Chapter 10: Demon Slaying Alliance

Qin Xiangtian, as the leader of the Qingtian Alliance, had been leading an unsettled life for the past two years.

Previously, they had fought a great battle against the Demon Slaying Alliance that left both sides crippled. And now, just as he prepared to launch another attack against the Demon Slaying Alliance, his two sons, one born of his legal wife and the other his illegitimate son, both died successively in the Qingling Mountain Range.

The most exasperating thing was that the killer who murdered his two sons still hadn't been captured.

The strategist of the Qingtian Alliance was a scholar named Li. The warriors of the Alliance referred to him as Advisor Li, while Qin Xiangtian called him Lishu Sheng.

Lishu Sheng, with a solemn expression on his face, walked up to Qin Xiangtian and said, "Alliance leader, I've checked. The wounds on young alliance leader Qin Xiang and Hall Master Zhang are identical. If I am not mistaken, this must be the work of the same person."

Upon hearing this, Qin Xiangtian flew into a rage, his temples throbbing and his fists clenched tight, making a cracking sound, "Very well, very well. That damned thief has the guts to kill my illegitimate son, and now he kills my legitimate son. If I do not avenge this, I, Qin Xiangtian, will be unworthy of being called a man!"

"Lishu Sheng, I give you a month's time to bring this villain to justice!"

Lishu Sheng smiled in response, "At your command, alliance leader. Actually, I already have some leads."

Qin Xiangtian asked, "What kind of leads? Let's hear it."

Lishu Sheng replied confidently with a smile, "Apart from the wound on young alliance leader Qin Xiang, I discovered two types of wounds on the bodies of other Qingtian Alliance warriors. One is a sword wound, almost identical to the one on the young alliance leader, which was caused by a particular sword skill."

Qin Xiangtian asked, "What about the other wound? Is it not a sword wound?"

Lishu Sheng answered, "Indeed, it isn't a sword wound but a spear wound. Moreover, it's a wound caused by a spear technique of no less than the Yellow Level Ninth Grade. The power revealed by the spear wound is extraordinary, and it should be the 'Flame Spear of Sky Burning'!"


Hearing "Flame Spear of Sky Burning", Qin Xiangtian's eyes widened in fury, and his aura surged out, breaking all the large trees within a ten-meter radius in half: "Flame Spear of Sky Burning! It was that savage woman from the Demon Slaying Alliance!"

"Yes, it's supposed to be Tiehai Tang!" Lishu Sheng agreed, "So, based on this, the person who killed the young alliance leader Qin Xiang and Hall Master Zhang should be from the Demon Slaying Alliance!"

Qin Xiangtian roared in fury, "Alright then, Demon Slaying Alliance, I won't rest until one of us is dead!"

"Lishu Sheng, find this person!" Qin Xiangtian bellowed, "I'll skin him alive!"

Lishu Sheng laughed, "I'm already in the process of contacting our insider in the Demon Slaying Alliance, who should have just returned there today. His presence will be very useful."



A deep, middle-aged man's voice came from within the cave mansion.

The leader of the Demon Slaying Alliance, Tie Feng, and Tiehai Tang both came out from inside the cave mansion.

Lin Bai and Qi Sheng glared at each other, both looking none too friendly.

"What are you doing!" Tie Feng roared in anger.

Qi Sheng replied, "Alliance leader, this man is a spy sent by the Qingtian Alliance. I was just about to eliminate the threat!"

"Ridiculous! Just because you say I'm a spy, I am one? Do you have proof?" Lin Bai coldly retorted.

Qi Sheng sneered, "I don't need proof. Just by looking at your cunning face, it's quite clear."

"Hahaha, it's hilarious. I haven't even mentioned your cunning face yet, and you dare accuse me. Look at your eyebrows, naturally rebellious. It's clear as day who has a treacherous face here, I won't bother saying it anymore, any discerning person can see it."

Lin Bai retorted sharply.

"Sharp tongue indeed! I'll knock out all your teeth, let's see if you dare to be so insolent!" Without wasting any more words, Qi Sheng moved to attack Lin Bai again.

"I ain't scared of you!" Lin Bai also unfurled his sword in defiance.

A bloody battle was about to break out contrastingly!

"Qi Sheng, stop it, this is my friend." Tiehai Tang moved to stand between the two of them and said seriously.

Upon seeing Tiehai Tang, a hint of tenderness and affection replaced the anger in Qi Sheng's eyes. He said, "Tang, step aside. I wouldn't want you to get hurt when I strike. Today, I will cut down this man no matter what!"

