644 Chapter: To the Capital

Last time when the Liuhe Sect was wiped out, Yusuf Zuck obtained a wooden box from the sect's hidden compartment, which contained one Foundation Pill and one Big Fetus Breath Pill. Evidently, they were Clay Wright's private treasures, it's just that he hadn't had the chance to take them yet.

Yusuf Zuck entrusted the two elixirs to Ruth Wilcox for safekeeping, along with the Gold Leaf and Gold Coins and Gems, and now Ruth Wilcox was in charge of them all.

This time, when they came to the Dragon Gate World, aside from Yusuf Zuck carrying a dagger and a Treasure Sword, everything else was left at home, including Yusuf Zuck's Dragon Ball, which was still hidden under the step of his villa in the Capital City.

He had promised it to Elijah Burch, and since Elijah Burch's well-being was unknown, the object was kept, so that, should Elijah Burch appear alive and well in front of him one day, he could have an explanation for her.