Chapter 51: Parker's last name is Nong

The flight attendant Ainsley's eyes sparkled with stars; this Lei Feng brother was too awesome, a veritable Divine Doctor, a true master!

"You don't have any serious health issues. Just watch your diet these days and avoid catching a cold!" Yusuf Zuck wasn't a real doctor, but he did know that women shouldn't catch cold during their periods.

He retracted his Telekinesis, and of course, before doing so, he deliberately scanned over Ainsley's body, considering this his consultation fee.

However, he also marveled at Ainsley's figure, which was absolutely top-notch, especially those... those two big buns, simply nosebleed-inducing.

"Hmm, and, don't go spreading the word that I treated you, eh? I like to keep a low profile, and I'm not really a doctor, I don't treat people." Yusuf Zuck chuckled heh-heh, where was he supposed to know how to treat any illness? He merely used telekinesis to perform a body scan for tumors or the like; beyond that, he knew nothing.