"Miss Tie, step aside. I, Lin Bai, have been around for quite some time, and I've never endured such humiliation. If I do not execute this man today, I will be letting down my sword!" Lin Bai spoke unforgivingly.

Tie Feng bellowed in anger, "Both of you, stop! Enough with the commotion!"

Boom boom boom——

Once Tie Feng spoke, his voice was full of vigor, mixed with an impressive aura of authority. It immediately suppressed the rage of both Lin Bai and Qi Sheng.

"True Martial Realm!"

From the moment Tie Feng spoke, Lin Bai had felt his power, which was undoubtedly that of a True Martial Realm surpassing the Martial Realm.

Qi Sheng was also taken by surprise and dared not continue fighting.

Tie Feng said, "This is our friend Lin Bai, who wants to join the Demon Slaying Alliance. He is not a spy from the Qingtian Alliance. This, I am certain of. Qi Sheng, stop slandering him or you shall face severe punishment according to our rules!"

Under the power of Tie Feng's True Martial Realm, Qi Sheng could only submit: "Yes, I understand."

Tie Feng said, "Friend Lin Bai, on behalf of Qi Sheng, I apologize for his recklessness."

Lin Bai sheathed his Soul-Slaying Sword: "Since the Alliance Leader has spoken, I, Lin Bai, am not a man to refuse. Let's consider this matter settled."

"Haha, you certainly possess the grace of a great hero. It seems Hai Tang wasn't wrong, you really show great potential." Tie Feng assumed Lin Bai would persist more, but he did not expect Lin Bai to cast away his grievances outright.

The breadth of his spirit, the magnitude of his demeanor, and the scale of his magnanimity surpassed Qi Sheng by far.

Tie Feng said, "I heard from Hai Tang that you want to join the Demon Slaying Alliance. If that's the case, let me give you the status of a Core Martial Artist."

"As a Core Martial Artist, you can go to the Martial Skill Tower within the Demon Slaying Alliance and select a martial art. You can also access the Qingling map."

Lin Bai didn't care much for the martial arts, but the map of the Qingling Mountain Range was his only reason for coming to the Demon Slaying Alliance.

Once he had the map, Lin Bai would know the locations of all the demon beasts in the Qingling Mountain Range. Then he could choose powerful ones to slay and utilize their energy to potentially advance to the Martial Arts Ninth Level within a month.

Hearing Tie Feng's words, Lin Bai gratefully responded, "Thank you, Alliance Leader!"

"Wait, I object!"

Just then, an angry voice came from the side.

Everyone turned to look at Qi Sheng, who spoke in grief and anger, "Alliance Leader, I've been in the Demon Slaying Alliance for three years now, and I'm not yet a Core Martial Artist. Why does this newcomer who just joined the Alliance get to be one right away?"

"Besides, we haven't cleared up his background yet. He might actually be a spy sent by the Qingtian Alliance!"

Tie Feng said, "You don't have to worry about that. I'm certain that Lin Bai isn't a spy for the Qingtian Alliance."

Tiehai Tang had just recounted what had happened in the forest to Tie Feng. If Lin Bai were really a spy sent by the Qingtian Alliance, sacrificing a lesser Alliance Leader to win Tiehai Tang's trust would be too steep a price.

Therefore, Tie Feng concluded that Lin Bai could not possibly be a warrior from the Qingtian Alliance.

Qi Sheng cried in anger, "Fine, even if he's not a warrior from the Qingtian Alliance, what qualifications does he have to become a Core Martial Artist?"

"In terms of strength, I far surpass him; in terms of time spent in the Demon Slaying Alliance, it is three years for me compared to his newcomer status; in terms of contributions to the Demon Slaying Alliance, I have killed over a hundred demon beasts at the Martial Arts Fifth Level. Three months ago, during the great battle between the Demon Slaying Alliance and the Qingtian Alliance, I also made substantial contributions!"

"In all aspects, I should be the Core Martial Artist. Why should this newcomer walk ahead of me?"

"This is unfair!"

So spoke Qi Sheng.

"Hehe, you call me a newcomer, I admit that, but when you say that your strength surpasses mine, I must disagree," Lin Bai shook his head and said.

Qi Sheng was furious, "You greenhorn, you talk big. In that case, do you dare to compete with me? If I lose, you can become a Core Martial Artist and I won't interfere. But if you lose, you must leave Demon Slaying Alliance immediately!"

"Okay." Lin Bai engaged in this confrontation with Qi Sheng.