Chapter 3

As soon as both of them left Uncle Kai's room, Ryu had been directed to the teacher's office and by now dragging Ami along to look for the girl's homeroom teacher. They had separated when a teacher who pass by accidentaly saw them and Ryu was invited around look the teacher's room, while Ami's homeroom teacher asked Ami to follow her footsteps to the classroom that she would be staying with for some time.

Ami who was walking in the classroom's corridors that began to look silent as she walked with her two eyes glued to her guardian's back in the rubble.

'Ten minutes ago, i was go to the teacher's room to collect our homework and heard the teachers talked about there's going to be a transfer student in our class.'

'Sou desuka? Is she a pretty girl? I would like her to sit with me if she is a pretty girl.'

'I don't know, just keep waiting.'

(Sou desuka: really? In Japan)

The sound of some disciples' murmuring with a curious enthusiasm gave Ami a proud smile when she accidentaly heard that conversation. She is standing at the door of the room where her homeroom teacher had just turned. The girl then stood with a faint smile in front of the board, with an expression of shame made, Ami slipped her hair behind her ears and then smiled very sweetly at her current classmate, who looked at her curiously.

Ami's class teacher clapped the table in front of her body three times so that each head in the same room with her immediately stops all their activities and then paid attention to their teacher. "Today you have a new friend," she explained and gave the code for Ami to introduce herself immediately.

"Ohayou. I am Shimizu Assyami, please be kind to me!" Ami politely bowed her body to all her classmates who were already sitting in their seats. Almost everyone in the same room with her is now watching her with their eyes glaring in amazement at Ami who looks really cute today.

Just as Ami's homeroom teacher had wanted to say something, a tall man with messy hair and a school vest draped across his right shoulder suddenly opened the classroom door abruptly. The tall man with two bright moles in the corner of his right eye pocket lowered his head respectfully toward the homeroom teacher before gazing with his eyes glaring at the table in the corner of the room. He suddenly paused for a moment to count something, then suddenly threw his bag which is perfectly landed at the neck of one of the boys who had been staring at him angrily.

The male student whose neck was still circled with the swish of the bag slammed against the table in front of him so loudly, he then growled with an angry red face toward the boy with two knowing the fly was now staring at him with an unflattering smile.

 "Hey, asshole. Was my last punch not enough, huh?" shouted the boy, Tanaka, he then pull off the bag on his neck and threw it out the window, completely oblivious to the crude curse of the young owner of the student with messy hair who is  still standing in the classroom's doorway,

"Baka! You kept me going from the third floor to the ground floor. You wanna die, huh? Just wait, I'll finish you off after this," said the young man with the messy hair. He then ran and leapt down through the window after he caught a wink in his eye at the startled Ami.

(Baka: stupid)

"Okay. Staying calm where you are, don't hang around and wait for the teacher to teach!" said Ami's homeroom teacher with a casual expression and seemed totally untroubled by what had just happened in front of her eyes, as if it had become a habit and a common occurrence. After receiving a lazy nod from some of the little students, the teacher walked away from Ami scratching at the top of her nose.

"Hey! New student, you should sit there. In front of Haru's chair." One girl who had been quite concerned about Ami who had been just standing in front of the class pointed to an empty chair in the corner of the class by the window.

After nodding her head politely and giving her a nice smile, Ami moved toward the corner seat. The girl placed her bag beside the table and then settled herself peacefully in her own chair.

The girl sat silently watching her class as it began to look chaotic until she felt a vibration in her skirt's pocket. Ami then hurriedly checked her phone just to say a few words in a muffled voice, "What a prick."

~From: Ryu Baka

Happy studying, stupid girl!~

Ami growled bitterly before typing out a reply sentence for the message she had just received.

~To: Ryu Baka

Go to hell, you bigger fool!~

All the students who had been busy with a straight stare while whispering, noticed Ami's posture suddenly froze. Ami who had seemed to be babbling, were reading something on her phone screen, suddenly flushed in her face.

With a quick breath of trying to suppress her emotions, Ami turned to the window and gave a snarky glance at a messy hair young man squatting on the windowsill.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you?" Ami rudely threw the bag that had circled her neck. She then stand up to her feet and pulled roughly at messy hair of the young man who was now grimacing in pain. "Remember this word I said, insolent! Next time you do this to me, asshole. I'm gonna kick your ass." Ami then let go of her hand roughly and patted the palms of her hands before turning back to sit quietly on her own chair.

"I wish you would have hit me in the dark room where it's just you and me in it," said the messy hair young man so vulgar, succeeded in causing Ami to stare at him in the face of a flushed red.

The girl who a minutes ago had pointed out the chair for Ami suddenly got up and yelled loudly. "Haru! Watch your mouth, you hentai!"

(Hentai. : pervs)