Chapter 17

After taking a short drive on Haru's giant motorcycle, a young couple still in full school uniforms finally arrived at their destination. 

With the lazy movements that had been dragged to inu by the motorcycle owner, Ami climbed out of the back seat with an uncovered, annoyed face. But the girl remained silent and just kept following the steps of Haru's two long legs.

Once in front of the towering terrace, Ami transferred her gaze around and concluded something in her mind. "I really don't know why you forced me to follow you to this place, but this building really looks like a haunted house. I suspect you brought me here to commit a crime,'' said the pretty girl in a lazy tone. Her eyes were still busy looking left and right. The man next to her, Haru, gave a faint smile to see the side of her pretty face. 

There was a strange flash in his black eyes when he was saying, "Don't judge a book by it's cover. You know about that saying, don't you?"