go to?"

"Y-yes, it's a nice one just a few blocks from here, Hanabi helped reserve us a table."

"...She's not joining us, is she?" Naruto asked, trying to keep the sourness out of his voice.

Evidently it wasn't enough because Hinata gave him a look. "No. She was just happy that I wanted to h-have a d-date with you…" she trailed off, blushing.

"...You said 'help.' Does Hanabi have some extra money saved away? How did she get us a reservation at a fancy restaurant?"


"Now now Manager-chan, if you want to cum, you're going to need to promise me that favor~"

"Hah~P-please Mistress, I-I neeeeeed to, i-it's so hot~"

"Now now pet, if you want to, you need to prrrooooomise~"

"I, b-but that s-seat is reserved f-for someone else."

"Hmm? Very well, if you can''t then I can't help you here either."

"N-no wait! I…I can pull a few strings and have the date fixed…"

"Good girl! Now…for your reward~"