Chapter 36

Ami suddenly kissed his father's right cheek softly, and then whispered softly enough to almost make Commander Akimura faint at that place, "I miss you, daddy." Ami said that sincerely, for some reason lately she had often missed her father if the old man was on duty out of the area. 

Some other female employees who saw the very rare scene silently shrank their tears in secret. Set eyes keenly looked intently at Ami. Almost half of the division's employees found out that Ami was Commander Akimura's daughter, although in the offices both parents looked at each other like harsh superiors and inferior subordinates. But the new thing they saw was that Ami appeared all to them; The spoiled side of the girl, her deepest desire, and the girl expressed her love for Commander Akimura.

As sakura stared at ami and her father turned with one eyebrow raised feeling a light pat on her right shoulder.