Chapter 550: The Ringleader

The first thing to come out wasn't the test results but the punishment for Qian Zheng.

This was the first provincial joint exam, which held extraordinary significance for the entire provincial city.

Yet such a vile incident had occurred.

Qian Zheng was naturally made an example of and punished severely.

He was directly expelled from Experimental Middle School.

It was said that if it hadn't been for the cheating attempt, the punishment Qian Zheng would have faced could have been even more severe, perhaps even legal prosecution.

However, Qian Zheng didn't feel fortunate about this at all.

The law hadn't sanctioned him, but public opinion had already condemned him to rock bottom.

There were many students in the examination hall that day, and the director of political education had no intention of hiding the incident.

Word spread quickly from one to ten, ten to a hundred – soon, all students in the ninth grade knew about it.