Chapter 14

Hearing the narcissistic words just spoken by Haru with confidence, Ami closed her eyes in surprise and then without warning suddenly pulled at Haru's front blonde hair. As she did, Ami whispered with her red face up to her neck, "Keep dreaming, little boy!" 

Haru did not put up any fight and just clutched his tongue with one eye of his seductive beauty. The man then looked at Ami's back with a sweet smile.

On a parallel bench, Tanaka, one of the students who was one of the problem - seeking people was now gazing at Haru and Ami in turn with a bewildered frown. He was quite surprised by the gesture; he had never bothered him since the girl had entered their class. It wasn't that Tanaka was jealous, but it really made him uneasy that he'd never hit that boastful lot lately. 

While Tanaka was immersed in his strange thoughts, Ami was busy swearing inside his own mind. 

Jealous? Ah shit! Said Ami is in the heart.