chapter 116

"Ow! Hey, that was an accident!" he protested, pulling his hands back to rub at his cheek.

Erina said nothing, crossing her arms over her bust and glaring at him, her face glowing with embarrassment. Then her face softened as she realized what she'd done. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean- I- It was a reflex! Th-there's no way th-that was your fault or anything!"

Naruto grumbled, but gave her a lopsided smile to show that he wasn't actually angry. On the contrary, the memory of the sensation of Erina's plump tits on his hands cheered him up quite a bit.

"...Naruto? What is pressing against my leg?"

Naruto's grin fell as he groaned in exasperation. What the hell dick?! It couldn't even keep still for one casual grope? Sure it was already semi hard from his mother, but to spring up that fast…

"It's my kunai, uh, forgot to leave it at home from practice," he lied quickly.

"It feels rather soft for a knife," the blonde young woman pointed out, deadpanning.

"A-ah, well…"

Whatever he said in reply was lost as something registered to Erina's nose. She blinked and looked around, sniffing. "Eh? What's that?" she murmured. It was a tantalizing aroma, evading her ability to identify it as she took in breaths of it. She didn't realize that it was coming from Naruto; all that mattered was that it smelled fascinating. She closed her eyes, trying to figure out what it was. It smelled…delicious. Like something that even she, with her refined pallet, would gladly pounce on as a treat.

This seems VERY familiar… thought Naruto, sweatdropping as Erina swayed, sniffing curiously at the air around him. "Uh… Erina, what are you-YIPE!" Naruto suddenly found their positions switch, as suddenly Erina pushed him down, sniffing curiously around his body. He blushed a little as she inhaled around his neck and moved down. He had the sudden urge to groan in exasperation once again as he knew where she was going. She was like a blond Kizu at this point. Although, if this ended like their first time together, he wouldn't mind at all…

Erina shifted, crawling backwards off of him with her backside in the air; clearly she had no idea how silly she looked right now. Then she came to his crotch. The woman felt her heartbeat pick up in excitement as that mysterious smell grew even stronger, thicker. It smelled vaguely of meat, but it was so much more than that! She had to taste it!

Naruto didn't know what happened, but one second his cock was confined, the next his pants were down and felt the cold air around it.

Erina drank in the smell and sight of the strange meat in front of her. She breathed in deeply, sampling the distinctive aroma carefully. "Naruto…what IS this…" She muttered, her mind slightly catching up with what she was processing. She felt hot, flushed under her clothes as she examined the long, stiff…sausage sprouting from her date's groin, along with the fat sack at the base. Then her rebooting brain reminded her that they were out in the middle of a village road. "A...Aaaah…!"

There was a blur of motion and Naruto was suddenly picked up; he hurtled down a nearby alleyway with a yelp of surprise.

"...Are you sure you're not a ninja? Because you moved pretty fast…" he commented dazedly at they hid in the shadows between two buildings.

"A-adrenaline… w-what is that hanging off you and how is it there!?" Erina half shouted, peeking out the alley in fear, half expecting someone to walk by and see Naruto's half dressed body over her shoulder, "And… you're kind of light."

Naruto sighed. He supposed that he really should be used to explaining his gender to other girls…


"I-I see," mumbled Erina, staring at the younger boy's boner as it stood straight up. Its scent flooded her with every inhale, making her feel just a tad giddy; "It must be difficult, to have to hide something so magni- er, so h-hard all the time and pass as a girl…"

"Well, it's not all the time," Naruto clarified, "Just when there're pretty girls around."

Erina took a moment to register that, before blushing, "I-I'm…pretty?"

"Of course you are! You have lovely skin, beautiful hair, nice body, why wouldn't you be?"

Erina smiled slightly as she filled with happiness, "I…thank you Naruto…"

"Yeah…so, when girls are really pretty and close, sometimes this gets hard and it won't go down until it 'releases,' my mom would help, as well as a few other girls at school."

"That seems like a lot of work…" Erina commented in concern.

"Nah, it's not harming me or anyone, all the girls help out, it feels really good, and nobody walks away feeling bad."

"Is that so?" she mused, still staring at his long cock as it throbbed visibly, his heart circulating blood through it, "If that's the case…then, I suppose I could do no less."

Naruto blinked. "Eh?" If she meant what he thought he did, well… That was easy.

"I…" Erina swallowed, her face burning. "I'm saying I could…help, relieve you, if you need it."

"W-well… sure, one more always makes it easier… actually, why not right now since it's popped up."

"Eh?! N-Now?"

"Yeah, no time like the present; just to make sure you know what to do. Oh, and when I'm fully relieved, things tend to get pretty messy, so you er…might want to take your top off."