Chapter 903: Astrology Theory

Directly to the south, there was a purple star, outshining all others in the sky. If stars could be compared to celebrities, then this purple star would be one of them.

"Predecessor, is that star also from the Origin Star System? It must be close, or it wouldn't appear so big and bright!" Yusuf Zuck asked curiously.

"No," Phoenix Thornton chuckled as she shook her head, "that star does not belong to this patch of sky, and it may not even truly exist!"

"Err... what do you mean?" Yusuf Zuck was momentarily confused. The star was clearly visible in the night sky—how could it not exist?

"That star once appeared over the Saint Dragon Continent, so it is not fixed, or maybe it is a symbolic star."

"What do you mean by that?" Yusuf Zuck knew Phoenix Thornton had something specific in mind.